2020 Election Fraud, Republicans in Name Only (RINOS), and Political Shenanigans Past and Present

CNN reporter tears into My Pillow millionaire Mike Lindell for his claim 2020 election was stolen in off-the-rails interview during which he offers the reporter a hug​

  • My Pillow CEO Mike Lindell says he now has proof that votes cast for Donald Trump in the 2020 election were switched to votes for Joe Biden
  • But CNN investigative reporter Drew Griffin said he combed through Lindell's so-called proof and declared it 'complete nonsense'
  • He said screengrabs Lindell claims show voter fraud are just rudimentary metadata that proves nothing
  • He also says he spoke to officials in the 15 counties Lindell claims votes were switched and found out they use paper ballots so they cannot be hacked
  • Lindell is now offering anyone who can prove him wrong $5 million in an upcoming symposium
  • In the interview, he suggested Griffin attend the symposium to try to win the $5 million then asks if Griffin was worried about him and offers him a hug

- “Former” Sec of Defense Chris Miller

Have you been following Devolution. This was from part 6 from Patel Patriot.

Trump & Miller set them up. It was a trap!

You might think about starting a thread on devolution. It's a pretty interesting theory and it's the first time in a while I've seen a story about Trump that has some stuff to back it up.
Nothing to see here...

Even though the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors have acted in a way towards the Senate that is borderline criminal, they each got a $20K/yr raise in the budget that I believe Ducey insisted upon (sort of like Lois Lerner getting a golden parachute for doing Obama’s and McCain’s, proven by Judicial Watch’s FOIA requests, bidding to haunt conservatives and Tea Party participants with IRS audits) so now each of the Maricopa Board of Supervisors receives about $120K/yr (while running a chicken farm on the side, at least Hickman, who couldn’t get PETA off of his back and couldn’t get traction for legislation to by him time to transition to a more humane chicken farm so there was a coincidental fire at his farm instead where an insurance company could help pay for the conversion), and the AZ Corp Commission pays about $70K/yr."

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