Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Private airline, private security detail...this is insane.
someone posted a tweet that Obama flew in AF1 because he was extended the invitation and Bush was on there with him, not sure if that is true
I think any scenario of Trump staying in office leads to “he is a dictator”talking point and fuel for dissidents... If all that has been spoken ITT regarding the Mil being in control I see new secure national elections happening in the next several months post swamp drain Trump stepping down and endorsing a Kansas/Flynn ticket...MP to continue the America 1st agenda and Flynn to make sure the traders are prosecuted...IMO...
If he wins this, he's a national fucking hero. The dictator line will not work.
Did anyone notice he wished the new administration luck? He said it twice. Same thing he wished Maxwell when she was arrested.
I did. The strangest part to me in all of this is how no-one in the Trump circle has said "Biden," not one single time, during this whole process. That small little detail is probably the only thing that has me holding out an inkling of hope.
The problem will be with the dollar. Inflation is really going to be a problem. Might want to start calling it the US Peso now.

  • Minimum wage increase will immediately show in goods and services
  • Clamping down on domestic oil will force us to import oil with a weakening dollar
  • US annual deficits will get far worse than they are now
  • The Fed will have to print trillions to purchase all the new debt issued
  • Interest rates will have to remain lower than the CPI
  • Savers, the old and pensions won't make any money on 'safe' debt due to low interest rates
  • Stimmy checks and/or UBI is now expected from millions
  • Increased unemployment benefits will mean millions won't work if low-skilled job doesn't pay more than unemployment
  • Increased taxes and regulations will mean less investment

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