Will smith is nuts

Just read a little about this. Apparently Jada has alopecia and has been open about it. Not sure if Rock knew that or not. Leaves me with mixed feelings.
Would a bad haircut be fair game for a comedian? Yes.
Is a disease fair game? Not sure.
A joke is a joke. There was no malicious attack. All a distraction from hunter Biden and Ukraine labs.
Don't fall for this scripted Hollywood bullshit folks. ROCK grimaced before taking the hit. Why wouldn't it be a punch not a smack? All horseshit
That's assault. If Rock files a police report it's an open and shut case.

I'm sorry guys, but you can't fucking hit people because they make a tasteless joke about your wife.
Pretty sure since it in public on camera it could be taken up by DA Andy way. But if it is all a ruse then that is that
It was an attention grab thing. Maybe it did not affect the overnight ratings but if it had not occurred would there have been any online or media chatter about the Oscars a day or more later? The publicity is generating tons of attention for an otherwise irrelevant event that people across the country have given up on.
I think just pointing out she is a whore.
A woman of colour has sex and all of a sudden she is a “whore”. That sort of bigotry isn’t even en vogue anymore.
Because she has delittled her husband and turned him into an emotional mess.
Given that you can’t spell belittle correctly, you should probably stick to your own lane when it comes to determining if other people are a “mess” or not.
A woman of colour has sex and all of a sudden she is a “whore”. That sort of bigotry isn’t even en vogue anymore.

What color is she? I didn't notice that. In all honesty I couldn't gaf about any celebs. They are the weirdos not you Rube. You our bioclandestine
A woman of colour has sex and all of a sudden she is a “whore”. That sort of bigotry isn’t even en vogue anymore.

Given that you can’t spell belittle correctly, you should probably stick to your own lane when it comes to determining if other people are a “mess” or not.
How much do you get cucked? We know it happens. how much tho?
For all those that say it was fake for ratings: how did this help ratings? Wasn't that at the very end? I guess I don't see the point of faking it, especially for will smith.
It changes the news cycle. Can only have so many FFs. No one is taking about Ukraine hunter Biden biometa company pathogen labs all over.
I'll send ya links if you need proof but you'd have to read and do leg work. I can't program like mk_ultra
It’s called felching in the gay community.

Try making your bigotry a little less obvious.
For someone that tries to "Learn" people about the faggots and bigots community you sure do have a non-conformity way about doing it. You're supposed to be supportive and yet here you are being what you claim not to be. Be better.

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