I very much appreciate your viewpoints on here. Side note about Nazi tech: I live in Huntsville, AL which was where Von Braun and many of his scientists were moved after the war. We have multiple buildings with the name Von Braun on them and the industry is still largely based around rocket technology
I in turn appreciate your response. I'll can only add that no matter the claims of either side, when it comes to equality, mutually assured destruction is possibly the most positive result when all aspects of society world wide are weighed and measured. Until the fear mongering and point scoring ends there will be no winner.
Regarding the rocket technology. The tech is finally making advances once more. Now leaping from the dinosaur period of the 60's into an age of hopefully exploration. Whilst Starship will no doubt be weaponized like everything else, one can only hope that the speed of advancements will be mirrored world wide by all nations forging their own way into space but openly so.
Rather than proposing how do we combat it all, my question is more how do we continue to live with each other whilst so many focus on fighting at all? Aliens or not, it's pretty clear the world is heading towards colonizing the moon
(China is probably already on it - Boo! lol Just joking or not Matter little to me either way because there is another way to escape all this mind set without having to barrack for either side.) with bases soon to be on Mars. Why must every story have the same old hero's journey where destruction is always sown? Until such the narratives give way in the humane psyche the programming of humans will also continue like so. With respect to one nations pride Vs another, It wont matter whose names on whatever plaques wherever in whatever universe as long as humans keep threatening the living and focus on fighting as they seems destined to do. Perhaps best to ponder the way in which we phrase the question?
I don't go around advertising anti-establishment slogans but going by Australian law ... my view points would have me arrested as a terrorist. You would be charged under some bogus law if one did in fact advertise such said points in public view. Happens quite often if anyone does attempt a bumper sticker that speaks out against the government. Unless of course your just attacking race or creed. We got plenty of those stickers over here for all the good they do. Just don't say anything about the government unless it's all good.
Re-educate. That's how you fight the fight without feeding the machine and or replicating what those in power aim to make; bots. Less glorification of names, states rank and tech, but resist on a level that can't be arrested nor stopped. Teach others how the game it fought with thought and how to uninvest in all they have banked. To see just how all that has been for naught where in the end all people are prisoners to a hive mind that's been carefully molded where now in this digital age an upscaling of manipulation is paving the way for next gen surrogates. Whilst we are all in awe over the advancing rocket tech, I think we are missing the most advancing and disabling technology this is rapidly enveloping the planet.
I ponder to think not only the obvious implications re making it harder to get any rocket off the planet once such a net is established around the Earth, but consider beyond intention to link us all digitally in how the same complex nature in law is designed to keep people bound, wherein only those who understand the language/code are able to find the loopholes/gaps in said net, where only those in the know can venture out and thus exploit what lays beyond; whilst keeping the rest of humanity in their little enclosures/pens.
The same complexity in today's disabling language that determines what you can and can't say, present the same challenges in which nations will have the knowledge to navigate off this rock. Meaning such competition is designed to incapacitate one another just as an over complicated language is meant to disable people in the so called courts.
As long as one flag no matter who that nation be, clings to being that 'one' to lead all others -
(self gain and agenda undermining the concept of the allied hook: Citizen distrust reigns with a silent majority growing) the world will always continue to be an oppressively painful existence with only a very few living a blissfully deluded life with all others as no more than batteries also living a deluded existence with many squeaky clean terminals defending that which feeds off them. How to fight it? Don't. Stop the glorifying the same old ideals, call it what it is and instead of worshiping the same old hero's journey, tell others a new story where truth empowers all and sets us all free regardless of the prison in which we all live. Then you give up the story and let others tell while you sit in peace letting all the others fight. And then before you know it ... you get to the privilege of having to do it all again. lol Narrrr fuck that story ... Just create you own and stop feeding those with that promote 'any' flag.
How to go from being in a cell to having no terminal. Denounce the authority of all those who disempower you by way of taking from you but instead charge yourself with all the things that have no cost associated to them. Live on less and strive for nothing but that which is fee. Fuck the rest.