Master Thread Dance Your Cares Away/Fraggle/Law Abiding Citizens

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Rod Rosenstein the white/black hat double agent man? So much shit has gone down since the election I can't recall what the final verdict was on RR. Many a pages clicked off over the years discussing this man. Feels like a movie being rolled out, doesn't it? haha SKOL Patriots!


Jeff Sessions

are white hats... trust Q

This time period of walking through the darkness to get to the light. We are so very close.
Rod Rosenstein the white/black hat double agent man? So much shit has gone down since the election I can't recall what the final verdict was on RR. Many a pages clicked off over the years discussing this man. Feels like a movie being rolled out, doesn't it? haha SKOL Patriots!

Guy is super dirty. Is basically a mob captain within the govt with blackmail on a lot of people.
come and sit by my side if you love me

dont you hasten to bid me adieu

but remember the red river valley.......

(where is this from)?

thks @Jayhox for holding the fuckin line, ive lost a lot of confidence that trump will be reinstated as our cic but i appreciate you stick to it of ness

i hope and pray your are right my brotha

cheers to all my paatriots

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