Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
I saw him last weekend.
I told him I was unhappy with the way the November and January elections were handled. I asked him why he was so quiet and why he made a deal with Stacey Abrams to change the way the election was run

As all politicians do, he had answers for all of them. I was not satisfied. And I will not vote for him again. I sincerely doubt he will make it out of the primaries

not much more I can really go into on this board. Also I saw a post from you earlier saying thankfully somebody has courage in Georgia. Realize most of this state is Republican legally. Atlanta is a different fucking state and needs to be treated like Berlin after World War II. Get rid of the cheating in the state turns back red
So you gave him a Lindsey Grahamesque stern talking to? Should’ve handled it like that Dem bitch body bagged Slimy Chuck yesterday.
SO a few things I was wondering here: Some maybe good, some maybe bad, maybe you guys can help decipher what you think is going on with a few things. Please ask a few questions yourself of things maybe I have missed that may point to good or bad things, I am trying to get my arms around as much has possible:

Why would DT from the very start as well as Syd Powell and Rudy G all state that "They had it all" RE to the election interference...?
1. They do have it all and this plan some of us think is coming is moving forward w use of Military, arresting people etc.
2. They didnt have it all, and they were only saying that maybe as scare tactics to get people to flip to give them enough info to overturn the election with their new intel.
3. A combo of the above happened and something got messed up in the plan and there are not any arrests to be made.
4. Lets say they didnt have it all at the beginning, wouldnt we think that DT and crew would have been monitoring the 2nd GA election the run off with the satellites, undercover peeps etc or other means to find the theft as well? I mean Rudy G in his speech on the 6th stated that they did see another method in which they used voter data to steal votes. Was this just BS from Rudy, or do you think it was real?
This would seem to make it even more odd that they would drop those GA cases if they found and could verify more cheating via monitoring the traffic etc. This would lead me to believe they have even more evidence to the steal, which makes it head scratching as to why they would drop the cases...(Unless they are planning to use MIL, or they are just giving up :(

What in the above do you guys think is happening?

Why did DT and his team drop all of the remaining GA cases a week ago? Was it just because of the supposed incriminating phone call where DT asked for just enough of all of the legal votes he got to be counted to give him the W? I wouldnt think that would cause them to drop the cases in GA as it has massive information of the voter/election fraud.

Did they drop the cases in GA to maybe calm the swamp down, and make it look like they were in a sense giving up? When in reality they are not giving up and going forward w the plan?
Or are they really giving up?

What happened with the ballots that Jovon and his team were supposed to have access to in GA to do a forensic study on? Was that just misinformation put out by Jovon and Byrne camps to scare the swamp?
I mean Jovan had tweeted that they received some ballots that were not shredded and verified they were counterfeit or machine made or something right? But what about the ballots that were supposed to be handed over to be forensically audited? Did that happen or did dismissing the GA cases put that to bed?

Are the 15K troops in the capital for a virtual inauguration just a flex from the DEMS to make it seem like The pubs and trump are bad guys to further smear the party and Trump, or is there something really going down with the MIL?

Seems like there are things that point to MIL or the plan being active still, but other things that would/could point to it not going down.

Just wanted to see your thoughts on the things I stated above or if you had any things to interject of your own regarding the plan either happening or not happening as I would like to hear your thoughts.

I've said this before, I'll say it again. I really don't get caught up in it too much. What you are effectively asking is how is Neo planning to dodge bullets.

When he's ready, he won't have to.

This has been my my take, for over two months now. The purpose is to show this country how rotten the temple is, before we bring it down on their heads.

And then bring it down on their heads.

Outside of the core Cue circle, whoever they may be, nobody else knows the play. I mean nobody.

In 1985, when Iowa played MSU, we were down to 30 seconds left and needed a TD to win, at like the 2. Hayden Fry called an isolation play to Ronnie Harmon up the middle. Before they ran back on the field after the timeout, he pulled Chuck Chuck Long aside and told him to fake the handoff and bootleg to the corner. The only player on the field that knew the play was Chuck Long. The other 10 guys sold the fake because they thought it was the play.

So any explanation why Mahler went full on Jeff Flake? He is an absolute cunt now.
Powell and Lin Wood triggered him. Can't say I blame him either. He's a realist and their lawsuits were complete shit. They never addressed the mathematical logic of fraud in the algorithms of Dominion machines that Shiva Ayyudurai offered to help them with. That being said, I think there's more to the story than meets the eye with those two but can't hate on someone for being a consistent realist. We're in the surreal realm here which isn't for everyone.
So I'm listening to the X22 from yesterday, and I just had a revelation. What if some of the "mysteriously suicided" people were actually whisked off to Gitmo? If Epstein is still alive as some suspect, what better place to stick him than Gitmo.

