Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Know who your teachers really are at your kids schools. Probably pay for back ground checks. Know what your school is teaching and how. This is evil and sick.
@Jayhox Has gone from one of the best posters in this thread to a drive-by emoji poster. He no longer posts anything of substance or shares his professional opinion on legal matters. It was good while it lasted. :rolleyes:
I’ve been really fucking busy with life, family, and work. You guys are doing just fine from what I can tell trying to catch up when I can. Before I respond I usually see someone else has already made the point I was going to make. I have a big hearing coming up in a few weeks and a couple of major matters currently in peak mode. I should be back to normal engagement in a while, but the Patriots can keep up the great work, as always. BUT I’M STILL FUCKING HERE!!!
Saw Klaus Schwab announced they are speeding up the 2030 agenda. Makes me wonder if they’re seeing something that has them concerned
Yah as families lose more loved ones and it becomes obvious that the vax and the policies of Politicians who forced the mandates and lockdowns is the cause. And folks can not get justice. Vigilante Justice will happen, plus the Sanctions imposed by Biden and the weak BETA western leaders ie Trudeau, UK and France, Boris and Macron destroy lives and cause famine. I think the collapse of the economy, and the coming famines will turn thousands and thousands against the Elite Trash. Hell look at supposedly stable Canada. They now have 6 plus Independence Parties in Provinces that either want to join the USA as a state or want a Republic or some such arrangement. Non of this is being reported or allowed on social media. Lots happening in America as well. Why do you think the want the Ministry of Truth. The Elite Trash understand that the game is ending for them. Look at the fence around DC. etc That is FEAR. The real question is, when do they start killing folks off. As Obama used to say, "We Had To Kill Some Folks"
Hell look at supposedly stable Canada. They now have 6 plus Independence Parties in Provinces that either want to join the USA as a state or want a Republic or some such arrangement.

First I’ve heard of this. Has this been posted here and I either missed it or forgot because a I had a few drinks?

My uncle is having a lot of issues since the booster. His blood is so thick they can’t hardly get a draw or provide a phlebotomy.

He straight up said he should have taken my advice on that damned jab. I told him to go get some NAC and see if it will help. Oh, I also told him about that video with the embalmer where he was pulling out blood clots nearly 2 feet long.
Just a doctored photo. Here is the original. If you guys get in the habit of clicking the tweets for the replies, will come to find out way too many tweets linked here are pure BS.


Still Faggots
I’ve been really fucking busy with life, family, and work. You guys are doing just fine from what I can tell trying to catch up when I can. Before I respond I usually see someone else has already made the point I was going to make. I have a big hearing coming up in a few weeks and a couple of major matters currently in peak mode. I should be back to normal engagement in a while, but the Patriots can keep up the great work, as always. BUT I’M STILL FUCKING HERE!!!
We've tried for years to teach people how to fish.

Sometimes this place reminds me of this:

First I’ve heard of this. Has this been posted here and I either missed it or forgot because a I had a few drinks?

My uncle is having a lot of issues since the booster. His blood is so thick they can’t hardly get a draw or provide a phlebotomy.

He straight up said he should have taken my advice on that damned jab. I told him to go get some NAC and see if it will help. Oh, I also told him about that video with the embalmer where he was pulling out blood clots nearly 2 feet long.
I think Alberta has about 4 groups alone. And 3 officially recognized Political Parties. Texas and Florida as well. Texit and Flexit
Just a doctored photo. Here is the original. If you guys get in the habit of clicking the tweets for the replies, will come to find out way too many tweets linked here are pure BS.

A whole lot of them. Mortgagehorn posted one earlier about all the ballots in Bolivia or wherever and that was from two years ago. It’s only took opening it and reading about 5 replies
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