You’re such a nice fucker.@Mungri I like you and your participation on the board for sure, but on an autism scale from 1 to 10 you are an 11. And @Cartoondude135 is a 12. I’m definitely not trying to say there is anything wrong with it, I’m just giving an unsolicited opinion. Just be yourself and if anyone has a problem with it, that’s on them
Are ya fucking saying cartoon twat is BETTER THAN ME???@Mungri I like you and your participation on the board for sure, but on an autism scale from 1 to 10 you are an 11. And @Cartoondude135 is a 12. I’m definitely not trying to say there is anything wrong with it, I’m just giving an unsolicited opinion. Just be yourself and if anyone has a problem with it, that’s on them
@Mungri I hadn't seen this before I wrote the message to you. But what Shiv is saying is right on.@Mungri I like you and your participation on the board for sure, but on an autism scale from 1 to 10 you are an 11. And @Cartoondude135 is a 12. I’m definitely not trying to say there is anything wrong with it, I’m just giving an unsolicited opinion. Just be yourself and if anyone has a problem with it, that’s on them
Its not a mistake if I cannot help it, and my profile states as such that I will write a lot due to my impulsivity.Your mistake was saying too much after the other person had only said a little, and then you gave up too soon.
You could have said something simple in response to what the other person said, and then maybe you could have tried with a few other topics to see if you could get the conversation going.
And if the conversation doesn't go anywhere after a few tries, then maybe you and the other person simply don't relate to each other, so you politely move on.
Its not a mistake if I cannot help it, and my profile states as such that I will write a lot due to my impulsivity.
Erm, the others' were not conveying any thoughts or ideas!Pfft, that is just a blatant horseshit excuse meant to somehow "justify" being an obnoxious self absorbed cunt whenever you please.
Even if that vacuous excuse were true...ffs,it still wouldn't magically excuse you from your own inevitable accountabilities arising from your own wilful choice of, lol, "impulsive" actions.
Furthermore, you're not communicative.
Being communicative relates to the conveyance or exchange of information.
To be communicative is to have the ability, and the willingness to communicate — to actually exchange thoughts and ideas.
Couples often go to counseling specifically in order to learn to be more communicative with one-another.
Whereas ignoring or disregarding practically everything others say in preference for simultaneously demanding everyone just shut the fuck up and accept whatever lengthy diatribe you proclaim as "reality", is entirely uncommunicative bullshit.
Erm, the others' were not conveying any thoughts or ideas!
They gave me nothing to 'social butterfly' off.
Its not 'self absorbed' when they make me do all the work in a conversation.
Bitch wtf is up with you?Ahh fuck'ell mate b'allz eye'm seein' be nothin' buttmore bloody excuses.
Reminds of this dumb bitch I used to know who would use her bi-polar diagnosis as an excuse to go-off on people.Pfft, that is just a blatant horseshit excuse meant to somehow "justify" being an obnoxious self absorbed cunt whenever you please.
Bitch wtf is up with you?
Errrrrrr, I am always direct in my speech IRL.Ok.
•"I never ask people to 'shup up',".
- Ain't never heard no cunt ever "asking" any other cunt to shut up, since it's typically expressed as a demand or threat.
- We all know Actions speak louder than Words aye mate.
- Which is.... what exactly? Coz it ain't simply being direct, as you so often proclaim to be, where instead overwhelmingly tending towards being shamelessly unreasonable and just straight up fuckin' unnecessarily judgemental about every bloody thing while hypocritically pointing out any tiny little subjectively perceived shortcoming you believe you see in others, yet furthermore simultaneously also apparently being entirely oblivious to demonstrating the very same shit yourself in the process.
- What you typically do, ain't being direct mate.
- I am, right now, demonstrating actual directness with this post, as I have done with the prior two, and which you may or may not have noticed, is significantly unlike your typically presented pseudo-"directness" used for veiling your penchant for personal attacks against others—including against me.
- Of course I wouldn't be at all surprised if you choose to erroneously interpret my actual directness here as being "an attack", or "offensive", or whatever the mcfuck you choose to imagine, and yet regardless, the simple reality is that I have merely *talked to you in such a manner as you seem to mistakenly believe you *TALK to others, with the obvious difference here being that I have done nothing more than highlighting the actual reality, whereas you more often resort to fabricating &/or distorting everything to confirm to your own currently held subjective perceptions & conceptions of the external objective world. Believe it or not, I am actually doing you a huge favor, holding up a mirror so you can look upon your-actual-self.
Ahhh, eye sea.Errrrrrr, I am always direct in my speech IRL.
This is literally a shitpost forum you absolute shit eater.
Mushroom twat =/= 'everyone else' you literal braindead narc.Ahhh, eye sea.
So basically your view of is as, which is what?... Mungri's personal self-aggrandizement platform, coz only Mungri matters, fuck everyone else aye.
Mushroom twat =/= 'everyone else' you literal braindead narc.
Like mother like son I suppose, your brain is as riddled with failure as that of your skank ass whore of a mother.
It's no wonder your father abandoned you, in you all he sees is the shameful, pathetic and worthless failure you turned out to be.