All jokes aside, when is the last time you legitimately hit someone for a reason?

I found a crack head sleeping in my truck in the driveway about 14 years ago. Pulled his out and jacked his fucking jaw. Pretty sure I broke it. Cops arrived a few minutes later and hauled his ass off to the pokey. I showed up to both of his court dates to make sure he didn’t try to lie under oath. He finally plead guilty.
It’s because there are no consequences unless they kill someone. A random woman could walk up and punch you in the face and you would probably be the one that goes to jail.
In today's environment you are likely correct although it would be after they picker her up off the floor if she was a random woman. If a woman I knew hit me it would likely be because of something I said or because of the ass squeeze.
I’m by no means a fighter, but have been trained very well just in case.

I knew I should’ve enjoyed my margarita at home last night but noooo. I have to go out.

This Austin Lib fuck saw my FSU hat and went on a rant about how terrible the Florida Governor is and just wouldn’t stop. I swear at least a dozen times I said, “can you please leave me alone?” Finally I went “seriously leave me be to my beverage”.

I asked the security guards to get this guy away from me. They were dealing with something more important.

My go to move (thank you A certain someone) was to pick up the girl next to me wine glass, put it next to his face and punch through it. My hand is fucked up but his face is way way worse. Already contacted the bar and footage is gone. Contacted the police in case he wants an assault charge. Also gone.

Anyways, I haven’t hit someone in a very long time. When is the last time you did?
Saturday night when a bitch called me a racist because I didn't stand outside & hold the door for her to go on in, in front of me. When I asked her if I could see her "Black Privilege Card" she THOUGHT she was gonna pop off & intimidate me with her loud mouth because I'm a 47 year old white woman who was half her size. I learned a long time ago, fighting is the last thing that a loud mouth crazy bitch wants to do!
About two years ago my buddy and I come out of a concert and found some guy pissing on the back fender of my truck. Beat the shit out of him and his son! Cops showed up and the guy is like “I want to press charge!” The cop was like “that’s fine but he can press charges also!” Guy and his kid got in their car and took off.
About two years ago my buddy and I come out of a concert and found some guy pissing on the back fender of my truck. Beat the shit out of him and his son! Cops showed up and the guy is like “I want to press charge!” The cop was like “that’s fine but he can press charges also!” Guy and his kid got in their car and took off.
Seems like a douche move. How tough did you feel after that?
Sorry, I've shortened this as much as possible but still a long post follows.

#Cliffs: I punch two dudes, one runs off with shattered nose, the other gets KO'd,...then we become friends.😂

The last time I recall intentionally hitting someone with my fists would've been my early 20s, -so around late 2000s.

One night at a mates party I'd noticed two random cunts outside, obviously bailing up someone who I couldn't see around the corner of the house, at back of the property.

*I used to be an absolute - out of control - fuckin dick, and where/who I'd spent my teens to mid-twenties around, fighting was just a necessity.

Who I am now, will not allow me to deny that at the time, I can clearly recall being legitimately stoked by this opportunity to bash two stupid fuckers,...just for the fun of it.

Firstly, young me used my words, but apparently my soothing insults must've upset them something fierce, lol, they swiftly set upon me.

Fuck knows why, but I recall chuckling initially as they came at me, which briefly turned into a loud, probably evil or stupid sounding, laugh as the scrawnier one copped a nose shattering straight left.
Which didn't really do much except for the shattered nose and gushing blood, abruptly ending his participation, he hastily stumbled out of sight.

The other cunt was much more solidly built and to my surprise he turned out to be a reasonably capable fighter.
Suffice to say, he had some rather decent grappling skills.

We exchanged several glancing blows, briefly grappled, but he quickly demonstrated his superior skill and had young me locked in some sorta cunty forward facing chokehold.

He must've thought he had young me dead to rights, coz he simply held this choke tightly, but the fact is it failed to inhibit my breathing, only enraging young me further, until breaking free.

Apparently he was immediately clocked & KO'd by an unintended reactionary straight right to the face, (less of a punch and more of push to create distance)

I hadn't even registered the KO at first, it was dark and he'd sorta teetered upright a bit before fully toppling from a cheeky left hook I'd thrown as a distraction from the right uppercut that was following. (which failed to connect since he was already in free fall.)

Actually felt really fuckin bad immediately after this, despite practically the entire party witnessing this and cheering.
This was the first time I found my-self fully conscious of being absolutely disgusted by my hateful choices of actions and after catching my breath, sought to help this dude out.

We actually became quite good mates since then, though due to the complexities of my current circumstances we've not caught up in about 20+ months now.
I’m by no means a fighter, but have been trained very well just in case.

I knew I should’ve enjoyed my margarita at home last night but noooo. I have to go out.

This Austin Lib fuck saw my FSU hat and went on a rant about how terrible the Florida Governor is and just wouldn’t stop. I swear at least a dozen times I said, “can you please leave me alone?” Finally I went “seriously leave me be to my beverage”.

I asked the security guards to get this guy away from me. They were dealing with something more important.

My go to move (thank you A certain someone) was to pick up the girl next to me wine glass, put it next to his face and punch through it. My hand is fucked up but his face is way way worse. Already contacted the bar and footage is gone. Contacted the police in case he wants an assault charge. Also gone.

Anyways, I haven’t hit someone in a very long time. When is the last time you did?
Pic of hand?
Sorry, this is yet another long-
-ish post.

#Cliffs: I headbutt a tweaker off a porch.

A few months after the events of my previous post, a dude randomly turned up at my house and began aggressively banging on the back door.

Didn't know this dude but had seen him around.

Anyways, I answered the door thinking it might be an emergency only to find this twitchy fucker standing there,... silently glaring at me in expectation.

"Can I help you?" I asked.
Nah, no response.

A few more polite questions later, with varying degrees of twitches being the only indication of any immediate situational awareness, until suddenly he tried pushing past me, lol.

Even with my usual "at ease" stance, he'd have much better chances of walking through a brick wall.

This failure wasn't impressing him, and so began the usual chest puffing shit as he got amped and prepared to attack.

Though as I was no longer keen on unnecessarily clobbering cunts anymore, I hadn't reacted as one might expect.
Infact I didn't outwardly react at all.

Clearly this confounded him, as he hesitated for a sec, but eventually he committed, stepping in to do the deed, cocking an arm to throw a limp-wristed, undisciplined right hook.

However, at this same moment I also stepped toward him and ruined his game plan with my neanderthal-like forehead slamming into his tweaker face.

With that, he began several stumbling steps backwards, before fully backflipping over the pointless handrail onto the lawn.

Again, I felt fuckin stink as for harming an-other and immediately rushed to help.

Though this only seemed to terrify the absolute crap outta this poor tweaking gollywog.

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