Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Trump has made some pretty bad endorsements… Nobody can dispute that.

He's buddies again with Kevin McCarthy, welcomed Ronna Romney back into the fold. It's more than bad endorsements. In his 18 months out of office, he's making the same lunatic, idiotic decisions that wrecked his first term. Next thing we'll hear is that he's made peace with Mitch McConnell.
Yore the asshole that is going the wrong way
Yah sometimes. Sometimes Mischief Is Important. Some mornings I just like to cause confusion in the parking lots at Walmart. Rile up Grandma.
What started it was my wife. I absentmindedly did it once by accident not enough coffee. And it triggered her. HA HA HA.
Well hell a guy has to have a little excitement in his life. So I would randomly do this to her with a perfect poker face. Bless her cotton pickin heart ha ha ha
Damn dude… Prozac. Take it. Minimum 30mg.

Why did that cabal cheat to remove Trump? Why do they accuse him of exactly what the Biden Family does?

This thread is for conspiracy… but you need to stop eating your tinfoil hat.
To further the illusion that Trump is outside of the cabal

They did it in such an obvious fashion to express their power and to set up Jan 6th
My guess on this is that many of these college educated women are more easily convinced that the democrat party ideals (about feelings and such) are more in line with their feelings and thus they trend that direction. Like they have to have some sort of mission or cause to back up.
The Truth is Women Have No Business Voting or Being in Politics

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