2020 Election Fraud, Republicans in Name Only (RINOS), and Political Shenanigans Past and Present

News on Wisconsin Investigation

Got a call today. It appears this investigation into election fraud in Wisconsin is deadly serious. The questions were very pointed and seem to be on the money. There are already tranches of ballots they've identified.
Wisconsin may end up being one of the most filthy examples in the country. There are large numbers of ballots ID'ed as harvested and suspected illegal.
Of all the efforts I've heard about, this one seems to be not only the most serious, but also the most informed on what to look for and how this likely steal was carried out.
Just given the sheer numbers, I don't know how Biden's margin holds statewide. They're looking at over 3k harvested in Kenosha, alone. If you remember that last harvest batch in that country sent me through the roof.
I just pray they don't focus only on these larger areas because our findings really do suggest "a little here, a little
there, a lot everywhere" instead of a few counties gone rogue.


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