2020 Election Fraud, Republicans in Name Only (RINOS), and Political Shenanigans Past and Present

The plan from the beginning was not to release PCAPs to the public or to the media, period. That hasn't changed. If the Cyber expert teams don't have enough information from the PCAPs, wait for a complete explanation and wait for the dust to settle.

Don't worry about the rumors right now. Wait for real information.

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Oh shit. what happened with Cates?
Cates, like many political columnist, don't investigate enough and just regurgitate from other people. In this case it was a Washington Times article.
In addition, he personally attended the cyber symposium but missed a major event yesterday. He missed that the PCAPs were discovered by Lindell's Red Team to contain a "Poison Pill" in the data and therefore they held back on presenting it publicly.

See previous post on "Poison Pill"
CDMedia reported live from the Lindell Cyber Symposium this week and here is what we think happened.

First, we have no idea if the packet capture data heralded by Mike Lindell for months as proof China hacked the election was real or not. We don’t know because we can report the data was never presented to experts at the conference.

The Lindell team says this is because the data was corrupted by a ‘poison pill’ which made the data unusable. Col Phil Waldron of the Lindell team said the data Lindell possessed has been turned over to the Federal government per cyber security law requirements. We have been informed that multiple ‘agents of influence’ were trying to destroy the ‘break out room’ sessions assembled with cyber experts. Many were allegedly angry the information they expected to receive was not provided in the end, according to the corporate press.

More at source...


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