We have been invaded by ….

Noooooo brain nooooooo stttooopppppp!



What is your trade?
Thats not relevant, its just my brain. No emotional, empathetic or fear responses. Humour needs to be dark beyond dark, jokes need to be degrading beyond degrading to elicit any smiles in me.

I may quite possibly have AVPD and PDP, while I have no tendency towards acting out or doing anything violent, never have and never will, I watched a PDP video and eeeeep, das me:

IDGAF about punishment, I just love to skirt the lines between what I can do ... there were genuine uncontrollable 'meltdowns' I've had in the past where I was arrested twice for 24 hrs each time, following getting a 'no crime committed' release, just prior to when I found out I had ASD and no idea what was wrong with me.

Each time the trigger was simply people being bad towards me. I turn into a ruthless 'conversational bully' and never back down until either the other person leaves or calls the police, each time they were beyond terrified of me and I was thrilled in just shouting them down for over an hour and never yielding until the police arrived ... thinking ... 'but they started it'.

Whoopsie. Stupid out of control motor mouth and alien brain.

I'm not sure if AVPD alone is supposed to shut off all my emotional responses like I have, and I can't afford / don't want to waste money on professional therapy as I have enough medical diagnostics which state 'This guy will shout / vent on the internet because its his only outlet' and such.

'Hes only a danger to himself as other people might attack him due to his actions' is also part of the report.

If I see gory images / people in pain, I literally don't care, but I did realise to call for help when a friend of mine got a deep gash on his hand from a glass bottle while taking out the trash. I'm cold and emotionless but not heartless, in fact I'm fiercely protective of people I like, more so than I am for myself. You hurt someone I like, I might end up actually killing you.
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'If a person is genuinely worried they might have NPD / SPD / PDP' then they most likely don't have them'.

Seriously I wish someone could tell me if ASD and AVPD alone are supposed to completely shut off my empathy, emotions and fear responses because it seems completely out of whack does my brain.

The AVPD for most cases has kept me safe - 'say whatever you or I want but no touching at any point' is my whole thing.
And one is a self proclaimed chat bot. Who's best advice is don't get upset
Just coming back to this sorry, I forgot that in the USA this isn't an issue. In the UK you can and will get arrested just for being angry / mean to people. Just about anything that another person claims is hateful or verbally abusive can land you in a cell for 24 hours. Shit country, shit place.

Meanwhile the UK police are useless against knife crimes / burglaries and any actual problems. This shit has been going on for maybe over a decade now, people are pissed off and both the high court and media branded such issues as 'non crime crimes', what a pathetically shit term. Basically you can spend a day in jail for non criminal behaviour just because you hurt someone's precious snowflake feelings.

My self therapy shit is in line with getting along in UK society, no pissing people off or good luck with more days spent in a cell.

At least if I try to speak to people in the UK, I have to completely control my damaged brain to stop it defaulting to its childlike arrogant screaming, even though its only from a defensive pattern, I completely lose it and cannot stop once my brain starts recieving stimulation from it. The police won't actually care or give a shit even if its mental health related, they just like to flex their power and arrest people for legal yet any upsetting behaviour towards others.

And good luck to me as an arrogant misanthropic avoidant anytime people do or say stupid shit to me irl.

People like me can't change their personality no matter how much they try, only suppress it as best they can, and its too challenging to manage anytime I'm faced with an idiot or someone that tries to put me down first.
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Avoidant & Dependant Personality with blends of Fearful and Dismissive attachment styles.

Always Guarded, Distrustful of Others & uses Arrogant Inferiority from a position of unyielding defence.

No sense of empathy, emotion or fear, always imposes a mean and cold demeanour, yet fiercely loyal and protective to friends and loved ones.

Impeccable people reading skills, immune to and easily spots narcissism, mindgames, manipulation tactics and gaslighting from others.

Masterfully Skilled in Assertive Communicative Language, always taking the role of a Ruthless Conversational Dominant or Bully when needed.

Uncontrollable meltdowns and verbal rage.

^ das me as an AI description lulz.
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If I was straight I could have gotten all the pussy I needed. During uni, 4 girls hit on me like crazy but I pushed them away cos gay. Gay men will not date ugly brown men, even other brown and black gay men will not touch an Indian man.

Every woman I meet loves me because 'Wow, you're just like one of the girls'. But if I was straight I likely wouldn't have my chatter motor mouth and endless need for lady talk. Put me on fucking loose women and I'd have infinite braingasms.

When I'm around people I like I'm a non camp Dylan Mulvaney.

There were several studies done on this in the 90s - 'More gay men have a feminization of the speech centre of the brain compared to straight men'. That's where my need for conversational dominance comes from.

