Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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The Ukraine “invasion” is a current, real-time anti-cabal op. Ukraine and the Deep State are attacking innocent civilians and nuclear plants to cover up what is really going on and make it look like a war and not a pinpoint takeout of cabal facilities. Prove me wrong.
Prove that is what they are doing?
You think this entire thing is a anti cabal op?

lol no

Russia is the idiots that are bombing apartment buildings with innocent people in it. “ look like a war” uh that is exactly what it is. Russia invaded with thousands of troops. Guess Russia is taking out the bio labs too?!

If any of what you say was true it would be small ops like SOF going in and doing stuff not this huge invading force. And also you know if the hammer would of fallen on the deep state back over a year ago and arrests would of been made and we have it all happened and Trump would still be potus. Then I might be like well ok maybe.. but none of that Happened and we have a pedo in the White House that is ruining our nation. Yea it is depressing
It’s all a fucking movie. They got shitty extras and everything! 😆

Yes, and one Thing is for sure as we witness this Ukraine Movie unfold with their crappy crisis actors -

Nobody, and I mean Nobody does False Flags and Crisis Acting like the USA.
We dominate in this realm...

From Sandy Hook to Vegas '17 to Jan 6th DC to the recent CDC/ Covid mayhem, we have the FF theatre and drama angles handled like the pros that we are in the USA.

The Ukraine obviously a step behind, even after spending the past decade being a Deep State money laundering hideaway.
Let's Shake Things Up Today!!

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