The likely creator of the Georgia Guidestones
It's funny(ironically) that these corrupt globalist types claim to only perceive a future for humanity where everyone else has to drastically change,.... essentially just so that these corrupt globalists can continue indefinitely doing the same old-worn out-selfish-greedy-& detrimental practices.
Are we meant to simply ignore that humanity is in this current state of perpetuating retardation & increasingly proliferated degradation due to these corrupt globalist tards utterly moronic management and blindly selfish influence over humanity for the past decades, if not longer.
They must be just too absolutely corrupted to see/admit any other solution to the problems that they've directly & indirectly created.
They[the globalists] seem to assume as if it's their inherent right or entitlement not to take proper self responsibility, and instead to shift the consequences so to punish the whole of humanity, by virtue signaling and straight up lying, gaslighting, & projecting upon all others, their[the globalists] own shirked accountabilities.
Fuck them!
Humanity does need to become better, though this will not be the case if we keep following these shit heads.