Banned from Mensa mailing list


copied from

One of the last places that I posted about the Arkian idea was to a Mensa mailing list. Of course I was banned. Below is my last post to this list, and I don't know whether it got through or not.


On Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 6:22 PM Eric Gutman <> wrote:
> Franklin,
> I'm the other moderator of this group and also have never communicated with you before, so regarding your claim of being informed that you're not welcome to participate, either 1) you got into a personal dispute with another member, which has nothing to do with the SIG as a whole, and is unlikely, or 2) you told a fib in attempt to tarnish this group and draw attention to your recruitment drive.
> Didn't your mother ever teach you to not lie?

I might as well fully respond to this before I am banned. I won't last long here, so this conversation will be over soon.

Clearly you are Jewish which is different from modern scum (members of modern culture). While I hate modern scum more than I hate Jews, Jews are much bigger liars. Jews learn to have no respect for truth from the Talmud which teaches a legalistic approach to getting the results you want rather than seeking the underlying truth.

As I pointed out in the link I posted, your first paragraph is false.

So you lied and then accused me of lying. Very Jewish.

> Interestingly, the only reply you gave to other members' comments on your thread contained no substance at all, stating only that you're not sure if it would go through since the intolerance of modern culture would likely cause you to be banned. I find it idiotic that after 7 months of membership in this SIG, you still don't know that we're experts in handling those who simultaneously portray themselves as victims while acting aggressively. It comes from dealing with woke people every day.

More lies, of course. My reply answered the question asked in the post that I replied to. And I have never portrayed myself as a victim. I accept that I will banned by modern scum. That is standard procedure. I am not a victim because I am in control of my own life and I can talk freely to Mennonites and Muslims who are not modern scum. I will fight for what I believe in. And I will never be a victim.

> Also idiotic are the lectures you give so authoritatively on your website, coming across as someone who's heard a bunch of facts but about ethnicities he's not a part of and has little understanding of. For example, Judaism is both a religion and an ethnicity; people join through converting to the religion, since marrying in is insufficient. Furthermore, the intelligence of Ashkenzic Jews has nothing to do with luck, but is a result of sharpening their minds by engrossing themselves in the volumes of the same Talmud that you describe as "evil." Your goal is to avoid an idiocracy, but it sounds like you've created one in your living room.

Either you didn't read what I wrote about Jews, or you chose to lie about it assuming that others here won't read it. It is here:

I will quote the first paragraph:

"Jews are an ethnicity, not a religion or race. ... A convert to Judaism like Ivanka Trump is Jewish. This conversion is like immigration into the Jewish people. The immigration process is through the religion, but a Jew doesn't have to follow the religion. Plenty of Jews are atheist and don't follow Judaism at all, but they are still considered completely Jewish. So Jews are purely an ethnicity."

The most intelligent people of Ashkenazi descent, who actually accomplished something intellectually in science or math or whatever, had nothing to do with the Talmud. They were secular, essentially European in culture, only Jewish racially.

> I congratulate you on your recruitment drive--you successfully initiated a debate on whether non-current Mensans should be allowed in the SIG. Since you stated that it is your only purpose here, as opposed to participating as a normal member, we may need to reevaluate your status.

Of course I will be banned. And you will support anything that can get me banned.

> I'm not sure how lying fits into your planned utopian society, but I caution you that moving forward in this group, it might be referred to as "pulling a Franklin."

How about "pulling a Jew" for your lying behavior? But given the current alliance between modern scum and Jews, I guess this won't be adopted.
I’m sure that’s post is as important as the bill or rights, but it’s longer than Moby Dick unabridged, and if I wanted to read an allegory for life, it would definitely be by Melville, and not some guy/gal/they who has the need to be validated by strangers on the Internet for standing up to Internet bully, when in fact I am pretty sure it would be a safe, bet to say you were the aggressor in this situation.
copied from

One of the last places that I posted about the Arkian idea was to a Mensa mailing list. Of course I was banned. Below is my last post to this list, and I don't know whether it got through or not.


On Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 6:22 PM Eric Gutman <> wrote:
> Franklin,
> I'm the other moderator of this group and also have never communicated with you before, so regarding your claim of being informed that you're not welcome to participate, either 1) you got into a personal dispute with another member, which has nothing to do with the SIG as a whole, and is unlikely, or 2) you told a fib in attempt to tarnish this group and draw attention to your recruitment drive.
> Didn't your mother ever teach you to not lie?

I might as well fully respond to this before I am banned. I won't last long here, so this conversation will be over soon.

Clearly you are Jewish which is different from modern scum (members of modern culture). While I hate modern scum more than I hate Jews, Jews are much bigger liars. Jews learn to have no respect for truth from the Talmud which teaches a legalistic approach to getting the results you want rather than seeking the underlying truth.

