Was listening to the X22 report from a couple of days ago and Dave had, what seemed like a guy as old as dirt. However he seemed smart as hell and as plugged in as any right now.
He spoke about BlockChain and basically summarized it as, once a BlockChain is installed on any digital item(software/hardware), it can not be altered in any way. He made it sound like the perfect protection for the digital world moving forward.
I'm not sure how long this technology has been around but it seems like it would certainly replace any Anti-virus programs that are out there. Almost like the miracle cure for computers/digital, but has been suppressed for various reasons.
So I scoffed at the crypto movement for years. And then finally this past year sat down to figure out what was really going on. It’s a very interesting tool, but I believe it needs to be reimagined for how it’s used. Of the things it can most help are trust and transparency. Trust and transparency are accomplished through things like complex encryption algorithms, publicly available ledgers, and general models of decentralization. The decentralization is important because if someone tries to cook the books it is glaringly obvious.
Once I started to see the functions, I started to look at crypto currencies each as their own digital countries in a way. They provide a means of facilitating a rapid complex "transaction-based” system for a community that decides to support it. And many of the crypto currencies function in a way that the ones that hold the specific currency govern the rules and regulations of that community.
However, due to these dangerous things that these cryptos enable, like trust and transparency, I imagine we see a big push back from global governments pretty soon. Fortunately the cats out of the bag, because at their essence, they are just uniquely-implemented algorithms and techniques.