Correctly controlled and used right, my speech and personality is on par with Ryan Reynolds / Deadpool, albeit with an ugly shitskin face.
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I might have already mentioned this, best night of my life was when the other men didn't turn up to a night out. Only one time it happened - a full ladies night out and I was the only man in the group.

I was beyond mentally stimulated, drunk girls are my fucking opium, and I never have any desire to touch or do anything with them cos I'm gay - you see this a lot with gay men and the whole 'fag hag' culture, or 'ladies night plus gay friend' stuff.

I only ever got to experience this one single time :(
This just proves the the theories that lgbzd+ are all mentally ill.
Yea, its basically 'woman brain' inside a man. Thats probably why along with women, gay men won't date ugly shitskins like me.

Like personality disorders, LGBT is an uncurable mental defect.

Regarding the second video you added, you have no idea what I am capable of in such situations.

As happened before, I straight up admit:

A) 'Eh I'm a virgin and Idgaf about sex'. Other people as usual are like:

B) 'Wtf, I don't believe you, lol, I can't believe you never had sex'.

A) ... 'Why would I want or need sex?'

B) 'Lol because it feels good?'

A) 'Ok so it feels so good, and thats why despite however much sex you / you lot have have had, you are still single and no one will ever love you?'

B) *Insecurities exposed, defensiveness applied, self absorbed blabber blabber in line with 'I'm better than you, I've had more sex than you'.

A) *Exploiting Bs vulnerability* Cool, now imagine me telling anyone you try to date in the future that you will not ever respect them as a person, don't see them as anything more than a sex object, and reveal your body count to them / or to your wife > In fact, I'm gonna text her right now (If I have her details).

This is how conversational dominance works. No one can beat me at it, even though I am applying it at a level of 'Arrogant inferiority'.
The southern term "bullshit artist" comes to mind lol
Never heard that term as I'm from the UK but yea. I don't like straight men by default and avoid them the most.

When I clearly expressed to my prior friends that I hated and didn't like football? ...

'We're just going to the pub for dinner, would you like to come?'

'Sure, yes please, anything for my friends' ...

We get to the pub and they only wanted to go because one of the world cup finals was playing. The all sat around the screen absorbed in the game and ignoring me or any conversation.

I will never again have straight male friends after that. Women only, then again, I'll never have that again.

I'm happy to spend the rest of my life alone and die alone. All humans suck.
And yea, further gaining insights into myself from being able to speak freely here and express myself.

'Conversational dominance / bullying' is straight up 'woman brain speech' like as I mentioned before the whole 'loose women' type talk.

The family guy sketch on loose women, having them all bawling like chickens, thats me.

When I'm with other women, or the rare empathetic male (I had 2 straight male friends at uni like this - they could do nothing but smile and laugh everytime my mouth activated, one even telling me - 'Don't you dare ever change'), they can't get enough of me.

Basically 'Dylan Mulvaney' or even 'Britney Spears' but as a firm masculine demeanour. Women love me, and empathetic men love me. Other people will find me annoying / irritable / belligerent.

I never put people down until they are being mean or narcissistic. The reason why narcs are drawn to me - they see me dominating my conversations and get jealous and try to step in and start trying to put me down or silence me somehow.
This asserts that @TheRealJohnCooper is correct, also there are more than one of you. This statement is a confession by you.

You proved his point by the above statement.

To be honest, I dont really care either way, just pointing something out.
I was replying to another users definition, not the OP.

Invented terms like 'Incel' can have multiple definitions, in the case of this thread, the OP alone should have asserted his personal definition to open up the debate. Instead he fled with his tail tucked between his legs and let others take over the conversation, in other words, the OP is a conversational coward who could never match up to my intensity for challenging debate.

A woman brained yet somehow still masculine and testosterone fueled man plus ASD is beyond human comprehension for conversational power, along with my need and greed for it.

All the normie left wing sites cannot handle me. Simply me telling some rando idiot I wasn't interested in them and saying 'fuck off' or some such is all it takes to get banned on shitty reddit and such.

I come to right wing sites, initially on prior ones was to challenge Christianity and Right Wing values, and all the normies scream 'you posted there, therefore you are a nazi too'. My brain is beyond the average brainlet NPC. Why did I have to be created with an autistic computer brain with infinite need for non stop stimulation WHY?????????

If I can't converse online, then I have to shout at idiots IRL for hours on end.

I take 'Piers Morgan's' approach of 'attack and challenge everything'. I neither align to any political or religious ideology, I only see and spot the flaws in everything and challenge them all.
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I'll start with this one.

