what happened to the Martin and Malaria thread?

Well if you dont want to show pictures of her receiving her treatment then dont expect anyone to help you. Simple as that.
What i know all we need to be healed is God but not that money. I guess so Buddy i respect you but if you show me that am useless then you're doing wrong tig.
I wish I could remember more. It was 5:20ish in the morning and I was half asleep when I was reading it and about to leave for work.... Along the lines of where @Emma tenywa is located, malaria is very common and treatment is handed out for free to people in need of it... It was about a paragraph long.

@Croot_Overlord can we bring that thread back up or at the very least the last post? Emma had brought some good information about Malaria where he's at
how do you view it and can we still post in it? last post I saw was where @Emma tenywa basically said malaria treatment was free
Well i did post so and it's true, the government in uganda hands out a combination of drugs "coartem and panadol" for free to whoever is diagnosed with malaria at any govt hospital or health center. They rarely run short of those two drugs. The same drug is sold at private clinics as lumatem or artefan, a packet(full dose) costs around $2.
However there are some drugs administered intravenously as i did see a canola on the kid's arm, and that treatment still is supplemented with these tabs and the cost doesn't exceed $20 in a downtown private clinic or health center. This is not to damage martin's reputation here but maybe he didn't know about this and found himself being scammed by quack doctors, that's why i had earlier suggested that he go to a government health center and get those drugs if not, a drugshop or clinic can provide the same drugs at that price. But thats it basically malaria treatment is not that super expensive here, I don't know martin that much but what i know is that if he lives in kampala, the capital of Uganda,the treatment may be abit expensive but still less than $50 in a private clinic. Hopefully one day I'll get time and visit martin and we get to know each other
I’m sorry there was a misunderstanding Martin. I like the information on the work you do and the information your provide about daily life in Uganda.

Please understand the internet is a weird place and there is a lot of fraud. No one is accusing you of that at all, but being that we have never met it’s a trust but verify situation.
Yes this is the best answer. I've been trying to communicate this to @Martin but have just had a hard time.

As long as he just sticks around, good things will happen in the long term
@Martin you never answered the question of why you stated yesterday that the girl had just come down with malaria in one day and then said she had been in the hospital for four days. Can you clear that up, please?
Am around and you're all doing is not that good because you're trying to show the world that Martin is the wronggest person because i posted asking for the support in Treating the sick kid. I don't see why you all Judge me like this?
Yall i have private documents. @Martin is a good. Guy. Agreed he shouldn't ask for 200. But a fund me for those compelled would seem fare
@Martin you never answered the question of why you stated yesterday that the girl had just come down with malaria in one day and then said she had been in the hospital for four days. Can you clear that up, please?

He attempted to clear it up but the story still doesn't make sense.

Said she was taken to the hospital and Doctor said it'd take $200 and four days to treat her.

@Emma tenywa called bullshit in her own delicate way and said malaria is easily treatable at home and costs anywhere from a couple bucks to $30.

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