Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads

Ok, who let @MAGAZINEE in here?

Why are people saying this is nothing? Sarcasm I just didn’t pick up on? Aren’t libs and MSM still arguing that the “there” was there?

Because Fluffy could have, at any time over the past 4 years he knew all of this, actually grown a set and done something other than flap his gums on Fox News.

But we know why he didn't. McCain's pretty little boy was up to his equinish nostrils in this shit.
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F35 is too expensive to build still but getting better.

The cost to fly them is going the opposite direction and therefore we are playing right into China and Russia's hands by making vulnerable our air dominance (especially in a first strike scenario). US and allies can't keep enough planes in the air let alone get them out of production.

Given it's an inferior aircraft to the F-22 to begin with the whole program should be scrapped and the F35 tech dumped into the F-22 or simply move on to 6th gen now.

NGAD is part of the 6th Gen being developed: manned and unmanned.
Apparently one of the employees for my husband's company (not my husband's direct employee, thank goodness. He's had to deal with enough this year) was in the capitol enjoying and participating in the 'festivities' while wearing an anarchy emblazoned t-shirt.

Needless to say, the idiot has been fired. I asked if he had been arrested or turned himself in? No word on that, yet.

I can assure you, this guy is not a Trump supporter.
I like black better. A couple of things I’d change if I could with black mode:

1. Change the blue font to something lighter
2. Make the white font a bit whiter or larger.

Other than that I love it.
So when you say black are you saying you have a white screen with black font or you have a black screen with white font?

It’s the little things in life my man. LOL just curious
Guarantee that someone in M.I. has already isolated all the audio and eliminated background noise. Probably some anons soon. There are guys that do it on YouTube with drum and guitar parts from various songs.
Yeah, I figure something like that could be done, but I don't have that software. This video reminded me though, remember when DJT stated that there were other videos in GA that he was going to release? I think it was when he was talking to the GA Sec of State. Did those videos ever come out? Maybe these are what he was referring to?
My oulde/blind ass had to do dark 2.2 Big Text.

Same here, this sixty eight year old fella, who had lasik surgery twenty years ago, has slowly figured out I'm getting to be like the old gray mare. The big text is a belated Christmas gift. Also, finally got the avatar, twelve years too late. Second grade pic in 1959 ... second grade, the two best years of my life. Quite the stud I think.
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