Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

Master Threads
TLDR: Plan shit, execute shit…

Long version…


1) Federalist papers. Since my child was in 2nd grade, I’ve been teaching her “big picture rocks” from that. Intertwined with our “quiet time” in studying the Gospel of Christ. I did not start with the official documents. Just ideas. I never showed her the text or even alerted her to the existence of them. Just taught the concepts. The idea of federalism. The idea of decentralized and representative government. The idea of what a Republic is and how it differs from a Democracy. The idea of what it means to “pursue happiness” and be free. The idea of LIBERTY. And i did this through Barbie doll play and countless dinners with numerous vegetable and pasta characters…

2) 3rd-5th grade - we examined the idea of taxation. What it means to have what you work for being “taken from you” for a “greater purpose”. How this differs from tithing and supporting the church. How this differs from supporting the needy and poor. How taxation is only viable if you agree with how the money (your money) is being used. I introduced the concept of “charity” and obligation to the poor. And how this contribution was voluntary and not required by anyone. How what you “earn” is not and should not be expected to be wholly “yours”
through Scripture- but how it cannot be and should not be stolen from you or used frivolously!

2) 6th- present - we examine the concept of government structure, Balance of power, civics and order of systems. Examine the duty of a citizen in the context of inalienable rights (God given). The freedom of speech. The freedom to defend yourself. The freedom to not be accosted by the state within the confines of private property or docile. The freedom to not be compelled to incriminate yourself. This will lead to the presentation of the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights (planned for this fall).

The end game here is for her to understand her role as a citizen (not a subject) and the RESPONSIBILITY that comes with that. To not hate or despise her government, but to be alert, agile, knowledgeable, suspicious, and demanding of it. For her to understand her place in society as a free person, under the laws of man, saved by the Grace of God through His son, Jesus Christ, so as to function appropriately in all matters concerning her faith, freedom, liberty, and duty as an American. For her to acknowledge her rights as a human and as a citizen of this great nation, under our God, under our flag, and under our Constitution to deliver her spirit and impose her will for good and integrity for the sake our nation.


About 6-7 years ago I purchased a 5x8 white board to supplement her school studies. She was in private Christian school from K3-middle of 6th (explanation below).

The PRIVATE CHRISTIAN school she was enrolled in had mandatory mask rules in place for the first half of the year last year while the public schools did not - THANK YOU RON DESANTIS. When this school didn’t budge on that policy - even after I called the principle out for being a complete coward and charlatan- I pulled her out mid-year and put her into freedom. (The principal recently resigned- no clue if my action to literally pull my child out due to their fear-based secular bullshit policies had anything to do with it).

In any regard, we’ve been working on this white board for years ( mostly math ). I’m a degreed engineer (single dad - full time career since she was 2 - mom ran off on us both) - so I got her into math really early. She was working pre-calc level solutions in 4th grade, and having fun with it. Humble brag

So this “white board” becomes a center of unity for us. Part of our daily routine. Work-dinner-white board. It’s with this white board that I began to introduce her to our heritage.

As she became more astute to the routine, her questions became more intelligent and introspective. This forced me to plan more often. I would spend anywhere from an hour to 3 hours planning the “lesson” for a 30 minute after dinner session. Those sessions would sometimes turn into 3 hour conversations. This is with a 9-12 year old mind you. And this is how I’m doing it.

It is effort.

It is “burden” yet joyful burden.

It is dedication.

Quite frankly, it’s just a lot of work…

With all the available distractions out there (TV, Internet, sports, friends, etc) - this is what it may take. And I’m not taking any chances….

From a tactical level - it’s a time commitment. It’s just time. It’s planning and time. Something we all lose sight of. We throw our childrens’ education “over the fence” to schools and lose sight that the role of a school is to merely supplement our child’s education… We watch “news” and then I challenge her to prove it wrong. I challenge her to not accept what the people on the TV say is true. I periodically ask her to research what she just heard and report back to me with sources - her final position. And then I have her defend it. She’s not good at this yet. In fact, she sucks at it. Which is the point I’m trying to make… Our media is good at making people BELIEVE.

I have no clue what I’m doing… But… I can tell you my baby has a laser focus on what is “Un-American” and what her “natural” liberties are. It’s common sense really. She knows that I care and that she has a special purpose. She loves her country and she knows and believes it’s the best country on earth. She’s beginning to understand the difference between truth and bullshit. And she’s 12….

Hope this helps…
Thank You. You sir are a dedicated father, Christian and patriot. I really appreciate the effort put in to that laying that info out.


In case anyone would like to see who won the “dumbass of the day” award in my’s this guy I saw at the gas station.

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I like to pray for these people. Normally I walk up to them and ask them if I can pray for them.

When they ask "why?" I typically respond along the lines of, you seem to lack much hope and appear to be very scared.
My wife just sent me a message saying that she read that you should have your phone turned off during the emergency alert today and that she was going to have hers off today from 1-3.

Has anyone heard anything about this? Apparently some people think that there may be something nefarious involved somehow, some way.

Apparently there is an emergency alert going out today around 2:20 eastern by FCC and FEMA.

Perhaps the storm is upon us?

All The People That Got "The Jab" Are Going to Be Activated to Kill Each Other

It's On Like Donkey Kong - I'll Be Watching With Bourbon in Hand From My Rooftop :ROFLMAO:

This Movie Showed Us - They Always Show Us

No Jab for Me!!


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