What’s the weight of the biggest gal you’ve ever boned?

My friends and I agreed on 160 but the truth is she was probably 195. She was sooo pretty though. Just an absolutely beautiful face but she was just huge from belly button down. It was a shame. She was a sweet heart but I just couldn't keep banging her. My friends were pissed at me because they loved her and she could get sport tickets through her job.
Everything about this post has me rolling 🤣
I boogered a big Italian girl years ago. Beautiful face and tits, but she prolly weighed 175. The double downer was that I got a case of the clap from her. It was one of those "last call" grabs at the bar when you're drunk as fuck and not thinking straight.
I never asked her for her weight, but somewhere between 200-250. She had a nice face so I said what the hell? Fat chicks are definitely down to do more things and can suck a mean dick. However I thought I was gonna break whenever she rode on top. Was afraid my cheap Amazon bedframe would snap in half. Not sure If I'd do it again though. Like I said in my other thread its like laying on a water bed when your on top. And all of those folds lol
I boogered a big Italian girl years ago. Beautiful face and tits, but she prolly weighed 175. The double downer was that I got a case of the clap from her. It was one of those "last call" grabs at the bar when you're drunk as fuck and not thinking straight.

175 is not big especially with big tits.
Handle checks out.
Just hooked up with a girl this past weekend who was just under 6 ft with a great ass and tits. I bet she weighed 165 or 170 easily. She was an awesome time
No shit the biggest I ever fucked.....was a mulligan that I woke up getting a BJ from.....the fucked up part is I was so shit faced she looked even bigger......and I just went for it. SAD. Reality she was between 175-200 max. but DAMN was she YUUGE when I was wasted. Still Fat BUT even in my mulligan, I still feel like I won. (Truth is I was so wasted I would've attempted to slay the largest whale ever. Hence the winning feeling)

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