Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Almost impossible to be friends with the left anymore, pure evil. Most say they oppose this stuff, but they sure like voting these shit people into office
Never pass. Would take too much money away from the abortion industry. Why pay/have taxpayers pay for an abortion when you can have the kid for a test trial and then put it to bed in a dumpster if you don’t like it.
Honestly never like Pence and in the end he was a traitor. He did not have the juice.
Biden is a criminal that should be locked in an insane asylum. Incinerate the fucking world to defend NAZI's in Ukraine and hide his own family corruption and criminal activities in the Ukraine.

USA needs a revolution and clean out DC. Decorate every lamp post

Ladies and gents keep up the good work.

I'm off to get the first of two new knees next week and won't be around for a while.
Be wary, the percodan they gave me was absolutely delightful and killed the pain, but it screws with your pee pee sensory nerves from your bladder to your brain. Almost pissed myself several times. My wife used to laugh at me on the walker moving at ’high’ speed trying to get to bathroom.

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