Weirdest/Best places you’ve faucked

Eye was good friends with the daughter witch was my inn.

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This is a year after we fucked fore yew degenerates.

Eye tapped this skank in the back seat of her minivan while her husband was driving and daughter was in front passenger. It was late and we were all heading two Florida fore spring brake. A blanket was involved and I just bent her over real far and jammed it in her ass.

Looking back I’m sure the husband had two no and just be a cuck. The above wasn’t the only time. Probably about 100x over a 6 month period. She wood pick me up from school and her daughter had practice right after so we wood just go back two her house before she wood drop me back off at the school for my basketball practice.
The car in various pull-offs and parking spots has been common, including the parking lot of an outdoor mall.

A park by the river in Nashville, pretty much out in the open, but it was so late at night that nobody came by.

On a boat in broad daylight parked in the middle of the lake probably takes the cake for heightening the experience the most.

There was one time in a hotel room where we were not the only people in the room.

In the closet while my wife's friend was one room over.

In the lake with other people a dozen yards away. I think we were discreet? But they probably knew.

Now we have a toddler and two infants so I have sex once every Halley's Comet in the bedroom or occasionally in another room in the house.
Man I have a few.. Ill stick with the grown up most recent tew. Weekend vacation with just wife and I. No kids. She thinks Oysters make her horny. Its funny but it works. We were at a on the water restaurant in Sarasota about 3 dozen oysters and drinks no kids she found a "family" bathroom and we F'ed around for like hours (30 mis) and came back to the table, to everybody looking and laughing. When we're together like that we laugh and have fun. We were probably invloved in speaking with half the outside area on that beautiful night. We had a full sex session in the bathroom.

Same wife. She worked for a Drs Office (heart Surgeon), across the street was an old hospital. Id go pick her up for Lunch and wed drive across the street. Park in a spot, and climb in the back of the van where I could see out. Cop car drove through saw the van in a spot, backed up. Asked us to get out. Got Dressed and got out. When we told him we were married and getting alone time he laughed and let us be. I would sometimes accidentally pull out mid blast and get it, accidentally on her scrubs which showed it like a bullseye. Accidentally of course.

Got caught in a Bistro Restaurant bathroom. 2 workers opened the door. Standing up, leg was up on the seat, bent over, butt up, receiving full bottom touching big cock stroke. The girl with the dude that opened the door said "gasped my gossssshhhh" Like she felt it. IT was a second and felt like a minute. We all stared. They shut the door. Finished got 2 more drinks and left.
Was on a date with a hot blonde (16) me (18) it’s SC so it’s okay..

We are “cruising” the streets of Newberry SC and she says she wants to go to her dead friends grave to say hello. I pull in. She attacks my vigorously and made me sex her in a graveyard .

Also, dating a fat girl and her mom was trimming shrubs 8 feet away and thru the window if she looks she could see her daughter trying to eat my dick like she has missed 3pm moon pie and sprite snack time.
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Back in college I used to bang this girl in an empty classroom around 3/4 pm.

I'd jizz the entire floor. Lol

Nailed a friend in my office bathroom at 10pm at night (780 3rd Ave)

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