Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Ivan Reitman…the man behind some of the best movies of my generation. We used to watch Animal House on repeat and most of my childhood friends probably have lines memorized. Ghostbusters is one of my favorite movies. Thank you and RIP.
Further up the twitter thread the RCMP or Federal Police admitted to sabotaging some private equipment parked on private property near the Blockade. Some Alberta HD Equip Shop in Alberta has said they will repair his equipment free of charge. The equipment was not being used in the blockade. It maybe could have been but at the time it was sitting on some farmland near the road I guess.
Typical. RCMP go to a fringe area and sabotage equipment not being used in the blockade rather than balling up and going into the actual protest and doing their misdeed in the presence of the Truckers.

It's only worse than thought because most of the Congress, DOJ, FBI, CIA, et al, don't want to know what happened or prosecute anyone who did anything. Ryan, McCarthy, and the House leadership didn't want to know--still don't. Same in the Senate with Fluffy Butt Graham and the leadership refusing to do serious investigating. Why? Because both sides of the aisle don't want the people to know what shenanigans they participate in.
They've already stopped trying to get approval for those under 5.
They withdrew it for lack of data. If they haven't ended all other vaccine measures, passports, everything, they will attempt again once they have more data. Cities like NYC, Boston, Chicago and LA show that they are still trying to maintain a hold on this narrative to get us all digital passports. Given everything else going on, this might be an all-or-nothing shot to enslave us.
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