Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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^^and here we go^^


^^someone feeling ignored^^
More like embarrassed that camelluh got the call before he did.

The MSM, like the other actors the last 5 years+, has done everything but report the news. Their propaganda, shilling and "reporting" of all things weird, sick, liberal, pornographic, demonic, made up and devoid of truth knows they are in the same boat as Durham's targets. If, big IF, Durham does have the goods and indicts several it's likely some members of the media will be indicted too. They are scared shitless of that happening. If you indict the media there has to be top dogs in the media that signed off or ordered the propaganda.
I just walked into Target and it was like a party broke out. They just announced their mask policy is no longer in place. People were running around screaming and throwing their masks off.
And they are spreading the virus around when tossing masks on the ground---like is seen everywhere. At least that's what we've been told these past 2 years...Viruses are stopped by masks and are the # 1 line of defense. Too bad reality didn't conform to the gibberish propaganda.

Where were the hazmat buckets if this virus was so deleterious? I walked all around Sam's Club the other day without a mask. I was not alone.
Honestly I Have No Fucks Left For What Blacks Want. They Can All ESAD For All I Care.
My Standard Response Now. "I Don't Care"

Sharyll Atkisson had a piece yesterday on 40 years in Rochester NY and how later progress blacks had made in that time frame, especially after Kodak and Xerox had made it a priority. The one thing really never mentioned was has the community done things differently. The school district's sucked and still suck. The new mayor seemed somewhat reasonable for a Dem.

I worked for a Rochester based company, that then became a regional office when acquired. Had some good friends there who were black, and they hated the Black folks who were the community leaders. It eventually became sad, regional meetings which were all white (region included all the upstate city's). I asked about it with a friend who oversaw a good part of the area, and she said they couldn't even get folks of color to apply. The quote leaders of the inner cities are doing no service to people they supposedly serve

Sharyll Atkisson had a piece yesterday on 40 years in Rochester NY and how later progress blacks had made in that time frame, especially after Kodak and Xerox had made it a priority. The one thing really never mentioned was has the community done things differently. The school district's sucked and still suck. The new mayor seemed somewhat reasonable for a Dem.

I worked for a Rochester based company, that then became a regional office when acquired. Had some good friends there who were black, and they hated the Black folks who were the community leaders. It eventually became sad, regional meetings which were all white (region included all the upstate city's). I asked about it with a friend who oversaw a good part of the area, and she said they couldn't even get folks of color to apply. The quote leaders of the inner cities are doing no service to people they supposedly serve
Can you link that article? Thanks. That's where I'm from
The MSM, like the other actors the last 50 years+, has done everything but report the news. Their propaganda, shilling and "reporting" of all things weird, sick, liberal, pornographic, demonic, made up and devoid of truth knows they are in the same boat as Durham's targets. If, big IF, Durham does have the goods and indicts several it's likely some members of the media will be indicted too. They are scared shitless of that happening. If you indict the media there has to be top dogs in the media that signed off or ordered the propaganda.

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