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Vaxxed Masked

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
They are not vaccines! Stop calling them such. Gives actual vaccines a bad reputation. SKOL!
They are vaccines. Just not vaccines I would trust. Vaccines are never full proof. In theory, they lessen your chance of contracting the disease or they lessen the severity if you do contract it. I think this part is likely true about the vaccines. What I don’t trust is the side effects (much higher incidence of deaths directly related to the vaccine than historically) and the unknown long term effects from a new type of vaccine (mRNA altering spike
Protein vs traditional “dead virus”).


Dec 1, 2020
They are vaccines. Just not vaccines I would trust. Vaccines are never full proof. In theory, they lessen your chance of contracting the disease or they lessen the severity if you do contract it. I think this part is likely true about the vaccines. What I don’t trust is the side effects (much higher incidence of deaths directly related to the vaccine than historically) and the unknown long term effects from a new type of vaccine (mRNA altering spike
Protein vs traditional “dead virus”).
Sorry detective but the proof says otherwise. Seems the 'jab takers' are not handling this as well as the naturally immune. The new standard for vaccines is for shit. Back to walking the beat for you. SKOL!

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
Sorry detective but the proof says otherwise. Seems the 'jab takers' are not handling this as well as the naturally immune. The new standard for vaccines is for shit. Back to walking the beat for you. SKOL!
I could believe that part about the naturally immune. Always the best immunity IMO. It’s also theorized that the vaccines are directly causing these so called variants. However, I also believe these variants are either completely fake or are extremely overhyped (probably the latter).


Dec 1, 2020
I could believe that part about the naturally immune. Always the best immunity IMO. It’s also theorized that the vaccines are directly causing these so called variants. However, I also believe these variants are either completely fake or are extremely overhyped (probably the latter).
I hypothesized a year ago that this kind of thing would happen. The isolation from other people also isolated people from bugs other people had, mild or severe, that we need to keep our immunity top notch. Couple that with priming lungs with masks everyday all day long and I ask as a simple minded man with no medical background, wtf did you expect to happen? I think your detective mind is onto something. These variants are those nasty little bugs that immune compromised people are having trouble fighting off. BTW, if the PCR test couldnt differentiate the wuhan from the flu how do they know what variant you have? It's all BS and the vax takers are a bit nervous right now as they should be. SKOL!

One more fucking thing, masks don't work, yet here the fuck we are!

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
I hypothesized a year ago that this kind of thing would happen. The isolation from other people also isolated people from bugs other people had, mild or severe, that we need to keep our immunity top notch. Couple that with priming lungs with masks everyday all day long and I ask as a simple minded man with no medical background, wtf did you expect to happen? I think your detective mind is onto something. These variants are those nasty little bugs that immune compromised people are having trouble fighting off. BTW, if the PCR test couldnt differentiate the wuhan from the flu how do we know what variant you have? It's all BS and the vax takers are a bit nervous right now as they should be. SKOL!
It’s funny you mention that. I just had the worst cold I ever had. Probably because my body is out of practice. I was in bed all day the other day. Colds don’t normally put me on my ass. It was weird too because I never had a sore throat or cough. Just extreme runny nose and nasal pressure/debilitating headache.


Dec 1, 2020
It’s funny you mention that. I just had the worst cold I ever had. Probably because my body is out of practice. I was in bed all day the other day. Colds don’t normally put me on my ass. It was weird too because I never had a sore throat or cough. Just extreme runny nose and nasal pressure/debilitating headache.
You taking the recommended vitamins? If you are, could've been worse. If you're not, you can expect more. Just wait till the cold and flu season which is not funny enough, right aropund the corner. That's when the carnage will begin. all back in school wearing their germ spreaders on their face. Spreading the colds and flus, errr, covid-omega variants. keep digging detective! SKOL!

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
You taking the recommended vitamins? If you are, could've been worse. If you're not, you can expect more. Just wait till the cold and flu season which is not funny enough, right aropund the corner. That's when the carnage will begin. all back in school wearing their germ spreaders on their face. Spreading the colds and flus, errr, covid-omega variants. keep digging detective! SKOL!
I live in Florida, so I really hope DeSantis sticks to his guns. Biden requiring all Federal Employees to be vaccinated is a serious constitutional crisis. Dangerous times for sure.


Dec 1, 2020
All because Orange Man Bad. Never forget that. Now with the GOAT doing his sabre rattling the enemy is ramping up the fear porn. i disengage when it starts messing with my mental health> i try to ignore it but the education process continues, even in here. SKOL!

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
You taking the recommended vitamins? If you are, could've been worse. If you're not, you can expect more. Just wait till the cold and flu season which is not funny enough, right aropund the corner. That's when the carnage will begin. all back in school wearing their germ spreaders on their face. Spreading the colds and flus, errr, covid-omega variants. keep digging detective! SKOL!
Call me a phag but I don’t believe in those factory made pills unless I’m actually really sick with something

I can get everything I need from some hash with eggs, milk, and a glass of orange juice (or any juice) in the morning.

