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Jan 10, 2021


Dec 10, 2020
I was listening to the patrick bet david podcast the other day. He was mentioning that not just credit card debt is sky high... buy now and pay later is through the roof right now. He was saying that Jan and Feb could see tons of defaults and missed payments if these people misjudged how much they can afford.

I could see q1 being really bad because debt has just gotten crazy.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
I was listening to the patrick bet david podcast the other day. He was mentioning that not just credit card debt is sky high... buy now and pay later is through the roof right now. He was saying that Jan and Feb could see tons of defaults and missed payments if these people misjudged how much they can afford.

I could see q1 being really bad because debt has just gotten crazy.
I've seen a hard and fast drop off YOY on steel sales at all of our locations. We may be at or just below 40%capacity going through our shops compared to 2020


Mar 20, 2021
I was listening to the patrick bet david podcast the other day. He was mentioning that not just credit card debt is sky high... buy now and pay later is through the roof right now. He was saying that Jan and Feb could see tons of defaults and missed payments if these people misjudged how much they can afford.

I could see q1 being really bad because debt has just gotten crazy.
The moronic masses are just returning to serfdom where they belong. The Enlightenment was an aberration.
Jul 1, 2023
I was listening to the patrick bet david podcast the other day. He was mentioning that not just credit card debt is sky high... buy now and pay later is through the roof right now. He was saying that Jan and Feb could see tons of defaults and missed payments if these people misjudged how much they can afford.

I could see q1 being really bad because debt has just gotten crazy.
PBD is an above average troll. He does a nice job of knowing how to play off of his skin color and religion.


Your(e)humble servant
Jan 8, 2021
Not a coincidence, but you invert cause and effect. As White IQs drop, they are less able to protect their territory.
People are getting dumber yes. But older Irish Americans haven't entered the fight yet at all. Gaelic you fuckin' injun lover
(My best buddy is a Chief of a Tribe in SC. It is always jokes for me)
Feb 9, 2023
The Zionist Jews have been pushing this agenda for centuries now on all Caucasian Nations. These Edomites believe they're the so-called master race since they have Rephaim, Nephelium and fallen angel blood in their bloodlines. Their Talmud includes their own man made prophecy of the shitskins being forced into the Israelite nations to form this EuroAsian Negroid Mocha late shitskin slave race in which the IQ and the creative genius of the Israelites is diluted into this low IQ and creativity lacking homogenous race, identity, culture, religion(satanism), etc within this one world government one world currency. They also dumb down these slaves with their indoctrination camps, poisoning the food, air, water, and Pharmacia. By definition this is an intentional genocide of the white race. To support this or claim ignorance on this issue is to promote the eradication of your very own people.

The Edomites started this by bringing the Niggers from Africa, in their slave ships to America and they now blame the white man for their sins even though the white man banned this atrocity. They then opened the flood gates qith the 1965 Immigration Act. More recently they're pushing this agenda harder than ever by sending millions of the shitskins to all white nations in ships and buses, using their Hollyweird movies, TV, commercials, social media, search engines to push race mixing, and they ill continue to amplify the pressure on this agenda as time goes on.

They use the indoctrination camps to use their propaganda to make whites feel guilty, to feel demoralized and dissatisfied for being white. The irony of this agenda is if this agenda is successful then diversity will cease to exist as everyone but the Zionist Jewish parasites will be a shitskin sub 85 IQ retard with a heavily capped capacity for creativity, 100+ various vaccines including the mark of the beast vaccine, over medicated, GMO and pesticide latent foods out the ass, drinking fluoridated and chlorinated water and breathing in the air they intentionally pollute. Another irony of this agenda is the earth will be unable to sustain life at a certain point if their goals are achieved They believe they can escape this by uploading their consciousness and or soul into AI and become immortal.

The government aka corporations incentivizes the loq IQ shitskins to breed more. This is intentional as a way to damage the human genome and they're doing an excellent job.
Feb 9, 2023

That might be the worst representation of race and IQ I've ever seen. These are small sample sizes and means not averages.

It's qell knon blacks have an average IQ of 80-85 in the US (probably have some European Genes), and sub-Saharan blacks have an IQ average of 70. Qhites have an average IQ of 100 but estern Europeans have an average IQ of 102 and in countries that are 95% hite or higher e see even higher IQ's of around 104. Before the Jeq indoctrination camps, forced multiculturalism and chemical arfare, Germany in the 1930's had an average IQ of 107 and some cities had an IQ of 114+. They ere at that time the most advanced Nation on the planet.

Noq the media, social media, national awards, etc always cite the Jews "high IQ's as reason for their success. I suggest it's simply them dominating the money supply and having control of the media, TV, politicians, etc y they have so called success and not their IQ's. They say Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ from 107-115. However their are many flaws in the studies they cite. The studies cited are mostly children and the one's that are not including the children are not a solid sample size to be a representation of the entire population.

The nation of Israel has an average IQ of 92 hich is slightly above the American Nigger. But, it's not all Ashkenazi Jews that reside in Israel. If qe take the knoqn IQ figures of all the other people living in Israel then qe can figure out the Ashkenazi Jews easily.

As you can see beloq, if qe use the estimates of 115 or 107 this gives us an average to high for all of Israel. It's not until I give the AJ's a score of 99 until the score dips into the 92's. Most of their scores are below average in everything except verbal and they have slightly higher than average math scores.

The reasoning for their success is their nepotism, parasitism, immorality and overall dominance they've grown over the centuries. You see the white race has a monopoly on a vast majority of the greatest inventions known to man through history. The AJ's are simply great at being leaches and sucking out the blood from our genius and siphoning that blood into their blood banks and with usury and turning paper into gold they have become the wealthiest race on earth.

These Jews are notorious liars so it's to be expected that they would lie about their overall intelligence and use it as a cover for their "success" when the reality is quite more nefarious.




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