Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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I grew up in the 80’s-90’s and we were poor as shit. My parents had a small ranch with my granny. We butchered a beef and a hog every year. We also grew a garden, would go pick corn from the neighbors field, and canning was a big deal every summer. My granny had a milk cow and the chickens for eggs. When I would tell people in the army how my wife and I grew up (I went to school with her brother k-12) they’d make jokes about me living in 1890. But we picked up some damned good skills for living.
I want to teach my kids how to grow a garden. I’ll need to learn first. I am planning on buying 10 aces to live on and the plan is to have a cow or two, chickens, and a garden. I feel that knowing how to do that is going to be very important in the next 20 years
Certain states produce more electric than they use and other states use wayyyy more than they produce. I realize that technically electric co's are private (technically but not really) and sell at a market rate but we all buy and sell stocks and are forced to go through NY. Some of us buy and sell commodities and we are forced to use Chicago. We all consume entertainment and are forced to use Cali.

Why can't we small states decide that these larger states have to pay a premium for electric? They need it worse than we do and they always brag about how much more wealthy they are than we flyover people are.... They forced my state, KY, to go away from coal, in which we are wealthy, and our electric rates went up.... Why can't we pass that cost on to large cities? It honestly makes way too much sense to me. Rural people have 2 things we can hold over cities in our current culture war. 1 is electric and 2 trucking of goods and food. Cities love to wield power over us hicks and I dont see a problem with returning the favor.

For instance.... NY produces less than double the electric KY does. Ky uses way less that half the electric NY uses. So Ky exports electric to NY. Ohio produces close to the same amount NY produces but uses less so they export to NY. Penn produces twice as much as NY but uses way less so they ship electric to NY.

I know what your saying about that isn't how it works but it'd be real easy to meter electric leaving a state and where the end user is. Poor coal areas in Pa, Ky, Wv, OH.... i bet they could benefit from those latte sipping fuckers paying an extra $150 each month on their electric bill.
Guess what? All of that is sold on regulated wholesale markets. If NY is buying all of that power from your state the revenues are going to your state with a reasonable profit margin. And Cuomo has ZERO influence on any of it.
Guess what? All of that is sold on regulated wholesale markets. If NY is buying all of that power from your state the revenues are going to your state with a reasonable profit margin. And Cuomo has ZERO influence on any of it.
I get that but im saying we can, or at least should try to, change the market. Germany went green energy and France is raping them sending them electric. Merkel and Germany were the unquestioned power in the EU. The main reason Macron is seen as the biggest leader in the EU now despite what is going on in his country is the fact that Germany is in his pocket for electric. Im tired of people that don't actually produce anything of value managing to become fabulously wealthy while people who get calluses are just kinda supposed to take it or leave it.

Cali loves to act like they run shit but they get most of their electric from out of state. If they want to ram liberal bs down our throats then red states should ban together and increase electric rates.... Maybe we could even call it a carbon transfer tax or energy equality tax... LOL.

And I realize electric flows in different ways. Ky sends electric to Tenn due to distance more than need and we get electric from out of state for that same reason but you could find a way to meter those exchanges and negotiate rates more aggressively for the net importer states.

Im just trying to figure out how to wake these wacko lefties up. Divorce lawyers make bank because divorce lawyers write divorce law. The wealthiest place in America now is outside DC and they only produce laws that nobody wants. The worm has to turn or the only answer is violence and I think we all agree that that would ruin the country in our current state. We have to play our best cards.

A Little Something to Pass On to The Girls In Your Life


NEVER EVER Park Next to a Van of Any Kind in a Parking Lot

I Don't Care If It Has Professional Signage On It, If It's Close to the Entrance Or No One Looks to Be In It

They Are The Number One Vehicle Used in Abductions

They Can Literally Have You in That Van and Gone In 3-5 Seconds Tops


Surveil the Area as You Walk Up to You Car

You Don't Have To Do Everything at Once - Too Much Time Goes By That Way to Be Surprised

Do It Like This

1. Surveil On Way to Car

2. Look Around Car Before Opening It

3. Open Door to Access Car Seat - Lock Rest of Door Remotely So No One Can Enter From Other Side

4. Look Around - All the Way Around

5. Put Child in Car Seat Quickly

6. Look Around - All the Way Around

7. Quickly Buckle Child In Car Seat

8. Look Around - All the Way Around

9. Close The Door AND Lock It So No One Can Get In While You Are Going to Driver's Side

10. Look Around - All the Way Around

11. Go To Your Side to Enter Driver's Seat

12. Look Around - All the Way Around

11. Unlock Your Door Only and Quickly Enter and Lock Doors

12. Start Car Immediately

13. Does This Take a Little Longer? Yes - Should Your Wife/Daughter/Girlfriend/Nanny Care? No

Also When Walking Towards Car and During All of the Above - Stay Off Your Damn Phone Texting/Calls/Social Media Those Are Distractions - Distractions Can Get You In Bad Trouble Like In Milliseconds - Do Have 911 Pulled Up & It Should Be on Your Speed Dial - Easier to Push One Button to Call Than Three Buttons Under Stress

The Advice is Complimentary What You and/or Your Significant Other Does or Doesn't With It May Be the Costliest Mistake of Your Life
My healthy 20yo daughter is wanting to get the jab so she can go back to school and play volleyball. I’ve been looking forever but I can‘t find the 18 reasons not to get the vax article or the video of the three guys (doctor, scientist, entrepreneur) talking about the vax. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Apologies for formatting. Here’s a bunch of resources. Many states have religious or medical exceptions which should be attainable through front line covid docs.

Dr Zelenko was the first to discuss use of HCQ

A 2012 UT study states coronavirus "vaccines" could cause autoimmune disorders

(It caused several disorders, like pulmonary immunopathology which is inflammation of the lungs making it hard to get oxygen, and other issues we CURRENTLY see in humans)

or recent studies showing 28 of 55 human tissue samples showing cross reactivity with SARS-Cov-2 antibodies... aka autoimmune disorder

10/22/20 FDA meeting where they already knew of the adverse effects of this "vaccine" which is already the deadliest "vaccine" ever created. Link takes you to the exact point the screen flashes for 1/4 second showing the slide. 🤷‍♂️

How much does it take to recall a vaccine? Well they don't want this approved because it would be IMMEDIATELY recalled.

A random example:

1997: 15 cases of Intussusception ( GI tract tightening that can self fix or be fixed by a doctor, non lethal) and the vax was pulled...

2021: 393 myocarditis or pericarditis FDA and CDC affirmed [lethal-potentially lethal] (VAERS Backlog)


1 in 3000 according to other new studies:

You are much more likely to test Covid19 positive if you are un-"vaccinated", however you are much more likely to die from Covid19 if you have been "vaccinated" compared to un-"vaccinated".

There is a name for this: vaccine enhanced disease or VED. Some call it pathogenic priming. Antibody-dependent enhancement is one of the mechanisms of how it happens. Non neutralizing antibodies effectively act as a Trojan horse for the virus. Remember: innate immunity is from T-cells not antibodies.

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