When Bloomberg Runs This Ad You Know It's Past Time
Can't recall where or what exactly I was reading the other day, that was mentioning that there had been some ongoing investigation and that all those involved in that particular investigation just so happened to be present at this specific part of the Pentagon when this devastation occurred.Stirring the Pot LAC
I'm Right and You Non-Believers Need to WTF Up
Joe's Sanctions are working Good. He is killing off the USA, what a MORON. Get rid of professional politicians.
I don't think this really qualifies as sanctions, and this is against an individual, not the country itself. To me it is seizing an individual's assets because he is from the same country that is currently invading Ukraine.“Sanctions”.
Are they legal? Good question.
Lol. I literally just got on to Truth 20 mins ago.Twitter right now
Don't have a crApple so cannot download itLol. I literally just got on to Truth 20 mins ago.
@SomeRandomClown if you’d like to follow.
A lot of women who vote watch this shit.What a moron. Do people actually watch that show?