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Any Lucid Dreamers Here?

Jan 26, 2021
If so, what are your coolest stories?

I have never really naturally lucid dreamed, but I did the work of dream journaling and waking "reminders" long enough that I did have a couple of lucid dreams. It was pretty cool, but I haven't done the work in some time. I don't have any crazy stories, but my second lucid dream was pretty satisfying. I had dreamed about my mom falling from a high place and getting pretty hurt, and I woke up from that dream and I was pretty disturbed by it, but I drifted back off to sleep. Once asleep, I found myself in the same dream, but this time I knew I was dreaming. So I just "rewound" things so that my mom had not fallen, then I went up and helped her down safely. Felt great to be able to change what had happened and the next time I woke up, I didn't feel disturbed at all by what I had originally dreamed.
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I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
I smoke a lot more now which stops you from dreaming but when I don’t smoke I can consistently lucid dream because a couple themes carry over into lost of my dreams so I recognize quickly. I mostly fly around and have sex with like old teachers and stuff but once I get consciousness in the dream the clock starts winding down
Jan 26, 2021
I smoke a lot more now which stops you from dreaming but when I don’t smoke I can consistently lucid dream because a couple themes carry over into lost of my dreams so I recognize quickly. I mostly fly around and have sex with like old teachers and stuff but once I get consciousness in the dream the clock starts winding down
Do you smoke to stop yourself from dreaming or is it just an unintended side-effect?


I’m a Fucking Captain Dammit
Jan 11, 2021
Do you smoke to stop yourself from dreaming or is it just an unintended side-effect?
Unintended side effect of weed. It’s well known that if you smoke everyday you will stop having dreams and if you stop for a few days, buckle up, it’s dreaming times infinite over and over again, wake up inception shit
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