As I pointed out in the link I posted, your first paragraph is false.

So you lied and then accused me of lying. Very Jewish.

> Interestingly, the only reply you gave to other members' comments on your thread contained no substance at all, stating only that you're not sure if it would go through since the intolerance of modern culture would likely cause you to be banned. I find it idiotic that after 7 months of membership in this SIG, you still don't know that we're experts in handling those who simultaneously portray themselves as victims while acting aggressively. It comes from dealing with woke people every day.

More lies, of course. My reply answered the question asked in the post that I replied to. And I have never portrayed myself as a victim. I accept that I will banned by modern scum. That is standard procedure. I am not a victim because I am in control of my own life and I can talk freely to Mennonites and Muslims who are not modern scum. I will fight for what I believe in. And I will never be a victim.

> Also idiotic are the lectures you give so authoritatively on your website, coming across as someone who's heard a bunch of facts but about ethnicities he's not a part of and has little understanding of. For example, Judaism is both a religion and an ethnicity; people join through converting to the religion, since marrying in is insufficient. Furthermore, the intelligence of Ashkenzic Jews has nothing to do with luck, but is a result of sharpening their minds by engrossing themselves in the volumes of the same Talmud that you describe as "evil." Your goal is to avoid an idiocracy, but it sounds like you've created one in your living room.

Either you didn't read what I wrote about Jews, or you chose to lie about it assuming that others here won't read it. It is here:

I will quote the first paragraph:

"Jews are an ethnicity, not a religion or race. ... A convert to Judaism like Ivanka Trump is Jewish. This conversion is like immigration into the Jewish people. The immigration process is through the religion, but a Jew doesn't have to follow the religion. Plenty of Jews are atheist and don't follow Judaism at all, but they are still considered completely Jewish. So Jews are purely an ethnicity."

The most intelligent people of Ashkenazi descent, who actually accomplished something intellectually in science or math or whatever, had nothing to do with the Talmud. They were secular, essentially European in culture, only Jewish racially.

> I congratulate you on your recruitment drive--you successfully initiated a debate on whether non-current Mensans should be allowed in the SIG. Since you stated that it is your only purpose here, as opposed to participating as a normal member, we may need to reevaluate your status.

Of course I will be banned. And you will support anything that can get me banned.

> I'm not sure how lying fits into your planned utopian society, but I caution you that moving forward in this group, it might be referred to as "pulling a Franklin."

How about "pulling a Jew" for your lying behavior? But given the current alliance between modern scum and Jews, I guess this won't be adopted.
What is your IQ and its result?
This is an embarrassing question because my answer probably won't be believed. Anyway, in the Mensa test I walked out in the middle since I changed my mind about joining, assuming that my test would be thrown out. It was collected and I was admitted based on the half-finished test. Before that I was test twice and scored 200 both times. I have no proof, so no one has to believe this, but whatever.

I think the main result of a high IQ is just seeing clearly how screwed up things are. I knew 2 other people with high IQs, and one went insane and the other killed himself.
This is an embarrassing question because my answer probably won't be believed.
Anyway, in the Mensa test I walked out in the middle since I changed my mind about joining, assuming that my test would be thrown out.
🤣C'mon now, ffs!
It was collected and I was admitted based on the half-finished test.
☝️😃So based on the sly premise, your half test results must've either been so ridiculously high as to be outright disbelieved by us mere-as you say, lé skümz.
Or, so hilariously low T, that us pesky skumz would actually feel real fuckin stink about laughing at ya and instead might look upon fishmint with pity???
Before that I was test twice and scored 200 both times. I have no proof, so no one has to believe this, but whatever.
Now, you're claiming ya got the exact same;- "200" measure,...twice?
So what'd ya get the third time?...100?
I think the main result of a high IQ is just seeing clearly how screwed up things are.
i am pretty sure i'd struggle to get 80—yet i can easily see— very clearly, through your screwed up nonsense.
[*Yes, i have read & laughed my way through the content presented within your "Arkian" cult recruitment site—twice.]
Just for an additional laugh, i went and did one of those poxy ass—free online "IQ tests".
Screenshot_2022-10-17-17-27-23-79_40deb401b9ffe8e1df2f1cc5ba480b12.jpg☝️🤣Pfft! Fuckin bullshit!

I knew 2 other people with high IQs, and one went insane and the other killed himself.
i know/knew several people who killed themselves, and a few who, as you say, "went insane".

Quite positive, although obviously not certain, that these individuals probably wouldn't have scored too high on an IQ scale.
Dunno bout you aye fishmint.
Either a bot, super weird troll, or legit confused af.
[*If the latter, go look up what an official "IQ Test" is all about, coz it seems like you might not be fully aware yet.]
This is an embarrassing question because my answer probably won't be believed. Anyway, in the Mensa test I walked out in the middle since I changed my mind about joining, assuming that my test would be thrown out. It was collected and I was admitted based on the half-finished test. Before that I was test twice and scored 200 both times. I have no proof, so no one has to believe this, but whatever.

