Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
Good afternoon gentleman(amen and awomen).

I'll go ahead and post the Biden info I gathered from the other thread(up until summer):

Senate Finance Committee Probes Biden-Linked Chinese Tech Sale
— Jim Pidd (@JamesPidd) August 16, 2019

And there it is. Biden, though his son, used the power of government to authorize sale of MILITARY TECHNOLOGY to the same country we are in a trade-war with, China, and received millions in kickbacks.
[Knowingly] undermining our national security for money. #TREASON
— Joe M (@StormIsUponUs) August 19, 2019

Biden: "I just spoke at Dartmouth on health care, at the medical school — or not — I guess it wasn’t actually on the campus because people from the medical school were —
I want to be clear, I’m not going nuts. I’m not sure whether it’s a medical school or where the hell I spoke.”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) August 26, 2019

BREAKING: Biden campaign last month claimed he'd never talked with his son about his lucrative Ukraine work, but Hunter Biden now telling The New Yorker he in fact did discuss his paid Ukrainian gas firm position w his father while he was engaged in diplomacy in Ukraine as VPOTUS
— Paul Sperry (@paulsperry_) July 1, 2019

Joe's son and Kerry's son Ukraine deal

If you think Biden is corrupt because of his dealings with the Chinese, just wait until you learn about what he was trying to extort out of officials in Cyprus during his trip there as VP. Two words: energy business.
— George Papadopoulos (@GeorgePapa19) August 27, 2019

Joe Biden blames the Darfur genocide and cancer on climate change
— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) September 5, 2019

12 days after VP Joe Biden flew to China with his son, Hunter Biden's "company signed a historic deal with the Bank of China," which created BHR investment fund, a key backer in the IPO of a Chinese energy company involved in building nuclear reactors.
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) September 5, 2019

That time then VP Joe Biden threatened to withhold $1 Billion in aid to Ukraine if they didn’t fire their top prosecutor who was investigating his son.
That’s what this is all about
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) September 20, 2019
Article linked summary:
In his own words, with video cameras rolling, Biden described how he threatened Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko in March 2016 that the Obama administration would pull $1 billion in U.S. loan guarantees, sending the former Soviet republic toward insolvency, if it didn’t immediately fire Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin.
“I said, ‘You’re not getting the billion.’ I’m going to be leaving here in, I think it was about six hours. I looked at them and said: ‘I’m leaving in six hours. If the prosecutor is not fired, you’re not getting the money,’” Biden recalled telling Poroshenko.
“Well, son of a bitch, he got fired. And they put in place someone who was solid at the time,” Biden told the Council on Foreign Relations event, insisting that President Obama was in on the threat.
The prosecutor he got fired was leading a wide-ranging corruption probe into the natural gas firm Burisma Holdings that employed Biden’s younger son, Hunter, as a board member.
U.S. banking records show Hunter Biden’s American-based firm, Rosemont Seneca Partners LLC, received regular transfers into one of its accounts — usually more than $166,000 a month — from Burisma from spring 2014 through fall 2015, during a period when Vice President Biden was the main U.S. official dealing with Ukraine and its tense relations with Russia.
Shokin told me in written answers to questions that, before he was fired as general prosecutor, he had made “specific plans” for the investigation that “included interrogations and other crime-investigation procedures into all members of the executive board, including Hunter Biden.”
Biden's office was quoted, on the record, acknowledging Hunter Biden's role in Burisma in a New York Times article about the general prosecutor's Burisma case that appeared four months before Biden forced the firing of Shokin. The vice president's office suggested in that article that Hunter Biden was a lawyer free to pursue his own private business deals.