And further, if some have “Flipped”, for various reasons helping the White Hats get this across the finish line , many might not be in Gitmo, more like a secluded Vaca Spot under aliases, hiding out for these End Times,
and being granted full immunity.,
Epstein, Hunter, Maxwell, even some Pedowoods’ that have disappeared,
You pussies need to quit listening to dumb shit Patrick Byrne. Again, I don't know what his role is........but he is NOT an insider to the plans of the operation.
Perhaps not but didn’t he spend a lot of his own money to put together an elite team to investigate the Italians and their role, etc? Seems to me he might be interesting to listen to because he can do it from the “private” civilian side and has the ability to through his wealth.
Perhaps not but didn’t he spend a lot of his own money to put together an elite team to investigate the Italians and their role, etc? Seems to me he might be interesting to listen to because he can do it from the “private” civilian side and has the ability to through his wealth.
That's why I'm curious about his ultimate role in this. I understand he had a private team of hackers and techies to dig around, potentially track some data traffic (which, I have much more confidence in our military's capabilities in doing). However, on the surface he's looking like he's playing the role of a dumb putz to cast false doubt in the eyes of the public (and DS) to throw off attention to things. A distraction to give the DS confidence they pulled it off.

It is my understanding that we've already cut the big heads of the beast off already, and its the mid tier and useful idiots in America (politicians, 3 letter agencies, media) that we're now basically pulling a pincer move on. Domestically, this thing is in the bag but the long work will be calming and showing the public what has occurred. China is the real physical threat, but how much of China is funded and run by the Cabal ultimately? If we've cut the Cabal off, and therefore have started cutting China off from the golden goose (USA money) with measures like EO 13959.......could the world in coordination just effectively squeeze China until they have no choice but to bend? Retaliation is definitely something to be worried about from China.
So any explanation why Mahler went full on Jeff Flake? He is an absolute cunt now.

mittens Mahler deep down has always been a miserable, angry POS,.... and like so many damn attorneys’, he is also a narcissist...... No offense to our LAC lawyers, BTW. Always a few good ones out there,
But we all know his type, miserable and the way the post election went some of these non-thinkers flew right off the rails at a very high speed,
SO a few things I was wondering here: Some maybe good, some maybe bad, maybe you guys can help decipher what you think is going on with a few things. Please ask a few questions yourself of things maybe I have missed that may point to good or bad things, I am trying to get my arms around as much has possible:

Why would DT from the very start as well as Syd Powell and Rudy G all state that "They had it all" RE to the election interference...?
1. They do have it all and this plan some of us think is coming is moving forward w use of Military, arresting people etc.
2. They didnt have it all, and they were only saying that maybe as scare tactics to get people to flip to give them enough info to overturn the election with their new intel.
3. A combo of the above happened and something got messed up in the plan and there are not any arrests to be made.
4. Lets say they didnt have it all at the beginning, wouldnt we think that DT and crew would have been monitoring the 2nd GA election the run off with the satellites, undercover peeps etc or other means to find the theft as well? I mean Rudy G in his speech on the 6th stated that they did see another method in which they used voter data to steal votes. Was this just BS from Rudy, or do you think it was real?
This would seem to make it even more odd that they would drop those GA cases if they found and could verify more cheating via monitoring the traffic etc. This would lead me to believe they have even more evidence to the steal, which makes it head scratching as to why they would drop the cases...(Unless they are planning to use MIL, or they are just giving up :(

What in the above do you guys think is happening?

Why did DT and his team drop all of the remaining GA cases a week ago? Was it just because of the supposed incriminating phone call where DT asked for just enough of all of the legal votes he got to be counted to give him the W? I wouldnt think that would cause them to drop the cases in GA as it has massive information of the voter/election fraud.

Did they drop the cases in GA to maybe calm the swamp down, and make it look like they were in a sense giving up? When in reality they are not giving up and going forward w the plan?
Or are they really giving up?

What happened with the ballots that Jovon and his team were supposed to have access to in GA to do a forensic study on? Was that just misinformation put out by Jovon and Byrne camps to scare the swamp?
I mean Jovan had tweeted that they received some ballots that were not shredded and verified they were counterfeit or machine made or something right? But what about the ballots that were supposed to be handed over to be forensically audited? Did that happen or did dismissing the GA cases put that to bed?

Are the 15K troops in the capital for a virtual inauguration just a flex from the DEMS to make it seem like The pubs and trump are bad guys to further smear the party and Trump, or is there something really going down with the MIL?

Seems like there are things that point to MIL or the plan being active still, but other things that would/could point to it not going down.

Just wanted to see your thoughts on the things I stated above or if you had any things to interject of your own regarding the plan either happening or not happening as I would like to hear your thoughts.


