We have gators 🐊 in north Alabama now

It's not illegal to harvest wild animals on your own land. Not best wildlife management practice, but not illegal.
In our neighborhood at the beach …. We often see “missing” posters for white fluffy dogs. I hate to be the bearer of bad news but fluffy was a gator snack
I blasted a small gator w bear spray 10 years or so ago when Cooper was a puppy123_1.jpeg
when I was a kid in SC you'd hear about a gator in the low country. Now I don't think most kids swim in the creeks and such like we did as kids
Years ago I was killing a nest of bees in an attic. I was standing in overgrown grass which had been trampled down. A 4-5 foot green snake slithered between my legs. Didn't have time to get the heebie-jeebies.
One time I was planting a field for hunting. July or Aug bc it was hot and I had rat shot in a pistol for snakes.
A big ass branch got caught up in the planter but kept banging me on the back. The branch was bopping up and down hitting me but I couldn't see it.
I knew it was a big snake knocking me over and over. Took a giant fear piss immediately and laughed the rest of that miserable day
I’ll take a bobcat over a venomous snake any day.
Was riding my bike along a bike path with my kid in a tow trailer behind me. We see this "cat" sitting on the side of the road and stopped to take a look. The cat was about 10 feet from my kid in the trailer. As i stopped and started looking at it, it became apparent this thing had a DNR tracking collar on it and it was not a house cat but a bobcat. Guess he wasn't hungry because he didn't do anything besides sit there and look at us. We got moving pretty quick.
Was riding my bike along a bike path with my kid in a tow trailer behind me. We see this "cat" sitting on the side of the road and stopped to take a look. The cat was about 10 feet from my kid in the trailer. As i stopped and started looking at it, it became apparent this thing had a DNR tracking collar on it and it was not a house cat but a bobcat. Guess he wasn't hungry because he didn't do anything besides sit there and look at us. We got moving pretty quick.

We have a bobcat that runs around here. Just walk out and say “git “ and he takes off. He’s a pretty cat though.

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