Joe Biden Accused of Plagiarizing Campaign Speeches
Biden was also said to have used without attribution substantial portions of speeches by Robert Kennedy and Hubert Humphrey, as well as British Labor Party leader Neil Kinnock, in his own stump speeches in 1987.
Biden said those claims were "much ado about nothing" but eventually quit his campaign for the 1988 Democratic presidential nomination on Sept. 23, 1987, amid scrutiny of his record.
9/23/87 Joe Biden dropped out of the 1988 Presidential Race

Biden’s son screwed his brother’s widow, had crack paraphernalia in his car, was booted out of the Navy for doing blow, and is under investigation in Ukraine, but sure, let’s make this about Trump.
— John Cardillo (@johncardillo) September 20, 2019

One $3million payment to Biden’s son from Ukraine to Latvia to Cyprus to US.
When Prosecutor asked Cyprus for amount going to son, he was told US embassy (Obama’s) instructed them not to provide the amount.
Prosecutor getting too close to son and Biden had him fired.
— Rudy Giuliani (@RudyGiuliani) September 23, 2019

New reports show:
—Hunter Biden allegedly received $83,333 per month at Burisma
—His firm in total received over $3.4M
—Executives claim he was hired solely to protect them from prosecution
—His role was “ceremonial”
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) October 19, 2019

Ukrainian Officials Release Records of 46 Payments to Hunter Biden from Burisma Holdings, 38 Payments were for $83,333 Totaling Over $3.1 Million via @gatewaypundit
— Lisa Mei Crowley (@LisaMei62) November 13, 2019

Rudy Giuliani Continues the roll out
"There are three tapes in which two prosecutors and another person in the Ukraine directly say that Biden did this to get his son out of trouble.
I'm gonna have more facts tomorrow that prove it conclusively." @RudyGiuliani #UkraineBiden
— TrumpSoldier (@DaveNYviii) September 23, 2019

Burisma Holdings Paid Joe Biden $900,000 For Lobbying Activities: Ukrainian MP @CristinaLaila1 via @gatewaypundit
— Jim Hoft (@gatewaypundit) October 9, 2019

Board members of Exxon Mobil (one of the worlds largest and most prestigious energy companies) make $330,000 annually.
Hunter Biden, with no industry knowledge or duties, was being paid $600,000 annually.
All of this while the average annual salary in Ukraine is $1700 per year.
— Eric Trump (@EricTrump) October 10, 2019

Now Joe Biden said he didn’t discuss with hunter his role at Burisma. Well, that seems pretty far fetched given Biden was also spearheading Ukraine’s gas 2014 right when Hunter joined the board.
“We stand ready to assist you,” US Vice President Joe Biden promised to protesters, “Imagine where you’d be today if you were able to tell Russia: ‘Keep your gas.”

Hunter Biden’s BHR also invests in China General Nuclear Power Group (CGN).
In Nov 2015, CGN acquired Malaysia’s 1MBD?? energy assets.
In 2016, DOJ charged CGN with stealing nuclear secrets from the US stretching back almost 2 decades. ??
— BenTallmadge (@BenKTallmadge) September 23, 2019

WATCH: Joe Biden says, "I'm going to make sure that we rejoin the Paris Peace Accord on day one."
The Paris Peace Accords = a treaty to end the Vietnam War that was signed in 1973, Biden's first year in the Senate.
He's not playing with a full deck, folks...
— Trump War Room (@TrumpWarRoom) October 31, 2019

UPDATE: The former president of Poland and a prominent member of Burisma's board, Aleksander Kwasniewski, said Friday that Hunter Biden was asked to join the company because of his father’s political influence.
— Breitbart News (@BreitbartNews) December 1, 2019

Witness Statement of Viktor Mikolajovich Shokin
"I tendered my resignation to the Rada at the request of President Poroshenko. Poroshenko asked me to resign due to pressure from the US Presidential administration, in particular
from Joe Biden, who was the US Vice-President....

Ukrainian oligarch Kolomoyskyi hired Hunter Biden.
Romanian oligarch Popoviciu hired Hunter Biden.
The communist Chinese hired Hunter Biden.
Hunter got all three jobs immediately after he visited Ukr, Ro and Chi with his father Joe.
Democrat media: Nah, just a coincidence ;)
— Vallachian (@vallachian) October 6, 2019
Part 2:

2 weeks later Hunter Biden joins Archer as a board member of Burisma
A man with no business training becomes a member of the board. That’s basically an executive assistant/receptionist in the company becomes a board member overnight.
Hunter Biden was being paid north of $50,000 a month by Burisma. Hunter Biden was being paid north of $50,0000 a month by Burisma. A receptionist in your company is promoted to $50,000 a month by the board. Think about if that happened in the company you work for.
AVIC buys 51% of a technology known as henniges, Biden and Kerry’s BHR fund purchases the remaining 49%. His dad ( partnered with Joe Biden, who does not have a lot of money. Would never invest unless he was guaranteed the returns ) buys 49% of the company to ensure the son’s position and whatever scheme they have will progress.
In March 2016, Biden threatened Ukraine to end the investigation or he would cancel $1 billion in US loan guarantees. A video has since surfaced in 2018 of him bragging about the blackmailing of Ukraine with US Taxpayer money to have Shokin terminated.
“You stop investigating my son or you will not receive the $1 billion dollars in US loan guarantees’. - Joe Biden, Vice President of the United States. Admitted on video.
How could it possibly be any clearer than this? Collusion and fraud.
Hunter Biden left Burisma April 20th, 2019. Joe Biden announced his run for President April 25th, 2019.

Who has Hunter Biden's old job now?
Cofer Black was on the board of Burisma with Hunter Biden
Cofer Black - Mitt Romney's choice for counter terrorism policy advisor
Cofer Black joined the CIA in 1974 and was head of counter terrorism during 9/11
John Brennan was CIA station chief in Saudi Arabia when the hijacker visas were approved.
John Brennan then followed Cofer Black as head of CIA counter terrorism.

Former Director of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center joined Burisma’s board, and he will help to expand the company’s global presence.
Burisma Group, an independent oil and gas company with operations in Ukraine, announced that Joseph Cofer Black will join the company’s board of directors. Joseph Cofer Black’s past experience includes: Director of CIA’s Counterterrorist Center between 1999 and 2002, and Ambassador at Large for Counter-Terrorism between 2002 and 2004. With such a strong background, Mr. Black will be leading the company’s security and strategic development efforts…
Black went on to say, “Knowing all too well the energy and security challenges Ukraine has had to manage, I am pleased to join the Board of a privately held company that has been continuously working to ensure Ukraine’s energy security. Burisma should be proud of its contributions to Ukraine’s economy through its investments in production, job creation and expansion and its tax payments to the state.”
Huffington Post passage ends
Cofer Black, who served as a special adviser on the Romney 2012 presidential campaign, was listed on the Burisma board at the same time as Hunter Biden, according to the Federalist."
And here is the link to the Federalist article:

The allegation is that the investment company that Hunter was a principal in received $1.5B from the Bank of China to invest.
It is assumed that like other investment firms, the principals would receive remuneration from the investment of those funds - points in the deals, percentage of growth in the valuation of the equity on exit, etc.
The allegation has never been (prior to this ABC interview, I suppose) that Hunter Biden received $1.5b himself.

In 2011 Joe Biden's younger brother James joined construction firm HillStone as an executive
That firm received a govt contract worth more than a billion dollars to build houses in Iraq while Joe oversaw the US-led occupation of that country
— Jack Posobiec (@JackPosobiec) October 3, 2019

Hunter Biden received $700,000 from a company that held a 20% stake in a Chinese private equity firm with close ties to the Bank of China.
— Andrew Kerr (@AndrewKerrNC) October 18, 2019

Surprise, the real amount Hunter Biden got paid for his "ceremonial" role at Burisma
(where he participated in a grand total of two board meetings per year) was $83,000/month
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 18, 2019

Breaking: Memos detailing Hunter Biden's contacts with Obama State Department released.
VP son's Ukrainian gas firm pressed US officials to end corruption allegations ... just a month before Joe Biden forced firing of prosecutor overseeing case.
— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) November 4, 2019

Biden last night rebutting Tulsi during Democratic debate: "With regard to regime change in Syria, that has not been the policy"
Biden in 2013: "Our position... could not be clearer: Assad must go"
— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) October 16, 2019

Joe making sense?
Let’s put this in perspective: if you eliminate every single solitary soldier, tank, satellite, nuclear weapon, eliminate the Pentagon and it would only pay for 4 months of Medicare for All. 4 months.
Where do the other 8 months come from? Your paycheck. #DemDebate
— Joe Biden (@JoeBiden) October 16, 2019

