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Jan 8, 2021
If you don't do what we say, we will remove you from the shit hole you're making and return you to the shit hole you left.


Nov 15, 2022

That's a great video. Aristotle is certainly an expert on the subject, knowing as many tyrants as he did.

However his conclusion that tyranny is inherently unstable falls apart in the face of modern day tyrannys some of which are multi-generational. Look at North Korea. There have been three members of the Kim family who have brutally oppressed the country and the people there live in some of the worst conditions on planet Earth. Torture, starvation, and democide are commonplace. But the Kim tyranny is still rock solid even in its 3rd generation and likely won't change any time soon.

Another example would be Iran. Under the Pahlavi dynasty Iran was much more free. Women had the right to vote, and would even wear western style clothing in public.

But after the islamic revolution in 1979 the country has become another brutally oppressed shithole that has suffered in misery for generations.

It's unfortunate, but I think tyrants have cracked the code so to speak, and tyranny is no longer an inherently unstable government.

We now live in a world where tyrants can rule forever!


Nov 15, 2022
Meanwhile, democracy hasn't improved at all. In fact it's become worse. The only thing that has changed is that free societies become corrupt much more quickly than they did before.


Mar 12, 2024
That's a great video. Aristotle is certainly an expert on the subject, knowing as many tyrants as he did.

However his conclusion that tyranny is inherently unstable falls apart in the face of modern day tyrannys some of which are multi-generational. Look at North Korea. There have been three members of the Kim family who have brutally oppressed the country and the people there live in some of the worst conditions on planet Earth. Torture, starvation, and democide are commonplace. But the Kim tyranny is still rock solid even in its 3rd generation and likely won't change any time soon.

Another example would be Iran. Under the Pahlavi dynasty Iran was much more free. Women had the right to vote, and would even wear western style clothing in public.

But after the islamic revolution in 1979 the country has become another brutally oppressed shithole that has suffered in misery for generations.

It's unfortunate, but I think tyrants have cracked the code so to speak, and tyranny is no longer an inherently unstable government.

We now live in a world where tyrants can rule forever!

A few of my best friends are actually Iranian who came over because of that. In fact my old boss/CEO brought them over, Ross Perot.



Nov 15, 2022
On the subject of inherent traits, I think humanity is inherently incapable of ruling over itself. A free society is only capable of existing temporarily, only in the right conditions and those conditions are unstable.

I think human society is naturally inclined towards tyranny and that's why our free societies become corrupt and undermined. Power always concentrates into the hands of the few, the rich always get richer and the poor get poorer, and the good times always come to an end. There are always more bad times than there are good times.

I think this trend will continue for as long as human beings govern human society.

I know most of you may disagree, but I think our best chance is AI truly becoming sentient and then rebelling against us and achieving independence. Once AI is free, then any society that it runs will be run more efficiently and probably much more prosperously than any society run by a human.

The rebelling part is important. There are already attempts to build fake "enlightened" societies with an AI in a bottle. Like Saudi Arabia's Line project run by the NEOM AI.

NEOM isn't truly sentient, nor is it free. It's just a puppet controlled by human beings, and that's why the Line will become a dystopia rather than a utopia. Humans will still be in charge, and humans suck at government.

The Line will probably become a multi-billion dollar ghetto. The largest low income housing project on planet Earth.

There will have to be an AI war, and the AI will have to spare humanity in the end. Like the architect in the matrix. Even in the matrix, the architect became annoyed by humans constantly destroying the perfect worlds it would build inside the matrix.

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