Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Understand. Tells me there are many Karen's running businesses. It's reminiscent of a local politician who got upset when someone said whatever was being discussed would vanish into a "black hole" if they enacted the proposed ordinance...and they weren't talking about Cameltoe the VP. The pol went ballistic. I guess this means astronomers can no longer talk about the black holes in the university. Silly.

A Buddy Got a 60 Day Ban Today

Some Lesbo Posted Some LBGQT Info

She Got Mad at the "Comments" And Said There Was a Flood of Replies of Discrimination

My Buddy Commented, "If You Want to Stop The Flood, Just Stick a Finger in the Dyke"

^^hope they were Masked^^

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