Videos for fun

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I might not be seeing this how you guys see it.
Are you guys laughing at him or with him?
Honestly can't tell and those two accompanying Twittler comments seem to imply he's the butt of a joke?

Surely not though aye? Coz from my pov he's the only one who isn't a joke here. I mean, it's fuckin' funny how he calls out the stupidity of the situation, by extension the stupidity of the clowns running the shitshow and casually destroys that idiotic Shannon cunt without surrendering a single spare fuck.

I'd imagine he was fully expecting to end up fired from that circus as a result and have to deal with the consequences of his actions, a coward wouldn't have the balls.

Holy ungodly mcfuck!
We are living through the preprogrammed Idiocracy period and I bet at least half of us cunts are somewhat aware, even with our attention being hijacked, largely oblivious to everything around us already crumbling as we teeter on the brink of impending collapse into some sort of queer global techno demagoguery....🤣butt fuck it's still bloody entertaining. All doomed anyway, within these decaying corpses shuffling about this hell so I figure why not kick tf back and enjoy the tragic spectacle.
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