Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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By my math this is Schwab’s plan :

Install Barry to destabilize the homeland and ruin any relationship with an ally of significance

Use Biden to create war with Russia via Ukraine which will drag us in

Use China to control all forms of media, steal an election and release a series of viruses to decimate our population Sheep here believe the Today show as gospel and mindfully go along

Start actual war - China Russia and others combine forces to overwhelm our gender fluid military. We have no allies left

Use power at home to shutter economy supply chain and drive racial disparity

How are we not flanked on all sides ?
By my math this is Schwab’s plan :

Install Barry to destabilize the homeland and ruin any relationship with an ally of significance

Use Biden to create war with Russia via Ukraine which will drag us in

Use China to control all forms of media, steal an election and release a series of viruses to decimate our population Sheep here believe the Today show as gospel and mindfully go along

Start actual war - China Russia and others combine forces to overwhelm our gender fluid military. We have no allies left

Use power at home to shutter economy supply chain and drive racial disparity

How are we not flanked on all sides ?
It would be interesting if we could find connections between Obama an WEF
The WHO is creating a constitution and legally binding framework to dictate Global Health policy.

On 1 December 2021, the 194 members of the World Health Organization (WHO) reached consensus to kickstart the process to draft and negotiate a convention, agreement or other international instrument under the Constitution of the World Health Organization to strengthen pandemic prevention, preparedness and response.

In reality this is just formalizing the process wherein the WHO, a deeply corrupt and captured institution, supersedes local governments and dictates policy to all nations

This is what they mean by ''Global Governance'' it isn't conspiracy it's policy.

You can't reason with a clown. No matter how many examples we've seen of cops kneeling to blm and stuffing patriots in the back of squad cars, here and abroad, gomer pyle believes Hannity's 95%. And probably will continue to do so until they show up at his house to take his guns and his daughters away from him.
Lulz. Your ilk will be long dead before anybody comes for my guns or any member of my family. You BLM types point to bad actors among millions of hard working high character police.

I can’t tell if it is demonic or stupidity. Probably a little of both.
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The global cabal is pissed that there now might be 2 more countries to deal with in trying to establish that one world government thingy.
I guess this somewhat supports the narrative that Putin, like Trump, is a fan recognized statehood and sovereignty.
Interesting that Putin is terming it as historic “Russia” territory and not Soviet territory. If Putin wants to rebuild the pre-Soviet Russia, then maybe it’s not a horrible thing if he would truly reunite the old free Russia against the Cabal. If he is taking back Ukraine in order to force out the Cabal . . . Then that might explain why Biden is fighting it so hard.
Interesting that Putin is terming it as historic “Russia” territory and not Soviet territory. If Putin wants to rebuild the pre-Soviet Russia, then maybe it’s not a horrible thing if he would truly reunite the old free Russia against the Cabal. If he is taking back Ukraine in order to force out the Cabal . . . Then that might explain why Biden is fighting it so hard.
Either way, I am having fun thinking about Nazi Europe‘s sleepless nights. Dumb bastards! SKOL!
They need this war. They need this distraction. I pray our people stay the hell out of there. This people are evil! SKOL!
Sadly, you and I both know if soldiers get the orders, they will be on their way to fight a war for what reason I don't know.

The things going on in both Canada and here at home are scary. Scary that so many people are just watching and shrugging their shoulders as if to say "so what, doesn't affect me". Oh yes it does. We are all frogs. It's up to the individual to realize the water is getting hotter and jump out of the pot before it is too late. Unfortunately, I think many Americans, despite seeing what has been going on in the great white north and here in America, are not going to realize the water is boiling until it is too late. Get yourselves ready folks. It may not be in our lifetimes, but it will for sure turn to shit in our children's lifetimes.
Sadly, you and I both know if soldiers get the orders, they will be on their way to fight a war for what reason I don't know.

The things going on in both Canada and here at home are scary. Scary that so many people are just watching and shrugging their shoulders as if to say "so what, doesn't affect me". Oh yes it does. We are all frogs. It's up to the individual to realize the water is getting hotter and jump out of the pot before it is too late. Unfortunately, I think many Americans, despite seeing what has been going on in the great white north and here in America, are not going to realize the water is boiling until it is too late. Get yourselves ready folks. It may not be in our lifetimes, but it will for sure turn to shit in our children's lifetimes.
We are the last to even have a chance of stopping this. It’s us or a NWO. Bush the 1st Clown promised success and they will stop at nothing. Their timeline does seem rushed and they seem to compound one mistake with another. Trudeau is being shown to be the puppet we all knew him to be. As the masses awaken the more despotic they will become. I do think we need to armor up as they are gonna pull out all the stops to keep this charade going. But the truth is coming. Quite the precipice we sit upon as the awakening occurs. SKOL!
We are the last to even have a chance of stopping this.

When you say we are the last to have a chance of stopping this, do you mean the United States or patriots such as you and I?

The idea that this country could descend into something at best resembling widespread civil unrest, at worst, a civil war (which will not go how many envision it-ain't gonna be North vs South, more like neighbor vs neighbor) is troubling. I've got some of the stuff I need, but I need more. You're somewhere in the Alaskan frontier (IIRC), I'm sitting in the middle of a very liberal central Florida. Shit will hit the fan faster here than it will for you. I'd have to GTFO quickly to the GA mountains to have a chance and that's a 9 hour drive under perfect conditions. If Putin gives Brandon and Heels up the big ole middle finger and invades, fuel prices are going to jump, and Lord knows what else will skyrocket.

SHIT, there's alot going on right now in the world, not much of it good. I think we're one trigger pull from all hell breaking loose. That ain't gonna be a false flag. That's the beginning of the end of normalcy.
When you say we are the last to have a chance of stopping this, do you mean the United States or patriots such as you and I?

The idea that this country could descend into something at best resembling widespread civil unrest, at worst, a civil war (which will not go how many envision it-ain't gonna be North vs South, more like neighbor vs neighbor) is troubling. I've got some of the stuff I need, but I need more. You're somewhere in the Alaskan frontier (IIRC), I'm sitting in the middle of a very liberal central Florida. Shit will hit the fan faster here than it will for you. I'd have to GTFO quickly to the GA mountains to have a chance and that's a 9 hour drive under perfect conditions. If Putin gives Brandon and Heels up the big ole middle finger and invades, fuel prices are going to jump, and Lord knows what else will skyrocket.

SHIT, there's alot going on right now in the world, not much of it good. I think we're one trigger pull from all hell breaking loose. That ain't gonna be a false flag. That's the beginning of the end of normalcy.
Here's the way I look at it

There's either a slow but sudden drift into complete enslavement of the world

We will fight and win

We will fight and die

I think there is an entrenched understatement that the guns can't go gently into that good night

They have to come in and take them

Or they are setting up a battle between the citizenry and AI police/military
If the shit really does go down have enough for at least there’s months. I have a lot more but we are at the end of the line up here. I’d gas up, storeup, and armor up. Hopefully a few close and like minded family or friends are close by to set up a network for needs and support. If that becomes unsustainable bug out to the hills. I’m in a full on blizzard in these hills right now. 70 plus wind gusts and snow is sideways! SKOL!

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