2019 Joe Biden, meet 1995 Joe Biden:
"Moving the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem will send the right signal, not a destructive signal. To do no less would be to play into the hands of those who will try their hardest to deny Israel the full attributes of statehood."
— Zach Parkinson (@AZachParkinson) November 2, 2019

Rudy Giuliani Meets with Ukrainian Lawmaker Andrey Derkach Who Revealed Burisma Holdings Paid Joe Biden $900,000 for Lobbying
via @gatewaypundit
The Accounts Chamber in Ukraine found an alleged misuse of $5.3B in U.S. funds during the Obama administration while Biden was “Point Man.”
Obama embassy urged Ukrainian police NOT to investigate!
Stay tuned to find out why.
— Neal Houston, PhD ???? (@DrNealHouston) December 6, 2019

The last vote Joe Biden took in his 38 years in the Senate was to authorize a federal bailout program which would go on to pay his son’s investment firm $130,000,000
It was a very preferential, competitive program
And Hunter Biden’s firm was only 3 weeks old
— Charlie Kirk (@charliekirk11) November 23, 2019

JPMorgan was fined $264M in 2016 by the Obama-Biden administration for hiring the unqualified friends & family members of powerful Chinese government officials.
So JPMorgan was punished by Biden for doing the same thing he did for his son in Ukraine?

And Burisma isn't all of Joe Biden's issues in Ukraine. His car dealer buddy, John Hynansky has a bunch of car dealerships in Ukraine
that he gat a very shady$20 million federal loan to open up those dealerships. Follow the money on that guy and see it it leads to Joe.
— Roscoe B Davis???????? (@RoscoeBDavis1) December 7, 2019

U.S. Department of State Case No. F-2019-06331 Doc. No. C06852069
Part 3

“It is simply antithetical to our constitutional democracy to use impeachment to overturn an election on partisan grounds. It violates the independence of the presidency & it usurps the people’s voice"
~Joe Biden

Obama's doctor says Biden "not a healthy guy"

A young man tells Joe Biden that his father lost his health insurance plan and the cost doubled, even though Obama promised insurances will be cheaper.
He asks if Joe was lying or if he didn't understand Obamacare when he supported it.
Joe's answer: "No one understood Obamacare"
— Florian (@BetaODork) January 4, 2020

Bernie hammered Joe when Barry was president for the bank bailout where Hunter's firm Rosemont(with Kerry's step-son) got a $130 million bailout through the TALF program. Their profits were routed in the Caymans.
"Why would the Fed lend to material investors located in the Cayman Islands?" Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) wrote to the Fed in 2010.
It was Biden's last vote as Senator before becoming VP.
And Hunter Biden’s firm was only 3 weeks old.
In 2011 Joe Biden's younger brother James joined construction firm HillStone as an executive.
That firm received a govt contract worth more than a billion dollars to build houses in Iraq.
James Biden was joining HillStone just as the firm was starting negotiations to win a massive contract in war-torn Iraq.
Six months later, the firm announced a contract to build 100,000 homes.
HillStone also received a $22 million U.S. federal government contract to manage a construction project for the State Department.
Joe's son-in-law Howard Krein had a investment consultancy(StartUp Health) and the day after their meeting with Obama and Biden, the company was "featured at a large health care tech conference being run by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), and StartUp Health executives became regular visitors to the White House.
Vice President Biden continued to help Krein promote his company at several appearances through his last months in the White House, including one in January 2017, where he made a surprise showing at the StartUp Health Festival in San Francisco.
Joe's older brother Frank - In March 2009, Joe Biden visited Costa Rica. Within months of that visit Costa Rica announced a new real estate partnership between Frank Biden, a developer named Craig Williamson, and the Guanacaste Country Club, a newly planned resort.
"Frank’s vision for a country club in Costa Rica received support from the highest levels of the Costa Rican government— despite his lack of experience in building such developments,"
Joe's daughter Ashley Biden was associate director of the Delaware Center for Justice in 2014 when they were selected for a $166k federal grant(Edward Byrne grant). Ashley Biden was shortly therefter promoted to executive director.
Ashley Biden’s nonprofit organization “was selected to locally coordinate this two year grant” in Delaware, she wrote in the group’s 2015 annual report.

