Boss reply on Gaybook requested

His reply

The difference is the most extreme right wing thought has completely taken over the GOP. The same is not true of the Dems.

Re Biden, I presume you are talking about his administration’s energy policy. I have not seen arguments that actually hold water that his policies are substantially to blame for the increase in gas prices…actually, I read plenty of analyses to the contrary.

As for “socialism”, that tired accusation is peppered throughout the article from zerohedge. I naturally inferred you were making a point. Didn’t you read the piece before posting?

The one thing we can agree on here is the Dems are very likely to get trashed in the mid-terms. We probably diverge on why. Have a good one.
His final reply

Funny. I do not think though that even Biden’s own press people are calling him the most popular president given his approval numbers are under water.

As for the most votes, that is, of course, one of those meaningless brags given the total number of voters grows with our population.

His reply

The difference is the most extreme right wing thought has completely taken over the GOP. The same is not true of the Dems.

Re Biden, I presume you are talking about his administration’s energy policy. I have not seen arguments that actually hold water that his policies are substantially to blame for the increase in gas prices…actually, I read plenty of analyses to the contrary.

As for “socialism”, that tired accusation is peppered throughout the article from zerohedge. I naturally inferred you were making a point. Didn’t you read the piece before posting?

The one thing we can agree on here is the Dems are very likely to get trashed in the mid-terms. We probably diverge on why. Have a good one.
In regards to his comment about energy policy and blame for gas prices, it's absurd. Ask him how come gas prices were so low during the last administration? And what did Biden do when he came into office that changed our position in terms of energy reliance? Actually, he stated that the current administration has actually helped in that regard. How is that possible? What have they done that has helped us to become more energy independent?
His reply

The difference is the most extreme right wing thought has completely taken over the GOP. The same is not true of the Dems.

Re Biden, I presume you are talking about his administration’s energy policy. I have not seen arguments that actually hold water that his policies are substantially to blame for the increase in gas prices…actually, I read plenty of analyses to the contrary.

As for “socialism”, that tired accusation is peppered throughout the article from zerohedge. I naturally inferred you were making a point. Didn’t you read the piece before posting?

The one thing we can agree on here is the Dems are very likely to get trashed in the mid-terms. We probably diverge on why. Have a good one.

I wonder what he thinks the cause of gas prices skyrocketing ovet the last 2 years is. All Trump and covid's fault, I'm sure.🙄 This Russia shit is causing alot of the price increases today, but not over the last couple of years. Biden has plenty of blame for that.
Ok so I have this dipshit who’s my boss and replies to me on gaybook about linking a zero hedge article disputing oil increases and he replies with this:

May I suggest you cut back on the right-wing fabulist kool-aid.

After reading and re-reading the article you linked from what is clearly a credible source of serious, fact-grounded journalism, I was unable to distill any coherent arguments from the mashup of GOP gibberish. None at all. Perhaps I need to start looking at QAnon sites for the decoder ring to better translate the word salad being offered up.

Bottom line, contrary to the whiny, hyperventilating by the right, the Democratic Party (which I am not particularly fond of either) has no influential strains of “socialist” advocacy. There are some D politicians such as Bernie (feel the burn) who push for policies, which softly lean toward the democratic socialism seen in the Scandinavian countries and much of Europe. However, true socialists (advocates for the means of production etc. being collectivized) are few and far between, and certainly hold no power in today’s Democratic Party. Even Bernie does not want Ben & Jerry’s to be owned by the Government. Most Dems simply want to push back on the predatory capitalism, which has overrun our country, and (what a radical idea) deliver a fairer, more level playing field for everyone in our society, especially people of color who have been systematically disadvantaged.

All of the right’s histrionics about socialism is complete and utter immature bullshit, and entirely unhelpful to our nation actually having an adult, fact-based discussion about whether we have ordered our fundamentally capitalist society in a way that best benefits Americans and our fellow humans around the world.
I read the first sentence and stopped. Can you tell him to fuck off. Or can you give me his email and I'll do it?
How much of a boss is he? Like middle management boss? Go to HR with harassment charges. Stalking you outside of work is pretty legit, especially if you have an attorney send the letter.
Other than that, get of bookface. Why anyone is still on there blows my mind. My wife is still on and all she does is bitch about it. I suggest getting off and she says she will miss so much. she can't name 1 thing she will miss, but it is a lot.
Want to keep up with friends and family? Pick up the phone.
Want to see pics of kids/friends/family? Ask for them and send pics of your kids to them in the mail.
We survived for centuries without facefuck, we can make it now.
Why do you have to get off of it? Why does she bitch about it. Mine is perfectly set just like I like it. Boxing and fight news galore, Motorcycle racing, Some friends BS stuff, Some political. Why the F do you people think you cant manage what goes in and out of your the Fbook? My Facebook is perfect for what I want. FFS.
My reply

how is right wing kool-aid different from left wing?

I mean you have countless periodicals professing he’s wrong. Why would someone go through so much ridiculous fact finding if they’re wrong?

BTW there’s no such thing as QAnon. There’s Q and there are anons which I’m sure the MSM explained.

Any time someone says “bottom line,” I’m reminded of the “listen here folks” from the most popular elected President in history even more so than the most popular Democrat in history Barrack Hussein Obama.

I would need to know further descriptions of predatory capitalism.

Not sure if even argued but I don’t recall so much socialism being brought up. I definitely don’t have a bird in my pocket. Therefore I would surmise that a continuous socialistic thought process would overcome rational thought in a civilized world.

Definitely don’t care for the left or the right as they’re in my opinion a uniparty. They have zero interest in America. Not much soul is left within. I know one thing. Dems will be destroyed in the midterms. Then all the average American has to endure is the final two years of this horrid agenda.
Should've gone with TLDR. Would've been highly effective at getting under his skin. Now you're in some stupid argument on Bookface.

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