Crazy woman attacks man on flight for not wearing his mask while he eats

Cornwall, 51, is charged with violating Title 18 of U.S. Code for specifically assaulting, beating, or wounding a passenger during a domestic flight. The man who was assaulted told the FBI that Cornwall was returning from the restroom in the rear of the plane when she came to a spot where the beverage cart was blocking the aisle. Cornwall then asked a flight attendant to help her find her seat and was told to just find an open seat until the beverage service was complete.

According to the complainant, Cornwall responded, “What am I Rosa Parks?”
The man told the FBI he believed the comment to be inappropriate and told Cornwall that she “isn’t black….this isn’t Alabama and this isn’t a bus.”

According to the complaint, that’s when the video of the incident starts rolling and we see Cornwall, who has been living in Los Angeles, slap the man after a verbal battle.

Cornwall, 51, is charged with violating Title 18 of U.S. Code for specifically assaulting, beating, or wounding a passenger during a domestic flight. The man who was assaulted told the FBI that Cornwall was returning from the restroom in the rear of the plane when she came to a spot where the beverage cart was blocking the aisle. Cornwall then asked a flight attendant to help her find her seat and was told to just find an open seat until the beverage service was complete.

According to the complainant, Cornwall responded, “What am I Rosa Parks?”
The man told the FBI he believed the comment to be inappropriate and told Cornwall that she “isn’t black….this isn’t Alabama and this isn’t a bus.”

According to the complaint, that’s when the video of the incident starts rolling and we see Cornwall, who has been living in Los Angeles, slap the man after a verbal battle.

And here comes the white on white racial angle. This story just keeps getting better.
In court, federal Magistrate Judge Christopher Bly set Cornwall's bond at $20,000 and after an extensive discussion with her attorney, permitted her to return to her home in Los Angeles by plane, if she follows requirements laid out by the judge.

Cornwall won't be flying on Delta though; her attorney confirmed in court proceedings that Delta placed her on a no-fly list.

The judge also mandated that aside from her flight home, Cornwall is not allowed to travel by any interstate commercial carrier -- plane, bus or train -- while out on bail.
In court, federal Magistrate Judge Christopher Bly set Cornwall's bond at $20,000 and after an extensive discussion with her attorney, permitted her to return to her home in Los Angeles by plane, if she follows requirements laid out by the judge.

Cornwall won't be flying on Delta though; her attorney confirmed in court proceedings that Delta placed her on a no-fly list.

The judge also mandated that aside from her flight home, Cornwall is not allowed to travel by any interstate commercial carrier -- plane, bus or train -- while out on bail.

Why would a mask nazi move to FL? That's like a Baptist fundamentalist moving to Las Vegas...

Or a mormon moving to Hollywood to do porn.

If he isn’t pulling his mask up after every bite he should have been thrown off the plane.

Can’t believe they even allow people to eat or drink on planes with the masks issues those actions cause.
So hard to tell sometimes....were you trying to be funny with this comment? Or.....???

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