We don't regard ourselves 'involuntary celibates' - this was in fact a newly invented pyschotherapic term by a woman to define people of all genders and sexual status who are simply unsuccessful in finding love or sex. The original term was made from a position of kindness and empathy, the one that I and most people like me adhered to.

What ended up happening when this term was utilized to create online communities based on the term? The toxic individuals dominated the discussions. In the same vein as the current socially controlling and dominating Trans individuals that took control over and ruined the LGBT movements, the same way that fully far right and violent neo nazis would take over and dominate right wing or free speech forums.

When reviewing these spaces, the media and normative people only ever focused on the toxic and negative aspects of these communities. As is the case - when free speech is offered, toxic / narcissistic / sociopathic / psychopathic individuals feel that this includes them as well. They flock to whichever forum will accept them and ruin the experience for everyone else.

The position that you now take applying that you think 'Incels' are 'hostile and show resentment towards sexually active people' is a false narrative based upon media lies mostly from upset women - you are literally speaking like a woman minded individual yourself.

The vein in which you think we were ever 'attacking sexually active people?' Its no different to conservative and religious people attacking people who sleep around, have hundreds of sexual partners while they themselves want a life partner and monogamous marriage. Incels are literally identical in their desires, they want a loving monogamous relationship in the current day and age where left wing liberalism has turned most of society and people into hedonists who seek short term gratification only.

I only identify as an 'incel' based upon the societal term as it was invented - 'a person who has not had romantic or intimate relations for A) A long time B) Ever'.

Now feel free to consider yourself why does this offend you so much, when I thought that right wing and religious people actually like people who are not sexually deviant and prioritize wanting a long term loving relationship above all else?
No one would want to read all that shit you wrote. You or anyone who wants to bang but no one wants relations w you. You sound like a Corky
No one would want to read all that shit you wrote. You or anyone who wants to bang but no one wants relations w you. You sound like a Corky
Cry more bitch.

Plenty of women want relationships with me but I don't want relationships with women.

Also you applied your own arrogance and pathetic self absorbed conclusion assuming I even want relationships with others.

I used incel sites long before I realised I was actually avoidant, same case as so many other people.

Im not an incel - I am asexual and have zero interest in romance or intimacy. It is me who denies sex or relationship status to others, whatever the reverse of an 'incel' is.

I have never seeked or looked for dating / romance / sex my entire life. When I was younger and I tried dating sites because I thought thats what you do, I ignored and refused every person that expressed any sexual interest in me.

All my profiles read 'looking for friends and connections' and such stuff. Yet no adults are interested in just that, everyone else only wants people for sex.
You said 'arso' indicating 'also' you pathetic shitstain, indicating both.

Upbringing doesn't determine sexuality in fact - maybe stopping boys from being allowed to interact with girls as is common in religious nutjob parenting turned me gay lulz.
Where have you been pretending to be a dog around these forums?

I see you’re gay, I see you’re retarded, but outside of that picture of your mom in your avatar, I don’t see any other mutt.
Where have you been pretending to be a dog around these forums?

I see you’re gay, I see you’re retarded, but outside of that picture of your mom in your avatar, I don’t see any other mutt.
Like I said, it was either sexy man or ugly dog I wanted for my avatar. Ugly dog fits better.

I'm an ugly retarded shitskinned faggot and Idgaf anymore.
If I was straight I could have gotten all the pussy I needed. ian man.

Every woman I meet loves me because 'Wow, you're just like one of the girls'. But if I was straight I likely wouldn't have my chatter motor mouth and endless need for lady talk. Put me on fucking loose women and I'd have infinite braingasms.

When I'm around people I like I'm a non camp Dylan Mulvaney.

There were several studies done on this in the 90s - 'More gay men have a feminization of the speech centre of the brain compared to straight men'. That's where my need for conversational dominance comes from.

Correctly controlled and used right, my speech and personality is on par with Ryan Reynolds / Deadpool, albeit with an ugly shitskin face.
"During uni"?????

Are you British? I think we have a rule against British people here.

The position that you now take applying that you think 'Incels' are 'hostile and show resentment towards sexually active people' is a false narrative
You asked for a definition, and he gave you the definition.

The "in" in incel stands for involuntary. As in, involuntarily celibate. Ie: they want sex, but can't deliver the goods it takes to get it.

I only identify as an 'incel' based upon the societal term as it was invented - 'a person who has not had romantic or intimate relations for A) A long time B) Ever'.
You aren't an incel. You are a volcel. As in, voluntarily celibate. Ie: you aren't wanting it. Incels do want it.

I'm happy to spend the rest of my life alone and die alone.
See? Volcel.

Plenty of women want relationships with me but I don't want relationships with women.
That's a volcel

I'm from the UK
You have my sincerest sympathies.

All humans suck.
Are you a human?

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