I’m that guy that doesn’t even eat out of a microwave if I can help it.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
Call me a phag but I don’t believe in those factory made pills unless I’m actually really sick with something

I can get everything I need from some hash with eggs, milk, and a glass of orange juice (or any juice) in the morning.

I’m that guy that doesn’t even eat out of a microwave if I can help it.
I take good ole fayshuned decongestants and Benadryl. Neti pot is the shit too. Those Asians and their ancient medicines.

America 1st

The best poster on the board! Trumps lover! 🇺🇸
Jan 7, 2021
I live in Florida, so I really hope DeSantis sticks to his guns. Biden requiring all Federal Employees to be vaccinated is a serious constitutional crisis. Dangerous times for sure.
I don’t think he can actually do that.

Unions, contracts, and not being “at will” employment should lead to an easy win against that sorta mandate in court.

Public health / vaccination is a state’s right according to SCOTUS precedent.

Detective John Kimble

Stop whining!
Dec 1, 2020
I don’t think he can actually do that.

Unions, contracts, and not being “at will” employment should lead to an easy win against that sorta mandate in court.

Public health / vaccination is a state’s right according to the SCOTUS precedent.
There are a lot of things I never “thought” they could do.


Neanderthal in Chief
Jan 8, 2021
I could believe that part about the naturally immune. Always the best immunity IMO. It’s also theorized that the vaccines are directly causing these so called variants. However, I also believe these variants are either completely fake or are extremely overhyped (probably the latter).
3 possibilities in my mind:

1a.) Mass injections are causing rapid viral evolution, causing them to fight through whatever short-term protection the experimental injections may provide. This is what I mostly believe.

1b.) The "Delta" is actually spike protein shed from the inoculated

2.) China is releasing the variants around the world. Also plausible to me.

3.) Its hype. This is a given, regardless of which possibility is true


Jan 9, 2021
I could believe that part about the naturally immune. Always the best immunity IMO. It’s also theorized that the vaccines are directly causing these so called variants. However, I also believe these variants are either completely fake or are extremely overhyped (probably the latter).
I know some will argue its just semantics but the MRNA "vaccines" are better termed genetic software. They train our body to attack one specific spike protein... That immuno response is encoded forever and is tied to the original variant's spike protein. They do not attack the virus per se, only one specific mechanism used by the virus. They are very effective in stopping that mechanism, but they are unnaturally selecting viral mutations that immune escape.

That induced immuno response can potentially override your natural antibodies. A vaccinated person's antibodies could be attaching to a variant's altered protein spike, doing very little to nothing to that altered protein, and simultaneously out competing our body's natural, broader acting antibodies that would have effectively combatted it. We put up a leaky roadblock, and the virus took the exit. That is why we've seen so many variants so quickly.

Simply put, the MRNA "vaccine" is a worldwide gain of function experiment. We've put our proverbial eggs in one basket and could potentially pay dearly. We've altered a natural order in a manner never attempted before.

Go to 55 minutes or listen to all... Very interesting


Dec 2, 2020
Fair but like I say all the time; loading the Japanese onto trains and shipping them to the middle of nowhere into detention camps was legal so…

There is a ton of shit that is illegal, but the government does anyway. A judge allows it, and the people go along with it.

The government gets its power from the consent of the governed...plenty of consent to go around these days🙄🤮


Jan 8, 2021
3 possibilities in my mind:

1a.) Mass injections are causing rapid viral evolution, causing them to fight through whatever short-term protection the experimental injections may provide. This is what I mostly believe.

1b.) The "Delta" is actually spike protein shed from the inoculated

2.) China is releasing the variants around the world. Also plausible to me.

3.) Its hype. This is a given, regardless of which possibility is true
It’s a combination of all four, IMO. As for 1b I have been going into the office a bit and coming home with headaches and weird bruises, which are both said to be exposure to shedding. Started taking pine tea for the suramin yesterday, on top of the ivermectin and vitamins.


Jan 8, 2021

You probably don’t give a shit, which I respect, but title of thread should have been “ Vaxxed Masked.” HTH. If not, feel free to tell me to fuck off.


Jan 15, 2021
I've never heard of a single god damn vaccine not preventing the spread of a particular virus. I get it, molecules and particles and whatever else shit can still cling into your body. The ruling factor is how much of a viral load do you have to make yourself susceptible to an infection strong enough to affect you, and/or a large enough quantity to spill over to others.

The vax, at least so I thought, was to make your body such a hostile environment that the load never gets high enough for either of those outcomes.

In the old days did people catch small pox from the vaccinated? There was a story in the American revolution where a small pox outbreak took place in particular town. Can't remember exactly where. Washington sent in soldiers that had already had small pox first to scout the area out and check out what was going on. You'd think, based on these revelations from covid vaccines, when those soldiers got back to camp they would've wiped out the entire army.
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