Crazy woman attacks man on flight for not wearing his mask while he eats

Cool. Did not know that rule.
Did you ever get in a fight on the school yard, didn't matter who threw the first punch if both of you did you both got suspended.

Same principal, if that olde had laid her out 100% he never flies on that airline again. Now Karen Patricia gets arrested by the FBI and probably makes the biggest mistake of her life and he walks away laughing.

Now had that happened anywhere other than an airplane I would hope he knocks a couple of teeth out.
You’re making an awfully big assumption about a young woman having money to actually payout in a lawsuit.
Could delta or whichever airline be on the hook for failing to secure this man's well being? Clearly there were air Marshalls on the plane at the end of the video.
Why didn't the cart dude subdue her
The one woman grabbed Karen's punching arm
Could delta or whichever airline be on the hook for failing to secure this man's well being? Clearly there were air Marshalls on the plane at the end of the video.
Why didn't the cart dude subdue her
The one woman grabbed Karen's punching arm
As much publicity has this story has got.. I would think Delta and the man might settle on an amount.. he needs to take them to civil court regardless. Are we sure that was an air marshal who came in at the end or just a good samaritan? It took him way to long to react to be a good air marshal lol.
The old man should consider himself very lucky. he hit the jackpot. I dream of being in situations like he was in. Id go after Delta and Karen

The flight attendants handled this terribly
As much publicity has this story has got.. I would think Delta and the man might settle on an amount.. he needs to take them to civil court regardless. Are we sure that was an air marshal who came in at the end or just a good samaritan? It took him way to long to react to be a good air marshal lol.
The old man should consider himself very lucky. he hit the jackpot. I dream of being in situations like he was in. Id go after Delta and Karen

The flight attendants handled this terribly
The way he put her hands behind her back, his build and demeanor are why I suggested he was a Marshall. I think the white guy who tries to help him was a civilian though
As much publicity has this story has got.. I would think Delta and the man might settle on an amount.. he needs to take them to civil court regardless. Are we sure that was an air marshal who came in at the end or just a good samaritan? It took him way to long to react to be a good air marshal lol.
The old man should consider himself very lucky. he hit the jackpot. I dream of being in situations like he was in. Id go after Delta and Karen

The flight attendants handled this terribly

Air Marshalls are taught not to break cover unless absolutely necessary, would be kinda surprised if they broke cover for a mask conflict.
Air Marshalls are taught not to break cover unless absolutely necessary, would be kinda surprised if they broke cover for a mask conflict.
Define "absolutely necessary" does someone have to die...this wasn't your everyday mask conflict.. she was threating, hitting and spitting on a passenger. The supposed air marshal was sitting 2 rows back from all of this and was just a spectator all bc of breaking "protocol"... I'm not buying it
If there were air marshals on the plane they could easily interceded without breaking cover. Just go the Good Samaritan route and not identify themselves unless they got attacked.

The spitting could be classified in another category than assault which her hitting clearly was. The spitting is clearly a biological weapon attack especially in this day and age.

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