Not to mention that during the summer months it rains 2-3 times a day.Well they could just water the plants with the fresh water they weren’t using.
Great point. I should’ve added, the value of the local church can be the best/most accessible option for many...everyone has their own path but if it’s the right one, they all lead to the same place.The gospel is so simple that even a fool or a little child can understand. But as Paul said, how will anyone hear it without a preacher? Local bodies of believers were ordained by God, and Paul told them how to biblically structure their churches.
Why is "church" important? Because if you find a church committed to the truth, you won't just find and learn about Jesus, you'll find and learn the real Jesus, not the false Jesus that is prevalent in America today, the one who will send riches your way if you just have enough faith.
When one becomes born again, they still need help. We will always need help. God often provides that help through other believers, and most of the time that will come through your local church.
Kevin can't be the next speaker. He is a complete pussy.
That’s why I said she’s like the kid running for class president promising more recess time.She isn't governor, she's running against the duckweed that was over that shit show doucy or something
Different piping systems so you need cross connects and hydraulic analysis to tell you where and how big but yea that’s basically what they did. I just thought it was interesting that they supposedly have 2 billion in landscaping.Well they could just water the plants with the fresh water they weren’t using.
Do you get the sense the elites are scared?
Am I missing something?,...Keep my name out your fucking mouth
By the time this mess is over we could see the break up of the EU perhaps Canada or maybe even the US slide into CW2. The Globalists and their puppets the Democratic Communists are trying very hard to destroy America.Pakistan PM was just ousted. US backed a coup against him and he did some legal maneuvers that should of got him a public election but the government was pushed by the US to vote "no confidence".
Just glad to know our state dept is just out there doing the lords work on our behalf.
Ya'll heard about the map of Russia the State Dept has been floating around? Supposedly they want to break Russia up into 5 separate countries. That is how you get a peace deal right there.
Or they could have just ran all the faucets into the existing sewer to the water treatment plant.Different piping systems so you need cross connects and hydraulic analysis to tell you where and how big but yea that’s basically what they did. I just thought it was interesting that they supposedly have 2 billion in landscaping.
It is actually substantially higher than these numbers. What is the single largest cost to every single tax payer in America. Higher than food, clothing housing gas diesel combined.Here is a Block-Chain That Does the True Measure of Inflation They Say 13+%
Truflation is the true inflation index created by the HydroLabs team with the goal to provide the most objective, decentralized, and frequent inflation updates possible.
The first product is the US Truflation index, with many other true fiat indexes to come, as inflation spreads around the world and hits local economies.
Based on the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) data and calculations, we deconstructed and remastered the most popular inflation index in the world, CPI, to better reflect consumer spending habits and the real market price changes.
The US Truflation Index takes us out of the middle ages of the monetary debate directly into the future of the decentralized economy through transparent, open-source data collection and access.
Jordan has been shouting truth from the mountaintops for some time...doesn’t do much in the short term but the constant lies are finally getting exposed more prominently in the national discourse. Durham will be the tipping point, even Dems know the Hunter story won’t go away.
Impeaching him isn’t for political purposes; letting him wander around and mumble like the old, demented man he is hits way harder politically.
Sounds like Germany is going behind their green's to get some oil and gas. Their businesses are warning of catastrophe but their politicians are full steam ahead with zero co2.Austrian Chancellor's face to face with Putin. Austria's side of story.
ZeroHedge - On a long enough timeline, the survival rate for everyone drops to
I heard one of the owners died recently. So that person had their end of life ruined by this college. I'd start suing individuals at the college making decisions.Oberlin College refuses to pay $33M?!!! I'm curious as to what happens if they maintain this stance. If they lose the appeal, then what? I'm guessing the Baker will get his dough. I just think it'll be even more funny for the woke college to fight it all the way and inflict more harm to themselves, monetarily and publicly. Fitting for such smug dooshbags.
Would be wild.
Interesting guy. I like how he changes the title and they discuss the power of narratives:
But I am very skeptical to their own indoctrination on the topic of democracy. The west has itself to blame for the rampant distrust and how other powers are now using that against them. In no way does this make it wrong for people to disconnect from the notion that the west if far from democratic. I'll never buy into that trick ever again.
I actually like how Russia is challenging the global power structure minus the take over and killings, however the west is just as guilty of the same thing. I like how this guy goes much deeper and holds the west accountable on other levels many do not. I'll just never buy into the democracy BS as it's been totally revealed that such is a very much a scam and as for historians ... LOL ... the more listen to this kind of talk the more it sounds like 1984 is not far off for the west as I do not beleive they can save themselves from themselves as they continue to blame everyone else.
Very interesting guy. I don't buy it all but I do like him for how he digs deeper than most. Good Share ...
I love his response in the following I really need to soak more of this guy up and learn to ground myself when listening:
I also like how he is dong more to deescalate talk on other nations - particularly China whilst others just want war. In fact this helps me understand more why China is pushing forward so hard on the technological frontier regardless of power mongering agendas that I am sure every powerful nation is capable of - but separate to that is his points on how people are missing the point re the 'data race' in fact I can see how it's less a space race for china but defiantly a competition for data and again not for the marketed BS people think that be about. Alas while ADD grows and TLDR prevails ... well you get the picture.
Fucking awesome share!!! Off to ride me bike and digest more of this guy. He has a good flavor minus how others will not doubt promote him. I am open to hear more from this guy. Great info for deprogramming ... at least it seems that way when I listen. Not often you get that from today's speakers dominated by western ideals. Can the west save itself from itself whilst other nations forge forward? I think the west will just push for war in the same way they did with 9/11. This guy even touches on that. Very interesting. A+++++ Is good to hear from new blood.
Thanks for the education @CuriousFiend ... How did you get onto this guy? I guess I have been under a rock and I rarely get into the politics we nation states on such a level. I guess you have been following closely?
It will take me a while and a few watches on this guy to get my head around his take ... but seems worthwhile to me.
#Heads up-long Post.
To address the rat shit "Ponder" left in his wake.
My bad, folks,...this dude "Ponder" seems to have been portraying a deceptive appearance.
Only recently conned onto it.
Wouldn't have recommended him to TFSF, had I been aware.
I was temporarily blinded by virtue of acting in what is just and true.
I'd found"Ponder" being bullied.
So of course jumped right in.
We won the battle.
Both achieved permanent bans.
I admit to extending a degree of responsibility for "Ponder" in the first weeks.
Occasionally to my detriment, always his benefit.
I'm motivated to make it known that I acknowledge accountability for any unnecessary inconveniences due to "Ponder" posting covertly manipulative shit.
(ie: that strategically garbled-"holier than thou"-nonsense)
No idea what this fullas intentions are, but I can fuckin recognize his lame attempts at "Gaslighting" everyone and "Smearing" me.
It may not be apparent, but there's another underlying message hidden within his post quoted below.
He's exploited, what he seems to think is a weakness, using personal insight gleaned from our PMs.
(He's basically smiling and screeching loudly, as if pained, while stabbing me in the back and spitting on everyone else)
Recently he'd posted that he's quitting TFSF.
A hostile email earlier today, quoting a post I made this morning, suggests he's keeping tabs, or something I guess?
(Straight to spam bin)
#The following is specifically for "Ponder".
Though your veiled ways,
be harmful and untrue.
I do thank you greatly,
teaching knowledge so due.
#Spam bin.
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