Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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How Long Until It Collapses? At these prices that is over 200/usd to fill my old chevy 4x4 which has a 34 gal tank. How are working families going to keep on working and feeding their families.
The New Grapes of Wrath but caused by fucking bastard Elite Trash that should all be decorating lamp posts.
Talked to a neighbor last night, they have 5 kids, they are clearing out and moving into the city, the can not afford to drive to work anymore in the city.

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It’s simple in shit hole CA. Just fill up and dash and keep it under $200. Only a misdemeanor


The white hats have put things into motion over time. This plan/op has been in planning for a very long time. We have Space Force, EBS activation, Star Link activation, mainstream media lawsuits are underway and will increase in numbers. Our current government is near collapse and our stock market will collapse. We have food shortages, baby food and fuel shortages.
Unfortunately there is not a smooth transition into the new era of Nesara/Gensara which is now being put in place. The list of our institutions and yes worldwide institutions that need to be destroyed or at least minimized is very long.
Law of War Manual 11.3/11.4 is very important and has been mentioned in this thread before.
Also keep in mind that events will happen with the Monarchy and the Vatican that will affect us all. Eliminating evil that has been present for longer than we know.
Oh and we won't have to say FJB until 2024, it could be a much shorter time frame.
Shit I typed too much.
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To a point yes. It’s the constant rehashing it day after day after day. We get it fuck stick.

I don’t think the military has it either. They’re just as fucking corrupt. See Mattis.
I feel like it will come down to how much of the military is willing to fight and kill us patriots who refuse to hand over our guns when the democrats finally find a way to make that happen. The libs are playing the long game but they have pressed the fast forward button because they know they don't have to win elections anymore. They also know you can only hide the vax deaths for so long as things are only going to get worse and soon. It is wishful thinking on their part to think they can somehow make a dent in gun ownership before the light is shed on what they have done.

The only obstacle in the globalist path are us patriots who will refuse to hand over our guns and are willing to actually use those guns if necessary. This is why they are gaying up the military and giving good solidiers a choice of vax or you're out. This is where former military people could play the biggest role of all if it goes down that way.


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