CNN isn’t reporting on James Biden, who was just linked to a healthcare firm raided by the FBI.
James Biden fraudulently transferred funds to himself through the company, and used his brother Joe as leverage.
Why is the media helping the Biden’s?
— Ryan Fournier (@RyanAFournier) March 9, 2020

Biden: "Whomever I pick” for VP, must “be capable of being president, because I’m an old guy — no I’m serious!”
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) January 29, 2020

Joe Biden fact check: Civil Rights - video by Young Turks(TYT)

Ukraine launches criminal proceedings against former US Vice-President Joe Biden on allegations he pressured authorities into
forcing the resignation of Ukrainian Prosecutor-General Viktor Shokin, Interfax-Ukraine news agency reports, quoting Shokin's lawyer.
— BBC Monitoring (@BBCMonitoring) February 27, 2020
Investigators in Ukraine have launched a probe into former U.S. Vice President Joe Biden over allegations that he pressured Ukrainian officials to
fire the country’s top prosecutor in 2016, according to a report.
The Ukrainian probe was launched in response to a court order, after the ousted prosecutor, Viktor Shokin, made an appeal for action in the matter,
Shokin’s attorney, Oleksandr Teleshetsky, told The Washington Post.
“They need to investigate this. They have no other alternative,” Teleshetsky told the Post. “They are required to do this by the decision of the court.
If they don't, then they violate a whole string of procedural norms.”

Here is Biden saying the exact thing about gun confiscation that the worker questioning him described.
Biden called the worker a liar, blamed Trump, and cussed at him in response.
— Dana Loesch (@DLoesch) March 10, 2020

You forget Biden was VP in 2010 when they Refused to restrict travel or quarantine anyone during swine epidemic, which resulted in 17,000 deaths including 1,800 kids, 80 million infected.

Biden a friend of the black community?
Juneteenth - Celebration of the reading of the Emancipation Proclamation to freed slaves on June 19, 1865.
Biden press conference reply on 6/10/20 regarding Trumps return to rallys on June 19(Juneteenth holiday) in Texas.
"Juneteenth right, the first major massacre, literally speaking, of black Wall Street right? Years ago. And he's gonna have a rally"
The massacre he is referencing occurred on May 31 and June 1, not on Juneteenth. And it did not occur in Texas, it was Oklahoma.

"Many fine people who display the confederate flag" - Joe Biden

Biden gave the eulogy at the funeral for Robert Byrd, former klansman and Senator from West Virginia in 2010.

The Chinese private equity firm BHR Partners updated its business records on April 20, 2020 to remove Hunter Biden as a member of its board of
directors, but he continues to hold a 10% ownership stake in the company through his LLC, Chinese business records show.
Hunter Biden’s departure from BHR’s board was submitted to China’s National Credit Information Publicity System (NCIPS) more than six months
after he pledged to relinquish his position with the firm “on or by October 31,” according to Qixinbao and Baidu, two independent services that
provide registration information on Chinese corporations based on NCIPS filings.
The records also show that Hunter Biden continues to hold a 10% equity stake in BHR through his company, Skaneateles LLC, as of Friday, a position
he maintains despite a pledge in December from his father, former Vice President Joe Biden, that none of his family members would “be engaged in
any foreign business” if he is elected president in November.
BHR manages the equivalent of $2.1 billion in assets, according to its website. Hunter Biden began serving as an unpaid member of BHR’s board
when it was founded in 2013, and in October 2017 he obtained his equity stake in the firm with a $420,000 investment, according to a statement
issued by his lawyer, George Mesires, in October.
Vegas: The Beginning

For those who want to know what this is all about:

It is. And it's even more relevant and important today.

With the state of the media (such as it is) and the continued assault and agenda, it's important for everybody to know that the crazy 'media conspiracy theory' is no such thing.

It's fact. It's real.

USSR would kneel in awe of our esteemed 'free press'.

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