Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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And Puddin is talking about $200 billion for some other countries while wanting to do another round of funny for our banks. Inflation isn't done. This admin doesn't understand money. Once you flood the system with money you have to wait for it to work it's way through. Every time they print more money just extends the time frame of high inflation.
They understand just fine.
Man oh man keep your fingers crossed on this case. it would b fantastic if SCOTUS shut down the rule making and legislating ability of all these agencies of Government.
Make Congress Do Their Damn Job.
I work on a navy base. when I came into work today we were required to wear masks. It’s starting again.
Yeah, seeing that sorta shit here too.

Few days ago, the masked up commie medical minions announced a new bunch of fallacious covaids pseudo logical propaganda.

I'd sum it up as a manipulative rhetorical word salad, sprinkled with fear, anxiety, urgency and a dash of virtue signalled cocksuckery.

Whatever phase they [The Stalinda regime] are preparing for with this fuckin clotshot agenda,... is very concerning rn.


^^144-10 overall, what was O's record?^^



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