copied from http://www.mikraite.org/Banned-from-Mensa-mailing-list-tp2565.html
One of the last places that I posted about the Arkian idea was to a Mensa mailing list. Of course I was banned. Below is my last post to this list, and I don't know whether it got through or not.
On Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 6:22 PM Eric Gutman <ericgutman@msn.com> wrote:
> Franklin,
> I'm the other moderator of this group and also have never communicated with you before, so regarding your claim of being informed that you're not welcome to participate, either 1) you got into a personal dispute with another member, which has nothing to do with the SIG as a whole, and is unlikely, or 2) you told a fib in attempt to tarnish this group and draw attention to your recruitment drive.
> Didn't your mother ever teach you to not lie?
I might as well fully respond to this before I am banned. I won't last long here, so this conversation will be over soon.
Clearly you are Jewish which is different from modern scum (members of modern culture). While I hate modern scum more than I hate Jews, Jews are much bigger liars. Jews learn to have no respect for truth from the Talmud which teaches a legalistic approach to getting the results you want rather than seeking the underlying truth.
As I pointed out in the link I posted, your first paragraph is false.
So you lied and then accused me of lying. Very Jewish.
> Interestingly, the only reply you gave to other members' comments on your thread contained no substance at all, stating only that you're not sure if it would go through since the intolerance of modern culture would likely cause you to be banned. I find it idiotic that after 7 months of membership in this SIG, you still don't know that we're experts in handling those who simultaneously portray themselves as victims while acting aggressively. It comes from dealing with woke people every day.
More lies, of course. My reply answered the question asked in the post that I replied to. And I have never portrayed myself as a victim. I accept that I will banned by modern scum. That is standard procedure. I am not a victim because I am in control of my own life and I can talk freely to Mennonites and Muslims who are not modern scum. I will fight for what I believe in. And I will never be a victim.
> Also idiotic are the lectures you give so authoritatively on your website, coming across as someone who's heard a bunch of facts but about ethnicities he's not a part of and has little understanding of. For example, Judaism is both a religion and an ethnicity; people join through converting to the religion, since marrying in is insufficient. Furthermore, the intelligence of Ashkenzic Jews has nothing to do with luck, but is a result of sharpening their minds by engrossing themselves in the volumes of the same Talmud that you describe as "evil." Your goal is to avoid an idiocracy, but it sounds like you've created one in your living room.
Either you didn't read what I wrote about Jews, or you chose to lie about it assuming that others here won't read it. It is here:
I will quote the first paragraph:
"Jews are an ethnicity, not a religion or race. ... A convert to Judaism like Ivanka Trump is Jewish. This conversion is like immigration into the Jewish people. The immigration process is through the religion, but a Jew doesn't have to follow the religion. Plenty of Jews are atheist and don't follow Judaism at all, but they are still considered completely Jewish. So Jews are purely an ethnicity."
The most intelligent people of Ashkenazi descent, who actually accomplished something intellectually in science or math or whatever, had nothing to do with the Talmud. They were secular, essentially European in culture, only Jewish racially.
> I congratulate you on your recruitment drive--you successfully initiated a debate on whether non-current Mensans should be allowed in the SIG. Since you stated that it is your only purpose here, as opposed to participating as a normal member, we may need to reevaluate your status.
Of course I will be banned. And you will support anything that can get me banned.
> I'm not sure how lying fits into your planned utopian society, but I caution you that moving forward in this group, it might be referred to as "pulling a Franklin."
How about "pulling a Jew" for your lying behavior? But given the current alliance between modern scum and Jews, I guess this won't be adopted.
One of the last places that I posted about the Arkian idea was to a Mensa mailing list. Of course I was banned. Below is my last post to this list, and I don't know whether it got through or not.
On Sat, Oct 15, 2022 at 6:22 PM Eric Gutman <ericgutman@msn.com> wrote:
> Franklin,
> I'm the other moderator of this group and also have never communicated with you before, so regarding your claim of being informed that you're not welcome to participate, either 1) you got into a personal dispute with another member, which has nothing to do with the SIG as a whole, and is unlikely, or 2) you told a fib in attempt to tarnish this group and draw attention to your recruitment drive.
> Didn't your mother ever teach you to not lie?
I might as well fully respond to this before I am banned. I won't last long here, so this conversation will be over soon.
Clearly you are Jewish which is different from modern scum (members of modern culture). While I hate modern scum more than I hate Jews, Jews are much bigger liars. Jews learn to have no respect for truth from the Talmud which teaches a legalistic approach to getting the results you want rather than seeking the underlying truth.
As I pointed out in the link I posted, your first paragraph is false.
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So you lied and then accused me of lying. Very Jewish.
> Interestingly, the only reply you gave to other members' comments on your thread contained no substance at all, stating only that you're not sure if it would go through since the intolerance of modern culture would likely cause you to be banned. I find it idiotic that after 7 months of membership in this SIG, you still don't know that we're experts in handling those who simultaneously portray themselves as victims while acting aggressively. It comes from dealing with woke people every day.
More lies, of course. My reply answered the question asked in the post that I replied to. And I have never portrayed myself as a victim. I accept that I will banned by modern scum. That is standard procedure. I am not a victim because I am in control of my own life and I can talk freely to Mennonites and Muslims who are not modern scum. I will fight for what I believe in. And I will never be a victim.
> Also idiotic are the lectures you give so authoritatively on your website, coming across as someone who's heard a bunch of facts but about ethnicities he's not a part of and has little understanding of. For example, Judaism is both a religion and an ethnicity; people join through converting to the religion, since marrying in is insufficient. Furthermore, the intelligence of Ashkenzic Jews has nothing to do with luck, but is a result of sharpening their minds by engrossing themselves in the volumes of the same Talmud that you describe as "evil." Your goal is to avoid an idiocracy, but it sounds like you've created one in your living room.
Either you didn't read what I wrote about Jews, or you chose to lie about it assuming that others here won't read it. It is here:
I will quote the first paragraph:
"Jews are an ethnicity, not a religion or race. ... A convert to Judaism like Ivanka Trump is Jewish. This conversion is like immigration into the Jewish people. The immigration process is through the religion, but a Jew doesn't have to follow the religion. Plenty of Jews are atheist and don't follow Judaism at all, but they are still considered completely Jewish. So Jews are purely an ethnicity."
The most intelligent people of Ashkenazi descent, who actually accomplished something intellectually in science or math or whatever, had nothing to do with the Talmud. They were secular, essentially European in culture, only Jewish racially.
> I congratulate you on your recruitment drive--you successfully initiated a debate on whether non-current Mensans should be allowed in the SIG. Since you stated that it is your only purpose here, as opposed to participating as a normal member, we may need to reevaluate your status.
Of course I will be banned. And you will support anything that can get me banned.
> I'm not sure how lying fits into your planned utopian society, but I caution you that moving forward in this group, it might be referred to as "pulling a Franklin."
How about "pulling a Jew" for your lying behavior? But given the current alliance between modern scum and Jews, I guess this won't be adopted.