Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I just got back from 4 days in Chicago on a family vacation. Let me say that we had a great experience and aside from the homeless dude who told me he was going to kick my ass (I looked at him and then told him he'd have to also kick my 6' 1" and 6' 4" son's asses as well, he made the right decision!) that city fvckin' rocks. SOOOOOOO much better than NYC. Better food and better environment. So, I get back to central FLA and gas is $4.39/gal (up .50 FVCKING CENTS from when I left on Friday). FML. What the F did I miss ON TFSF cuz I'm not reading 40 pages.
Gas at the 711 by my house went up $0.20/gal two times yesterday. $3.99 when I dropped the kids off at school, $4.39 after soccer.
I’m right there with you. My mother had a lump in her arm she found the other week. She made appointment with the doctor for the following Wednesday, that Saturday she saw the doctor because he’s my dad’s business partner and best friend. By By the time she get to the office three days later it was already larger.
Turns out it’s It didn’t start inner arm is starting to her breasts and has already spread to her arm. All they know is it has spread to her chest because I did x-rays but she’s going to MD Anderson on the 26. And apparently this cancer doesn’t take too good to treatment from medicine.
We have no history of cancer in the family and I told my parents not to get the jab.
But I was just a conspiracy theorist my stuff sounded good but there’s no way the government actually do that kind of stuff to us. Fucking Fauci

Prayers Brother


^^and none for ours^^

Subject: FW: Letter to the Boss
I have enjoyed working here these past several years. You have paid me very well and given me benefits beyond belief. I have 3 to 4 months off per year, and a pension plan that will pay my salary till the day I die and then pay my estate one year's salary death bonus and then continue to pay my spouse my salary with increases until she or he dies along with a health plan that most people can only dream of having.
Despite this, I plan to take the next 12 to 18 months to find a new position. During this time I will show up for work when it is convenient for me. In addition, I fully expect to draw my full salary and all the other perks associated with my current job. Oh yes, if my search for this new job proves fruitless, I will be coming back with no loss in pay or status.
Before you say anything, remember that you have no choice in this matter. I can, and I will do this.
Every Member of Congress running for Re-Election

^^and none for ours^^

Ah, so Africa will be the test lab for the killing fields. Gates, the other depopulation billionaires, and the enviroNazis have always wanted to depopulate Africa. Hence, the reason they banned DDT for killing mosquitos. They prefer the people die from malaria. Apparently, they aren't dying quickly enough so they want to enhance the death rate with mRNA vaccines.
Ah, so Africa will be the test lab for the killing fields. Gates, the other depopulation billionaires, and the enviroNazis have always wanted to depopulate Africa. Hence, the reason they banned DDT for killing mosquitos. They prefer the people die from malaria. Apparently, they aren't dying quickly enough so they want to enhance the death rate with mRNA vaccines.
From another board.

So they could impact the election?

Fact: the virus was manipulated through gain of function research to infect humans.

Fact: The United States government paid for the gain of function research that created the virus.

Fact: China has never admitted responsibility nor that the virus came directly from the WIV.

Fact: the election was absolutely negatively impacted by the voting protocols put in place due to the WuFlu. (despite it's 99.03% survival rate)

Fact: nearly EVERY narrative pushed by liberals, cucks, and the media was a lie. From the origin of the virus from a bat to the mortality rate of the virus to the effectiveness of masks, to the efficacy rate of the vaccine. IT'S ALL BEEN A LIE

Fact: Ukraine has been the center of much fuckery and corruption for decades. (Burisma anyone?)

Fact: some of you are now learning of a minimum of 36 bio labs in Ukraine that were funded by various US agencies. (Some of us already knew this)

Fact: the left and the cucks have whipped themselves into an absolute frenzy over this "war" even more so than they did about the previously mentioned virus. They are absolutely beside themselves trying to convince the world to come to Ukraine's defense to stop Russia's onslaught into their fuckery playground.

This means, as usual with liberals and Cucks that they're hiding something.

Are they terrified that Putin now has EVIDENCE that "they" staged and executed the entire damn thing to beat the bad orange man and blame it on China?

Did they develop that shit in a Ukrainian lab funded by US dollars and then released it in China (to blame China) at the world military games in 2019 so it would spread globally?

Definitely food for thought.

This would not make the rest of the world happy. Everything went through Ukraine. Everything. Its all coming out

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