I think the main result of a high IQ is just seeing clearly how screwed up things are. I knew 2 other people with high IQs, and one went insane and the other killed himself.
You have completely lost me .....I see no part of this story that could be true, and would be true under any circumstances on any level....
I haven't taken an IQ test since my freshman year in college. I took the Mensa test solely as a challenge. One strange reaction I had was all the questions revolved around "book learning". Few if any were to test the intelligence of real life. Seems like there would be questions like "When replacing a porch fixture, what do you do first?" A. Remove the screws on the old socket, B. Grab the bare wires with you hands and wrap each around the poles of the new socket, C. Turn off the electricity to the fixture.
I haven't taken an IQ test since my freshman year in college. I took the Mensa test solely as a challenge. One strange reaction I had was all the questions revolved around "book learning". Few if any were to test the intelligence of real life. Seems like there would be questions like "When replacing a porch fixture, what do you do first?" A. Remove the screws on the old socket, B. Grab the bare wires with you hands and wrap each around the poles of the new socket, C. Turn off the electricity to the fixture.
if that were the case...............they would have to severely curve their scale as most would score low, way low. i am sure they curve it anyway. I would say "D. say yes to wife"
if that were the case...............they would have to severely curve their scale as most would score low, way low. i am sure they curve it anyway. I would say "D. say yes to wife"
I'm sure it's designed that way. I can see where people who don't have the same school education as others might score low. However, many of these same people have a lot more common sense and street smarts than book learning people. They are quite intelligent but can't describe the Pythagorean Theroem in the least.
I haven't taken an IQ test since my freshman year in college. I took the Mensa test solely as a challenge. One strange reaction I had was all the questions revolved around "book learning". Few if any were to test the intelligence of real life. Seems like there would be questions like "When replacing a porch fixture, what do you do first?" A. Remove the screws on the old socket, B. Grab the bare wires with you hands and wrap each around the poles of the new socket, C. Turn off the electricity to the fixture.
I actually took mine as a challenge as well in my last year of college. But I scored well, and joined Mensa. I carried the card for a while, but eventually stopped paying. I went to one meeting and thought it would be a bunch of intellectuals trying to solve the world’s problems. How dumb of me. It was a bunch of crazy cat ladies and Jeffrey Dahmer types organizing ornithology tours and crossword puzzles meetups. I still get mail from them asking me to rejoin.
This is an embarrassing question because my answer probably won't be believed. Anyway, in the Mensa test I walked out in the middle since I changed my mind about joining, assuming that my test would be thrown out. It was collected and I was admitted based on the half-finished test. Before that I was test twice and scored 200 both times. I have no proof, so no one has to believe this, but whatever.

I think the main result of a high IQ is just seeing clearly how screwed up things are. I knew 2 other people with high IQs, and one went insane and the other killed himself.
I’ve always been able to tell that you are smart as hell. You wrote your own compiler and developed your own ethnicity.

I was tabbed by my teacher to be tested in elementary school and was put in the gifted program after I tested. Haven’t taken an official test as an adult, but I’ve done a couple of the online Mensa tests out of curiosity and scored very high.

I’ve already gone insane and was committed for 15 days, but now I lobotomize myself with antidepressants to keep from melting down. Life is pretty good these days though
I’ve always been able to tell that you are smart as hell. You wrote your own compiler and developed your own ethnicity.

I was tabbed by my teacher to be tested in elementary school and was put in the gifted program after I tested. Haven’t taken an official test as an adult, but I’ve done a couple of the online Mensa tests out of curiosity and scored very high.

I’ve already gone insane and was committed for 15 days, but now I lobotomize myself with antidepressants to keep from melting down. Life is pretty good these days though
I can relate to being committed lol, unfortunately 🙃 🤣
While we are humble bragging on intelligence, I’ll acknowledge that my kids are smart as hell too.

One of my daughters just took this star assessment in school and scored 99th percentile in the skills assessed (reading and math). She’s in 1st grade and is assessed at a 5th grade reading level and 3rd grade math level. Her twin sister is just as smart, but in a different class and we don’t have her assessment

While we are humble bragging on intelligence, I’ll acknowledge that my kids are smart as hell too.

One of my daughters just took this star assessment in school and scored 99th percentile in the skills assessed (reading and math). She’s in 1st grade and is assessed at a 5th grade reading level and 3rd grade math level. Her twin sister is just as smart, but in a different class and we don’t have her assessment

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Awesome @Croot_Overlord but my kids are smarter, as they are imaginary...😁🤣

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