Lawsuits were always for optics......knew court corrupt even at highest level.....the alien guy said only two non-corrupt SCOTUS’s and one was recently appointed.....why continue lawsuits when you know the outcome from a corrupt judicial system?
So I'm listening to the X22 from yesterday, and I just had a revelation. What if some of the "mysteriously suicided" people were actually whisked off to Gitmo? If Epstein is still alive as some suspect, what better place to stick him than Gitmo.
I think we should develop a list of performing artists, actors and other publicly recognized figures that have committed suicide since 2017 and see what we come up with for a list of potentials.
Shocking. No he’s not turning to the left. He’s trying to rebuild his brand with moderates I guess. I was told he’s going to run again in two years I don’t think he will make it out of the primaries

Bad actors won't want to relinquish power. The power to control narratives surrounding them and the fear that comes with losing that control. Clintons, Bidens, Obamas, and Pelosi come to mind. The predictability of these enemies and their actions in the past are really why I have faith that there is a plan a place to wake the fucking world up about the evil in government.
Why not?

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Morse code for Q is ..-.

It appears ..-. is correct under the original, American (1837), but not under the newer Continental (1851) and ITU (1865) versions, where it is --.-


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So I figure since I am a big fan of accountability, I should let you folks know who I am so you can hold me accountable.

My name is John Shirley and am 33 years old and I live in Huntsville, AL. I have an incredible wife and beautiful 5 year old twin girls.

I have a Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and specialize in radar - but have pretty good breadth with my technical knowledge. I have worked with some prestigious institutions including MIT Lincoln Labs and John Hopkins Applied Physics lab on science and technology research. I am a tech manager these days for a small local contractor and manage a small team of some very talented individuals. I will provide a full and detailed resume for anyone willing to significantly invest in our platform and enterprise.

I have had ownership in 3 businesses - entrepreneurship is kind of a hobby of mine. A bookkeeping accounting firm (no longer active), a web design business, and a rental property ownership company. I have some good friends at the bank that like to loan me money.

I like reading a lot of psychology, philosophy and especially esotericism. I've got a collection of some pretty cool and rare books that I'm quite proud of. I am a recovering alcoholic and drug addict and have been sober for over 7 years - I still actively pursue my recovery. I love God and am saved by Jesus Christ.

I want nothing to do with the organization of violence. That is not why I am here.

Please don't @ me or reply to this message. I'm pretty tired right now and am gonna try and decompress a bit. But this is my dream gig to be involved in developing a technical platform for the purpose of free speech.
To the COOTIN legal team this is interesting. Should we read into the note I’ve highlighted below... 🤔

Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen, Acting U.S. Attorney Seth D. DuCharme for the Eastern District of New York (EDNY), Director of Joint Task Force Vulcan (JTFV) John J. Durham, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, and Executive Associate Director Derek Benner of HSI, announced the unsealing of the indictment
So I’m confused right now. Why did the administrator just post but he just posted? Is this site in legal trouble

I’m not responding to him directly or going to shoot him a DM. But I don’t know how you can post something like that and ask people that have paid money to not respond can somebody help me out with that
To the COOTIN legal team this is interesting. Should we read into the note I’ve highlighted below... 🤔

Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen, Acting U.S. Attorney Seth D. DuCharme for the Eastern District of New York (EDNY), Director of Joint Task Force Vulcan (JTFV) John J. Durham, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, and Executive Associate Director Derek Benner of HSI, announced the unsealing of the indictment

Thats pretty huge on the domestic side of all of this. We're effectively cutting off the Deep State's private hitmen. Now, how that pertains to the 3 letter agencies......I have no clue. Maybe they took a deal? Maybe they've been hiding in waiting, as to not give off the impression of being favorable to 45?
To the COOTIN legal team this is interesting. Should we read into the note I’ve highlighted below... 🤔

Acting Attorney General Jeffrey A. Rosen, Acting U.S. Attorney Seth D. DuCharme for the Eastern District of New York (EDNY), Director of Joint Task Force Vulcan (JTFV) John J. Durham, FBI Director Christopher A. Wray, and Executive Associate Director Derek Benner of HSI, announced the unsealing of the indictment

Director of Joint Task Force Vulcan (JTFV) John J. Durham

Even better, I think I just found the new name for this board: Joint Task Force Vulcan
So I’m confused right now. Why did the administrator just post but he just posted? Is this site in legal trouble

I’m not responding to him directly or going to shoot him a DM. But I don’t know how you can post something like that and ask people that have paid money to not respond can somebody help me out with that

I didn't read it that way at all. He is just providing some background about himself for those who may consider investing in this enterprise. Nothing to worry about...

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