Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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This is fine. Ukraine gets a bottomless check from our wholly compromised resident in chief, but $5B for a wall to secure our own border was completely unacceptable to these corrupt mfers. 🤬

(Yes, I fully understand the uniparty's objective is to destroy our country - they don't even try to hide it and yet so many sheeple are still completely unaware.)
Don’t forget that Bill Gates is the largest private owner of farmland in
the Nation now.
I've read people worrying about this, but the amount of land Gates owns is about equal to the farmland and potential farmland in the little county I live in East TN. There are Montana ranchers who own many times over what Gates owns. It's not feasible that an individuals or corps could corner the market on farmland. Only gov't control will be able to accomplish that.

What should be a signal to everyone is that Gates believes farmland is now a good place to put his $$$. Food is eventually going to get scarce and expensive.
I've read people worrying about this, but the amount of land Gates owns is about equal to the farmland and potential farmland in the little county I live in East TN. There are Montana ranchers who own many times over what Gates owns. It's not feasible that an individuals or corps could corner the market on farmland. Only gov't control will be able to accomplish that.

What should be a signal to everyone is that Gates believes farmland is now a good place to put his $$$. Food is eventually going to get scarce and expensive.
Gates has said repeatedly in public that the world population needs to
he reduced to 500,000 people. He believes he can reduce it by 15-20 percent
using vaccines.

Him having control over anything concerns me greatly.
I've read people worrying about this, but the amount of land Gates owns is about equal to the farmland and potential farmland in the little county I live in East TN. There are Montana ranchers who own many times over what Gates owns. It's not feasible that an individuals or corps could corner the market on farmland. Only gov't control will be able to accomplish that.

What should be a signal to everyone is that Gates believes farmland is now a good place to put his $$$. Food is eventually going to get scarce and expensive.
This is a massive simplification but:

The farmers have been getting squeezed for generations

The financiers have unlimited capital so they can buy the land as they desire

They have tried to price people out of eating healthy and substitute their synthetic, sadistic food

The nation states are all controlled so now they move on to the people

And that happens via the food supply

Idk if we have any farmers or Gardners itt, but decentralized food via individualized mass food self reliance is a solution

Elections and Elon Musk buying twitter pales in comparison
I've read people worrying about this, but the amount of land Gates owns is about equal to the farmland and potential farmland in the little county I live in East TN. There are Montana ranchers who own many times over what Gates owns. It's not feasible that an individuals or corps could corner the market on farmland. Only gov't control will be able to accomplish that.

What should be a signal to everyone is that Gates believes farmland is now a good place to put his $$$. Food is eventually going to get scarce and expensive.
Much of Gates' land purchases are over aquifers as well. But then most of the SE farm land is over aquifers.
No doubt China lies but when you consider we have a political party in power that's working against their own country its not a stretch of the imagination. Attacking our own energy sector while bussing and flying illegals all over the country is proof positive Depends Joe and his handlers are working overtime against us. The shittiest part of it all is we've got three more years.

There's a bright spot......the mid-terms. Once the pubs win back Congress, launch investigates and impeach Biden for the border. If Heels Up Harris refuses to fix the border impeach her hoor ass as well.
Ha! Pubs in DC going after Biden corruption…

If you have a blm mind warped acquaintance and want to explode their mind with some covid 19 scrutiny, here's a good one

this really isn't a hard one

Maybe he was a true warrior in the beginning but

Look up what he's said about 9/11 and his silence on our good friends @ Mossad

trust the Plan*
Who pumped TSLA? Not who are the biggest (current) shareholders now, but who actually pumped it?

If you don't know the answer to that question, you aren't even playing the same game.
This is a massive simplification but:

The farmers have been getting squeezed for generations

The financiers have unlimited capital so they can buy the land as they desire

They have tried to price people out of eating healthy and substitute their synthetic, sadistic food

The nation states are all controlled so now they move on to the people

And that happens via the food supply

Idk if we have any farmers or Gardners itt, but decentralized food via individualized mass food self reliance is a solution

Elections and Elon Musk buying twitter pales in comparison
Can't really speak to genetics, but I do know seed is controlled pretty tightly. While I can see indoor farming of fruits/vegetables happening on a mass scale with the right investment you cannot replace space needed for production of grains/peanuts/cotton/corn/soybeans aka "row crops". What can be replaced is who owns those lands.
also farmers, for my entire life have been at the mercy of the buyers. Farmers do not set the price for their product and typically have very little option in methods to sell outside of the major buyers. You can pay to store certain commodities hoping for a difference to come within a few months, and that happens from time to time, but that's about it.
Ha! Pubs in DC going after Biden corruption…

View attachment 97026

Yeah, well I was saying what should happen, not necessarily what will happen. Most likely scenario is the Pubs hopefully keeping Depends Joe in check. I don't know why but it seems the Pubs in the House has a lot of trust/respect for Cali rep. Kevin McCarthy as the next Speaker. I'd much prefer Jim Jordan. He's more of a fighter that would push for the right agendas. McCarthy is Paul Ryan, the sequel.
Who pumped TSLA? Not who are the biggest (current) shareholders now, but who actually pumped it?

If you don't know the answer to that question, you aren't even playing the same game.
Lol now this I want to hear

I'm sure the environment destroying tesla whose marketing is effectively based on the lie of man made global warming, which is owned by Blackrock and Vangaurd somehow means put our faith in Julian Assange and trust the plan

Do inform
Saying they have covid is a red badge of courage to the libs. Whether they actually have it or not.

This was a very intriguing statement and it caused me to consider. I think you're correct if you're talking about the media. Today's media working in lockstep with one political power while squashing all dissenters is something that Joseph Goebbels would marvel at.

Joseph Goebbels - IMDb

Now, if you're talking about public opinion, then I don't think it would hold as much weight. Back in the 30s, the people of Germany, just like the US, was trying to rebound out of an economic crisis.... theirs was a hyper-inflation while the U.S. was dealing with a depression. Both peoples had a oneness of looking for a better way.

Today we have a split society of those who believe the corrupt media and the other half of us who know that they're lying pieces of shit. So as far as a society, minus the media, the US and Nazi Germany were more alike in the 30s than what we have today.....and of course I'm talking before the first shots were fired to start WWII.
I was referring primarily to our government and media. The average German citizen simply followed the propaganda. We're blessed at a time when outside information is more readily disseminated, and therefore far fewer are blind and asleep. But we still have people who believe our world police actions and global king making missions are based on altruism and not corruption and power.
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