Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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On the business communication platform Slack, some Twitter employees vented against the new owner, leaked messages reveal.

“Physically cringy watching Elon talk about free speech,” a site reliability engineer who identifies as a nonbinary transgender and plural person wrote.

“We’re all going through the five stages of grief in cycles and everyone’s nerves are frazzled,” wrote a senior staff software engineer who called Musk an “a**hole,” and tried to console his colleagues. “We’re all spinning our wheels, and coming up with worst case scenarios (Trump returns! No more moderation!). The fact is that [Musk] has not talked about what he’s planning on doing in any detail outside of broad sweeping statements that could be easily seen as hyperbolic showboating.”

A senior staff video engineer announced he would be quitting, “Not the place to say it perhaps, but I will not work for this company after the takeover.”
1- Hard times create strong men--

In our time, we had men who grew up in actual hard times. the great depression was followed by a massive world war. It created STRONG men. A GREAT generation who came back and created good times in the USA.

2- Strong men create good times.

Things were pretty damn good. Men were at work.. the economy was taking off. Kids popping out everywhere. Neighborhoods and development took off.

We created a lot of tech... inventions...etc.. GREAT TIMES!

3- Good times create weak men

But those kids during that time grew up to weak. They had it easy. They didn't see the need to discipline their kids. It's just too hard on them to cut the grass. It was harsh to have a school put the board to the ass of a kid for smarting off to the teacher. ETC... In fact... "Just let them grow up to be what every they identify with" because we don't want the trouble of saying NO!!! What will people think after all??

4- Weak men create hard times

Now those weak men control almost everything. And hard times in every aspect of our lives are here.

- Men who can not compete against other men because it's just too hard found a way to "win" and damn it... APPLAUD THEM! And those weak men stand up and say "it's ok".

- Those weak men think that nobody should have to work... just give them money for those willing to work

- Those weak men think that everything is an actual issue so they must act to fix the issue that's not really an issue..... and have no thought of killing the economy.

- They are so emotional and full of estrogen that the cutting of a tree (that's replaced by replanting a new one) so they can wipe the tears from their eyes is wrong.

- They are so emotional that killing Bambi is evil...

- So full of estrogen that football is evil because it's too violent.

- So full of estrogen that everything around them hurts their VERY SOUL!!!!

These people will create hard times that will bring about STRONG men who step up to say... ENOUGH. "Look, kid... You have nuts... and a penis. GROW UP and either get on the field with other men and go home BUT you will NOT take your emotional ass out there to pick on a girl because you don't have a spine!"

It's going to create men who step up and say, "I have been silent too long and if I don't stand up and be louder than the screaming little kids that never grew up.... everything is going to crumble because this type of a society can not function and stand!"

Soft men create soft women
Germany is heading for an economic depression shortly. This will bring down the EU because they have been carrying Greece, Italy, Spain and France economically. Our markets will take a massive downturn as a result. This happening in a midterm year should guarantee Republicans 65-80 seats in the House and 7-8 in the Senate if there isn't massive voter fraud.

The rioting and unrest in North Africa and the Middle East will be something to watch this summer. EU will get flooded with low iq migrants. Unfortunately our Southern border will destroyed as well.

Seen 4 different Mexican homeless families asking for money recently. This is rural NC. We are importing the ‘homeless’!

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