Spinning this tonight. If you haven't in awhile, check it out. A lot of parallels to today.
We are the counterculture now. It's amazing how things have flipped.
Spinning this tonight. If you haven't in awhile, check it out. A lot of parallels to today.
It’s called GenX, bitchez. We just want to watch the world burn because we know we can deal with it! Show the proper respect!
Again . . . Matt Damon . . .
I found it..............death by lion..........Damnatio ad bestias (Latin for "condemnation to beasts") was a form of Roman capital punishment where the condemned person was killed by wild animals, usually lions or other big cats.the penalty should be public genitalia removal, then death by whatever being fed to a lion would be called (if anyone knows what that is called let me know) that would likely stop the issue, and like the sometimes great philosopher George Carlin would suggest, "put it on pay per view", use the money to fund something.....else.
Germany's largest Utility Company on verge of Bankruptcy with energy prices.
Germany falls all of the EU goes tits up.
Fucking MongoliansChinese Refusing To Pay Mortgages
More Chinese Homebuyers Refuse to Pay Mortgage Loans Amid Contagion Fears
A rapidly increasing number of disgruntled Chinese homebuyers are refusing to pay mortgages for unfinished construction projects, exacerbating the country’s real estate woes and stoking fears that the crisis will spread to the wider financial system.www.bloomberg.com
China steals tech and the state owns the companies. nobody Works for free in the US, and I think his plea for cheap gear will make It harder to do business.Yeah… But we are woke as fuck.
Pentagon official warns that China is acquiring new weapons five times faster than US
Air Force Maj. Gen. Cameron Holt says China is getting new weapons “five to six times” faster than the U.S. in speech about challenges the defense industry faces.www.foxnews.com
Swiss Farmers Join Protests. Publish Most Wanted List Of Globalist Criminals
First They Came For The Farmers. When people can not find food or afford food for their families. I think the pay back will come.The problem is all they have to do is wait these truckers and farmers out because they will run out of money
Money is losing its value pretty quick.The problem is all they have to do is wait these truckers and farmers out because they will run out of money
Hit this MF in the head with a shovel. What an annoying SOB