Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Having received compensation for child sexual abuse during 2019, I have a good idea of what constitutes a pedo and don't use or respond to the term lightly. I understand the term seems to be your chosen word to express and appreciate the warning but something tells my I think my dignity will come out the other side in tact.

Could you please explain beyond this mans alleged child molestation exploits as to what views of his your struggling with? What's his angle that makes his take so outrageous compared to others? You have my attention. Need more information as the provided images do little for me.
Go read the WEF literature he designed a lot of their Globalist Agenda.
If you are a WEF Cultist feel free to block me. I have no time for Globalist Fuckery.
Go read the WEF literature he designed a lot of their Globalist Agenda.
If you are a WEF Cultist feel free to block me. I have no time for Globalist Fuckery.
Ok - I can appreciate it's all very deep and complex stuff (questions the effort but fair enough - I should follow it up as you suggest) Whilst I too tend to switch off easily at the mention of subjects the prick my own programming/bias - I find it is often worth hearing all sides as objectively as one can get.

I don't feel the need to block you at all. Thanks for key words. I'll check it out.
For sure. There is a lot more to it than meets the eye. The Sheepish response just like CV has been and is still quite strong, but again I think it pays to sift through the camps of those influencing the status quo. That way we can offer more than just tweets and memes. It's not so much the information itself but how its spun.
Absolutely, the ice caps melted, and like in Eldon times like today most folks live near the water. When it flooded nothing was left of these great civilizations but stories and rumors eventually became what we call Atlantis
I think much of ancient megaliths, and structures are much older than what we are told. The Egyptians and even the Incans just built on top of the pre existing structures.
I disagree with the author who states that the Western Leaders intended to drive out the BRICS from the west. That leaders like Biden and Trudeau and the EU leadership actually all are following a plan.
On this I disagree. I think they are morons, look at the depth of the IQ's involved.
Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Trudeau, Johnson, and the EU morons.
All BETA bed wetters.
These are all MORONS, somebody has to tell them to remember to wipe your ass and wash your hands when they go to the bathroom. Pay attention to the map. The MSM in the west makes it sound like the whole world is on the side of the EU and the USA. Do the math. Canada, 35M people, UK 80M people USA 300 plus people EU 400M people.

So 800M in the west subtracted from 8B people = 7.2B who are not on your team. The EMPIRE of LIES.
If George Soros is backing the Ukraine then I smell a trap.

Absolutely, the ice caps melted, and like in Eldon times like today most folks live near the water. When it flooded nothing was left of these great civilizations but stories and rumors eventually became what we call Atlantis
You think it flooded over time or catastrophically? If the levels rise take a large step backwards every decade and your good.
They say Contrails. "Don't Eat That Elmer, That Be Horse Shit"
"Further investigation revealed that a large commercial jet was flying in that area around the time that the photos and video were taken. The aircraft was contacted and reported normal flight operations on its way to JFK airport in New York. Troopers believe that the photos and videos showed a contrail from the commercial jet combined with the rising sun which together caused the unique atmospheric sight," the statement read.

They don't intend to die.

They know this insanity will be unpopular. It will get parents riled up all over the country once they hear about it. They know what happened in Afghanistan and Ukraine makes them look weak and incompetent. They know the price of gas is a disaster for them. They know their immigration policy will be crippling.

They know all of that, but they do it anyway. They went to all that trouble in 2020 just to see it all swept away in one term? Their disdain for voters should warn us that they don't intend to face the voters. Or alternatively, they have a new cheat lined up that will make a mockery of 2020. Either way, they're not going to take a chance that someone who isn't their candidate ever gets in the oval office again.
They know the most hardcore radicals will help in their cheating ground game. They probably need 10,000 or less willing to cheat the legal voters. That’s who they are winning over.
Absolutely, the ice caps melted, and like in Eldon times like today most folks live near the water. When it flooded nothing was left of these great civilizations but stories and rumors eventually became what we call Atlantis
I disagree with the author who states that the Western Leaders intended to drive out the BRICS from the west. That leaders like Biden and Trudeau and the EU leadership actually all are following a plan.
On this I disagree. I think they are morons, look at the depth of the IQ's involved.
Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Trudeau, Johnson, and the EU morons.
All BETA bed wetters.
These are all MORONS, somebody has to tell them to remember to wipe your ass and wash your hands when they go to the bathroom. Pay attention to the map. The MSM in the west makes it sound like the whole world is on the side of the EU and the USA. Do the math. Canada, 35M people, UK 80M people USA 300 plus people EU 400M people.

So 800M in the west subtracted from 8B people = 7.2B who are not on your team. The EMPIRE of LIES.
If George Soros is backing the Ukraine then I smell a trap.

These people ARE stupid. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t a massive coordinated effort by corrupt world leaders. We can’t afford to assume they are merely morons.
I disagree with the author who states that the Western Leaders intended to drive out the BRICS from the west. That leaders like Biden and Trudeau and the EU leadership actually all are following a plan.
On this I disagree. I think they are morons, look at the depth of the IQ's involved.
Biden, Harris, Pelosi, Trudeau, Johnson, and the EU morons.
All BETA bed wetters.
These are all MORONS, somebody has to tell them to remember to wipe your ass and wash your hands when they go to the bathroom. Pay attention to the map. The MSM in the west makes it sound like the whole world is on the side of the EU and the USA. Do the math. Canada, 35M people, UK 80M people USA 300 plus people EU 400M people.
Do you really believe that people like Trudeau, Biden, Macron, ect... are making any decisions at all?
Well the ‘Globalist’ view of winning is 20 years of funding military industrial complex. They definitely don’t want to miss this opportunity since Afghanistan dried up.

it’s interesting to see spicoli take on this, and aligning with hannity and further war. Spicoli has a hard on for Ukraine 🇺🇦. Probably to promote his documentary. While Hannity kept on trying to frame his views were from Reagan. Dumbasses don’t realize this whole shit show on foreign policy started with bar none the worst president, Woodrow Wilson (d), who sent this country down a dark path for a 100 plus years (had to get my dig in)
I would like to see Spicoli discussing this with Jimmy Dorr who has other takes.
Hitler got what he wanted from the media.

Zelensky gets what he wants from media.

Azov is clearly Nazi. Many other neo nazi too. People refuse to connect these dots because they are mired in corruption.

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