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Apr 20, 2024
am i allowed to say "lesbian ratchets?" the racism and jealousy is obvious. all the wnba is is a scam so black lesbians can make money,,,if not for the wnba mcdonalds would have some athletic french fry makers.my high school boys basketball team could whup any wnba womans team not one player in the wnba can even dunk a ball,,,,,its alot of made up something and hype about nothing.

Honestly they are lucky anyone even cares or buys tickets.
Jul 9, 2022
am i allowed to say "lesbian ratchets?" the racism and jealousy is obvious. all the wnba is is a scam so black lesbians can make money,,,if not for the wnba mcdonalds would have some athletic french fry makers.my high school boys basketball team could whup any wnba womans team not one player in the wnba can even dunk a ball,,,,,its alot of made up something and hype about nothing.

Honestly they are lucky anyone even cares or buys tickets.
and they can no thank CC for it, a white girl
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