Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
PSA here. Been catching some Sonic the Hedgehog on Hulu with the kids recently. That show rips on the left and the media constantly. I’m loving the fact my girls are so into it.
My favorite quote so far was remember kids everyone gets a medal, because if first you didn’t succeed, you actually succeeded. A lot of jabs at our media being owned by corporate America as well.
Spot on- my previous employer “requested” you login and scan your vaccination card into the system, even though everyone is working remotely. Just like they “requested “you to sign a billboard and put a I support lGTBQ magnet on your desk. Both items were brought up in my review and things went south quickly.
They have one extra magnet and one less employee that made them enough bonus money to send their kids to private schools while preaching equity and inclusion.
Mine did the same. I waited them out, and here we are. Still untainted.
PSA here. Been catching some Sonic the Hedgehog on Hulu with the kids recently. That show rips on the left and the media constantly. I’m loving the fact my girls are so into it.
My favorite quote so far was remember kids everyone gets a medal, because if first you didn’t succeed, you actually succeeded. A lot of jabs at our media being owned by corporate America as well.
Glad you enjoy a show with a guy who gave his gf an incurable STD, got her hooked on drugs, and forced her to commit suicide. Good on you sheep.

Biden’s Disinformation Chief: ‘There Are Many Non-Binary People Who Give Birth’​



I don't even know what to say anymore.
Breitbart link.
Under Biden the Ukraine conflict is spinning out of control and expanding.
Poland possibly invading Ukraine. Ukraine possibly invading Moldova.
Russia says will retaliate.
This is very bad for the American People. This was started by Clinton and even Obama had his hand in this mess. Trump was right, NATO should have been shutdown.

Fuck him...........

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