Lights out LV and southern Cali.Megadrought. Could cut Hoover Dam Hydro Power
Electricity and power collapse! Lake Mead is less than a day from dropping below 1,050 ft. - Only 5 of Hoover Dam's 17 turbines will be able to operate below this level - Strange Sounds
The largest reservoir on the Colorado River continues to plunge to new daily historic lows. Lake Mead is less than a day from dropping below 1,050 ft. in elevation. Only 5 of Hoover Dam’s 17 turbines will be able to operate below this level, and only as long as the lake stays above 950 ft. […]
Two ways to fight...fair or to win.
We are going to see that soon. Difference is the leading digit that cannot be displayed on the pumps. Add $10 and there you go.
My wife and I had the shingles vaccination early this year, everything is fine, just your arm is sore as shit for a few days, I do not want to get the shingles.Last year there were many commercials for Shingrex. In the disclaimer speaking portion they said one of the side effects was an increase in Guillain-Barre syndrome. The new commercials for Shingrex do not mention GB.
Evil people need to start dying in large numbers.Malnourished Babies Now Showing Up IN US Hospitals. Biden's FDA still holding up US Baby Formula Production.
Biden flies 31 tons of formula from Europe to US as crisis worsens
Efforts to alleviate baby formula shortages saw 31 tons of baby food loaded onto a military aircraft on Saturday that's now headed for
Two ways to fight...fair or to win.
Exactly what I expect from a Boob Enthusiast.
Truth Social
Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political
Truth Social
Truth Social is America's "Big Tent" social media platform that encourages an open, free, and honest global conversation without discriminating on the basis of political
We don’t (yet). But Durham does. Patience.
I Think We Had It Wrong We Were Thinking Beginning to End
The Movie is Being Played "Backwards"
Crazy Shit - I Think First Time EVER SCOTUS Received Full Time Heavy Security Protection
When This Was Posted by Q Nothing Was Happening to Indicate It Would Be Needed
Et tu.Think mirror.